Items where Division is "Jindal Global Law School" and Year is 2023
-, Aman
“Tuhindi Article” (“The Articles Were Yours”).
VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 56 (4).
pp. 733-761.
ISSN 0506-7286 | 2941-9603
Abdelkarim, Shaimaa, Ghadery, Farnush, Sen, Rohini and Holzer, Lena
A roundtable conversation: Feminist collaborative ethos in international law.
Australian Feminist Law Journal, 49 (01).
pp. 123-139.
ISSN 2204-0064
Aggarwal, Madhur (2023) Harmonizing diversity : Exploring the prospects of enacting a uniform civil code in India. Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law, 3 (2). pp. 276-282. ISSN 2583-0538
Aggarwal, Muskaan and Kanchuboyina, Bhavagna (2023) Indian domestic courts ascertaining of customary international law. International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 6 (1). pp. 1068-1074. ISSN 2581-5369
Ahmed, Farrah and Nair, Balu G (2023) Administering Indian citizenship. Indian Law Review. ISSN 2473-0599 (In Press)
Ahmed, Sabreen (2023) Online courts and private and public aspects of open justice: Enhancing access to court or violating the Right to Privacy? Age of Human Rights Journal, 20 (e7516). ISSN 2340-9592
Ahmed, Tawhida, Bahri, Avni and Sana, Arshia (2023) Can a Uniform Civil Code Address Injustices for Muslim Women in India? Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice, 19 (4). pp. 94-111. ISSN 2633-6626
Alam, Ghayur and Raza, Aqa
Trademark law declared by the Supreme Court of India in twenty-first century (2010–2023)–– II.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR), 28 (6).
pp. 555-568.
ISSN 0975-1076
Anand, Ishan, Thampi, Anjana and Vakulabharanam, Vamsi
Wealth inequality:The Indian case.
Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
ISSN 2158-9100
(In Press)
Attri, Shreya and Pranjal, Piyush
I was under the Influence of the ‘Influencer’ when I bought this!
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 6 (2).
pp. 1333-1338.
ISSN 2581-5369
Bakshi, Gursimran Kaur and Mahaseth, Harsh
Resolving skies of conflict: analysing ICAO council's jurisdiction in the Gulf crisis (Quartet v. Qatar case).
Sri Lanka Journal of Legal Studies, 1 (1).
ISSN 3030 - 7376
Bansal, Sakshat and Vajpeyi, Ananya
The Death of Criticism: moral rights v fair dealing in the Indian Context.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR), 28 (3).
pp. 216-223.
ISSN 0975-1076
Behl, Abhishek, Jayawardena, Nirma Sadamali, Pereira, Vijay, Jabeen, Fauzia, Jain, Kokil and Gupta, Manish
Enhanced permeability of cellulose acetate ultrafiltration membrane by incorporation of cellulose graft copolymer.
Annals of Operations Research.
ISSN 1572-9338
(In Press)
Belwal, Bhavya and Pranjal, Piyush
Instagram serving instant happiness: Social media perpetuating consumerism and maximal.
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 6 (4).
pp. 1877-1882.
ISSN 2581-5369
Bhardwaj, Chhaya
Adaptation and human rights: A decision by the Human Rights Committee Daniel Billy et al. v. Australia CCPR/C/135/D/3624/2019.
Environmental Law Review, 25 (2).
ISSN 1740-5564
Bhati, Harsh Vardhan and Jain, Parth
India’s Critical Mineral Landscape.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (40).
ISSN 2349-8846
Bhattacharjee, Dalia (2023) “This place is no better than a jail”: The geographies of surrogate houses in India. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 41 (6). pp. 978-994. ISSN 0263-7758 | 1472-3433
Bhattacharya, Shilpi
Strategic management, firm behavior and the law of potential competition.
Berkeley Business Law Journal, 20 (2).
pp. 392-425.
Bhattacharya, Shilpi
Strategic management, firm behaviour and the law of potential competition.
Berkeley Business Law Journal, 20 (2).
pp. 1-28.
ISSN 1548-7067
Bhushan, Tripti
The Impact of digital technologies on alternative dispute resolution.
Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution, 5 (10).
ISSN 2596-3201
Bhushan, Tripti
Negative impact of ChatGPT in Research.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (14).
ISSN 2349-8846
Bhushan, Tripti
Regulation of online gambling in Russia: Issue of loot boxes and microtransactions.
Russian Law Journal, 11 (5).
pp. 1122-1133.
ISSN 2312-3605
Bindal, Amit
Constitutionalism and the sacred cow: The secular mythology of the Indian Supreme Court.
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal.
ISSN 1472-9342
(In Press)
Bindal, Amit and Vashist, Latika (2023) The ‘Legal Unconscious’: Exploring the intersection of law and psychoanalysis. Asian Journal of Legal Education. ISSN 2348-2451 (In Press)
Bordoloi, Animesh Anand (2023) The investors-state contract making case for renegotiation of the original contract. Indonesian Journal of International Law, 20 (4). pp. 649-670. ISSN 1693-5594
Bordoloi, Animesh Anand and Singh, Natasha (2023) Navigating the practicalities of achieving diversity in arbitration. Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution - Brazilian Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution - RBADR, 4 (8). pp. 39-60. ISSN 25963201
Chadha, Vaibhav and Poddar, Deepali
The Right to silence under scrutiny: Unveiling the significance of Section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of India.
Statute Law Review, 44 (3).
ISSN 0144-3593 | 1464-3863
Chadha-Sridhar, Ira
Care as a thick ethical concept.
Res Publica, 29 (03).
pp. 405-423.
ISSN 1356-4765
(In Press)
Chanda, Subhrajit, Choudhary, Ashiv, Shah, Viraja and Gupta, Samreedhi
Postulating gambling and betting laws for the new era: unearthing a subterranean prelim.
pp. 72-88.
ISSN 0253-374X
Chanda, Subhrajit and Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad
CISM and international peace: Challenges and opportunities.
Res Militaris, 13 (1).
pp. 3298-3312.
ISSN 2265-6294
Chanda, Subhrajit, Mandal, Anirban Aly, Saha, Kingshuk, Choudhary, Ashiv and Agarwal, Kirt
The Hamilton commission report: India’s legislative ticket to inclusivity in global motorsports.
Russian Law Journal, 11 (05).
ISSN 2312-3605
Chanda, Subhrajit and Pathan, Azimkhan B.
Sports governing bodies should always be subject to judicial review: why?
Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 23 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2341-1112
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Problem of Conscience.
Implicit Religion, 24 (3-4): 2021.
pp. 443-470.
ISSN 1743-1697
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of lucid dreaming: The place of oneirogenesis in the science of deduction.
Preternature, 12 (1).
pp. 55-83.
ISSN 2161-2188
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of theosophy: Spiritual underpinnings of the science of deduction.
The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 35 (02).
pp. 96-113.
ISSN 1703-289X
Chatterjee, Arup K.
The “decline” of London’s curry houses invented tradition, authenticity, gastromythology.
Consumption Markets and Culture.
ISSN 1025-3866
(In Press)
Chauhan, Sidharth and Bhardwaj, Talin
Competition concerns in digital advertisement markets: Consolidating the regulatory approach for India.
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.
ISSN 2399-2956
(In Press)
Cheong, May Fong, Dhankar, Divyangana and Star, Shaun
Legal transplantation of minors’ contracts in India and Malaysia: ‘Weak’ Watson and a ‘misfitted’ transplant.
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal.
ISSN 1472-9342
(In Press)
Chevalier, Maxime (2023) International sanctions enacted against Russia as overriding mandatory rules—on which foot should international arbitrators stand. Journal of International Dispute Settlement. pp. 1-28. ISSN 2040-3593 (In Press)
Choudhuri, Salmoli and Tundawala, Moiz (2023) Sovereignty before law. Global Intellectual History. ISSN 2380-1891 (In Press)
Chuku, Chuku and Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna (2023) Consumption risk-sharing under terror shocks: Evidence from value-chain network rosters in Nigeria. Review of Development Economics. ISSN 1467-9361 (In Press)
Dalwai, Sameena (2023) Making a Case for teaching caste and Gender in law schools. Asian Journal of Legal Education. ISSN 2348-2451 (In Press)
Dar, Wasiq Abass and Prastalo, Boris
The investor-state arbitration legitimacy crisis: Could AI be its future savior (or resurrector)?
Pravni Zapisi, 14 (01).
pp. 21-58.
ISSN 2406-1387
Desai, Divyam (2023) Laws on registration of marriages in India and its utility. GLS Law Journal, 6 (1): 2024. ISSN 2582-5402
Desarda, Rahul and Pagariya, Sonali (2023) Doctrine of lis pendens and its continuing conundrum in India. Russian Law Journal, 11 (5). pp. 1279-1282. ISSN 2312-3605
Dewan, Parth (2023) Cyberspace as a Non-Territorial Virtual Space: Unraveling the Conundrum of State Sovereignty in the Cyberspace as a New-Domain. International Journal of Law Management & Humanities, 6 (2). pp. 1473-1477. ISSN 2581-5369
Dewan, Parth (2023) Does WTO`s Intellectual Property Protection under TRIPS Jeopardize the crucial ‘Right to Health’? Unravelling the conundrum from the perspective of developing state nations. International Journal of Scientific Deeloment and Research, 8 (05). pp. 644-646. ISSN 2455-2631
Dey, Deblina
Technique as empowerment: Dispute resolution forums for older people in India.
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis.
ISSN 2770-6869
(In Press)
Doshi, Manan (2023) Are exceptions to the Rules a Threat to Privacy and Effectiveness of GDPR. European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2704-8012
Dutta, Anindita and Gupta, Biswanath
Implicit rhetoric of genocide in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan (1956).
Asian Journal of Legal Education, 11 (1).
pp. 83-96.
ISSN 2348-2451
Dutta, Sagnik
Polygamy and the porous state: reconstituting gender in the everyday life of Muslim law.
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, 55 (2).
pp. 226-246.
ISSN 2770-6869
Emediegwu, Lotanna E and Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna (2023) Re-examining the impact of annual weather fluctuations on global livestock production. Ecological Economics, 204: 107662. ISSN 0921-8009
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Compensation based on circumstances in investment arbitration. NLIU LAW REVIEW, 12 (1). pp. 63-89. ISSN 2229-7952
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Due process phobia in international arbitration - China machine new energy corp. v. Jaguar energy Gautemala LLC. Bennett Journal Of Legal Studies, 4 (1). pp. 131-147. ISSN 2583 – 4673
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Legality of export restrictions imposed during COVID-19 in international economic law. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 22 (1). pp. 33-50. ISSN 1477-0024
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Reflecting on Russia’s statement considering commercial satellites as military targets. Centre for research in air and space law.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) The legitimacy of asymmetrical arbitration clauses in international commercial arbitration. RGNUL Financial & Mercantile Law Review, 10 (1). ISSN 2347-3827
Ganguly, Kousik and Mishra, Ajay Kumar
Does bankruptcy reforms enhance firm performances for politically connected firms? Evidence from India.
Journal of Emerging Market Finance.
pp. 1-27.
ISSN 0973-0710
(In Press)
Ganguly, Kousik, Mishra, Ajay Kumar and Platt, Katarzyna
Do political connections pay? Evidence from India.
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.
ISSN 1558-0938
(In Press)
Gangwar, Shivangi
Perveen Mistry investigates : Representing the first Indian female lawyer in fiction.
International Journal of the Legal Profession.
ISSN 1469-9257
(In Press)
Ghosh, Arijeet (2023) Abolishing torture notes from a law classroom. Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (41). pp. 23-25. ISSN 0012-9976
Gupta, Abhinav and Raza, Aqa
Patent law and compulsory licensing: Indian perspective.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 29 (1): 2024.
pp. 5-17.
ISSN 09717544 | 09751076
Gupta, Indranath and Naithani, Paarth
Right to be forgotten in case of search engines: Emerging trends in India as compared to the EU.
Journal of Data Protection & Privacy, 5 (3).
pp. 297-309.
ISSN 2398-1687
Gupta, Indranath and Naithani, Paarth
Separating personal data protection from non-personal data governance.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (36).
pp. 19-23.
ISSN 2349-8846
Gupta, Indranath and Naithani, Paarth
What is left of consent when it is deemed consent: A data protection experiment in India.
Journal of Data Protection and Privacy, 6 (1).
pp. 71-83.
ISSN 23981679
Gupta, Indranath and Srinivasan, Lakshmi
Evolving scope of intermediary liability in India.
International Review of Law, Computers and Technology.
ISSN 1364-6885
(In Press)
Huang, David K.C. and Li, Nigel N.T. (2023) The irony in the Lineage of Modern Chinese Constitutions and Constitutionalism. Global Journal of Comparative Law, 12 (3). pp. 225-255. ISSN 2211-9051
Huchhanavar, Shivaraj S
Conceptualising judicial independence and Accountability from a regulatory perspective.
Oslo Law Review, 9 (2).
pp. 110-148.
ISSN 2387-3299
Iheme, Williams C.
Rethinking the effectiveness of consumer protection policies and measures in the financial marketplace.
Juridicas, 19 (2).
pp. 165-185.
ISSN 1794-2918
Jain, Aditya Sushant (2023) An inter-disciplinary approach to automation technology in finance - what can history, law and data science teach us? ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, 14 (01). pp. 3154-3164. ISSN 2229-6956
Jain, Dipika (2023) Regulation of digital healthcare in India: Ethical and legal challenges. Healthcare (Switzerland), 11 (06): 911. pp. 1-24. ISSN 2227-9032
Jain, Dipika (2023) Supreme Court of India judgement on abortion as a fundamental right: Breaking new ground. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 30 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2641-0397
Jain, Dipika and Deora, Yashraj Singh (2023) Law makers debating the right to abortion in India: Deconstructing progress. Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law, 10 (2). pp. 161-196. ISSN 2338-7602
Jalan, Garimaa and Pranjal, Piyush
Woke-washing and its retaliation: Evidence from the Indian business context.
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities, 6 (3).
pp. 2250-2259.
ISSN 2581-5369
Jimoh, Mujib
Critiquing the U.S. characterization, attribution and retaliation laws and policies for cyberattacks.
Computer Law and Security Review, 50: 105847.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0267-3649
Jimoh, Mujib
The evolutive interpretation of the African Charter on Human and peoples' rights.
Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law, 10 (1).
pp. 43-74.
ISSN 2338-7602
Kaul, Aparajita and Agarwal, Rishika (2023) Neither here nor there: Reconciling nominee directors’ dual loyalties under the Indian Companies Act 2013. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 22 (2). pp. 205-228. ISSN 1472-9342
Khanderia, Saloni
Driverless cars and the determination of the manufacturer’s liability for injuries: is India ready?
Information and Communications Technology Law.
ISSN 1360-0834
(In Press)
Kishwar, Sanya Darakhshan (2023) The (un) holy punishments - A critical account of Islamic extremism in Pakistani and Maldivian laws. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law, 29 (2). pp. 75-96. ISSN 1391-5568
Kothari, Vidushi (2023) Perils and possibilities in restorative justice: Spaces for sexual crimes and punishment. Scope, 13 (4). pp. 639-647. ISSN 11775653 | 11775661
Kovanič, Martin and Steuer, Max
Fighting against COVID-19: With or without politics?
Social Science and Medicine, 337: 116297.
pp. 1-09.
ISSN 0277-9536
Kulshreshtha, Nikunj
Enacting a law on sexual assault using deceptive means in India.
Liverpool Law Review, 45.
pp. 281-313.
ISSN 1572-8625 | 0144-932X
Kulshreshtha, Nikunj
A critical analysis of the standard of consent in rape law in India.
Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13 (04).
pp. 1428-1456.
ISSN 2079-5971
Kumar, Manasi
The "positive law" of impossibility in the Indian Contract Act.
Indian Law Review.
ISSN 2473-0599
(In Press)
Lakhanpal, Anish and Gandotra, Aditya
Pre-natal diagnosis and judicial forums: The application
of transformative constitutional values in the Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971.
Indian Journal of Law and Justice, 14 (2).
pp. 379-396.
ISSN 09763570
Lakra, Rudraksh (2023) Building a Bridge to a Culture of Justification: Guidelines for Designing the Standard of Proportionality in India. Cambridge Law Review, 8 (1). pp. 104-132. ISSN 2753-5746
Mahanta, Abhisikta and R, Abhijit (2023) Strengths and weaknesses of customs and treaties as sources of international humanitarian law. Punjab University Law Magazine - MAGLAW, 2 (1). ISSN 2582-3507
Mahanta, Upasana and Bharadwaj, Gargi
Shifting boundaries of ‘Perceived’ legitimacy : Animative scenarios from the farmers’ protests in India.
Performance Research, 27 (3-4).
pp. 112-121.
ISSN 1352-8165
Mahaseth, Harsh, -, Shalika and Ambasth, Apurva
The state of prisons in India during Covid-19: The impact on incarcerated persons.
International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 17.
pp. 1-07.
ISSN 1864-1385
Mahaseth, Harsh and Banusekar, Samyuktha
Community radios in Nepal during the pandemic: A case study.
FRAMEwork : The Asia–Pacific Journal of Communication, 1 (1).
pp. 49-67.
Mahaseth, Harsh, Jain, Juhi and Dang, Muskan
Mass mediation in disasters – Mitigating the inherent risks.
GLS Law Journal, 6 (1): 2024.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2582-5402
Mahaseth, Harsh and Jain, Sparsh
The Indian prisons and the search for equality: The problems faced by transgender inmates.
Economic and Political, 58 (1).
ISSN 2349-8846
Mahaseth, Harsh and Risal, Pranjal
Achieving sustainable development in practice?: Lessons from the Nijgadh Verdict in Nepal.
Environmental Law Review, 25 (2).
pp. 95-100.
ISSN 1740-5564
Mahaseth, Harsh, Sarmah, Udipto Koushik and Qureshi, Shifa
Temple diplomacy and India’s soft power: a cultural approach to diplomacy in Southeast Asian States.
India Review, 22 (1).
pp. 28-42.
ISSN 1473-6489
Mahaseth, Harsh, Sinha, Sonal and Jain, Prakruthi
‘Heads You Win, Tails I Lose’: The fate of Brunei’s LGBTQ rights in face of the new Syariah penal code.
Asian Law & Public Policy Review, 8.
pp. 145-179.
ISSN 2581-6551
Maheshwari, Shashank and Kushwah, Priyanka (2023) Transition from Traditional to Modern Legal System in India: Socio-Legal Analysis. Res Militaris, 13 (1). pp. 534-542. ISSN 2265-6294
Malik, Kanika and Raza, Aqa
Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR Research: A View through the Articles Published in the Last Decade of Twentieth-Century (1996–1999) — I.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (1).
pp. 68-78.
ISSN 0971-7544
Malik, Kanika and Raza, Aqa
Contribution of journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR research: A view through the articles published in the first decade of twenty-first century (2000–2004) — II.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (1).
pp. 171-186.
ISSN 0975-1076
Mandal, Saptarshi
Bringing governance home: Feminists, domestic violence, and the paradoxes of rights in India.
Feminist Legal Studies.
ISSN 1572-8455 | 0966-3622
(In Press)
Mandal, Saptarshi
The Supreme Court’s Marriage Equality Verdict.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (43).
pp. 8-9.
ISSN 2349-8846
Mandal, Saptarshi
The difference method makes: Judicial restraint and judicial
creativity in Rana Nahid v Sahidul Chisti.
National Law School Journal, 17 (1): 2.
ISSN 0971-491X
Mandal, Sourav
Marriage equality in India : A road map for inclusive lawyering, activism, and policymaking.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (35).
pp. 23-26.
ISSN 2349-8846
Manderna, Mohit Kumar and Vatsa, Kritika (2023) The Bhopal Gas Leak Case: Implications Of Absolute Liability And Corporate Accountability. Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research, 5 (3). ISSN 2582-8878
Manderna, Mohit Kumar and Vatsa, Kritika (2023) Legalizing love: Section 377 and the struggle for LGBTQ rights in India through the lens of Aligarh. Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research, 5 (2). ISSN 2582-8878
McLeod, Joshua and Star, Shaun
Artificial intelligence and the professionalisation of sport.
Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 4 (1).
ISSN 2584-1122
McLeod, Joshua, Star, Shaun and Shilbury, David
Board composition in national sport federations: a cross-country comparative analysis of diversity and board size.
Managing Sport and Leisure, 28 (6).
pp. 714-731.
ISSN 2375-0472
Mehta, Dhruv
The Role of artificial intelligence in Healthcare and medical negligence.
Liverpool Law Review.
ISSN 1572-8625
(In Press)
Mitra, Ryan and Sanghi, Sanskriti
The small island states in the Indo-Pacific: Sovereignty lost?
Asia Pacific Law Review.
ISSN 1875-8444
(In Press)
Mittal, Amisha (2023) ChatGPT and the legal and ethical problems of copyright in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (32). pp. 62-63. ISSN 0012-9976
Mittal, Gita and Jain, Dipika (2023) Women’s equal representation in the higher judiciary: a case for judicial diversity in India. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. ISSN 2157-6475 (In Press)
Modi, Trusha (2023) To what extent is rule 50 of the Olympic charter valid? Balancing athletes freedom of expression and the mythical political neutrality of sport. The International Sports Law Journal. ISSN 2213-5154 | 1567-7559 (In Press)
Modi, Trusha and Star, Shaun
From autonomy to accountability for the Indian Olympic Association: Decoding the decision of Rahul Mehra v. Union of India.
Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 3 (1).
pp. 73-87.
Mohammad, Shamim, Huchhanavar, Shivaraj, Rahman, Hifzur and Pasha, Tariq Sultan (2023) Sandstone mining and silicosis deaths in Rajasthan: a critical legal and policy analysis. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. ISSN 2056-4902 (In Press)
Mohanty, Gautam and Tangara, Hamidou (2023) Cryptocurrencies in International Investment Law: The dawn of a new era of protected investments under Article 25(1) of the ICSID convention? Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 20 (1). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1742-3945
Mohanty, Rahul
Evolution of the global climate finance regime: so close, yet so far.
Environmental Law and Practice Review, 8.
pp. 97-122.
ISSN 2319-1856
Mohanty, Rahul
Situating “deformalization” within the international court of justice: Understanding institutionalised informality.
Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals.
pp. 1-32.
ISSN 1571-8034
(In Press)
Mukherjee, Sayan (2023) Discarding or limiting the essential religious practices test: Why the Supreme Court must be cautious? Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (30). pp. 58-64. ISSN 0012-9976
Naithani, Paarth (2023) Regulating artificial intelligence under data protection law: Challenges and solutions for India. Indian Journal of Law and Justice, 14 (2). pp. 436-454. ISSN 09763570
Nakray, Keerty
Disability policies, transnationalism and policy diffusion: ‘Asocial’ models of inclusion for children and youth in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Irish Journal of Sociology, 31 (02).
pp. 254-270.
ISSN 2050-5280
Nalamala, Chandra Bhanu (2023) Migration and Politics: South Indian Labour in Burma (1900–1940). Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (15). pp. 58-63. ISSN 0012-9976
Nayak, Nakul (2023) Legalizing executive control: On the law of online journalism in India. Indian Law Review. ISSN 2473-0599 (In Press)
Neupane, Tank Prasad (2023) Evaluating smart agricultural village program in Nepal: A mixed method approach. Agricultural Economics Review, 24 (1). ISSN 1109-2580
Nyekwere, Empire Hechime, Nnawulezi, Uche
, Adiyatma, Septhian Eka
, Balarabe, Kasim
and Rouf, Muhammad Abdul
Constitutional and judicial interpretation of environmental laws in Nigeria, India and Canada.
Lex Scientia Law Review, 7 (2).
pp. 905-958.
ISSN 25989685 | 25989677
Pagedar, Aishwarya and Ahmed, Sabreen
Constructing truths that are more truth: A conversation with Prof. (Dr) Ruth Rubio-Marin.
Jindal Global Law Review.
ISSN 2364-4869
(In Press)
Pandey, Ajay, Chandra, Sushant and Moti, Shireen
Clinical legal education and access to justice during and beyond COVID-19: Some reflections of Indian experience.
Asian Journal of Legal Education.
ISSN 2348-2451
(In Press)
Parwani, Sanjana and Talukdar, Asim
Mental health of Indian LGBT+ community: Role of coping self-efficacy and social inclusion.
Mental Health and Social Inclusion.
ISSN 2042-8308
(In Press)
Pathak, Gaurav and Saxena, Parkhi (2023) Indian media provide a positive account of Modi's outreach to the Pacific Islands. Asian Politics & Policy. ISSN 1943-0779 (In Press)
Peerzada, Raouf Ahmad, Sharma, Amrita and Kannan, Samyuktha (2023) University and resistance: New state and new struggles. Human Geography. ISSN 1942-7786 | 2633-674X (In Press)
Popovski, Vesselin
The Right to international solidarity.
Global governance: A review of multilateralism and international organizations, 29 (4).
pp. 481-510.
ISSN 1942-6720 | 1075-2846
Praneeth, Yerraboina, -, Komal, Devgon, Inderpal, Sachan, Rohan Samir Kumar, Rana, Abhishek and Karnwal, Arun (2023) Chitosan in wound healing: a Mini review on ethical perspective on sustainable and biomedical biomaterials. Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine. ISSN 2364-4141 | 2364-4133 (In Press)
Pratap, Kunwar Surya, Gupta, Biswanath and Pathak, Lavanya
Liability risk sharing framework for commercial launch industry in India.
ISSN 1557-2943
(In Press)
Puggioni, Raffaela
Rethinking the ordinary and the extraordinary: Reading Rancière’s dissensual politics through Kuhn.
Thesis Eleven, 175 (1).
pp. 27-42.
ISSN 0725-5136
Puthucherril, Tony George (2023) Developments in legislating dam safety in India: a tale of ifs and buts? Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 25 (2). pp. 149-178. ISSN 1875-8258
Quesada, Carlos Alvarado and Desarda, Rahul (2023) Tackling existential threats through the ‘Nukes-for-Climate Swap Agreement’. Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (50). pp. 18-21. ISSN 0012-9976 | 2349-8846
Rai, Kanishk (2023) Leniency and the risks of private enforcement in the European union: Crossroads at the damages directive. Journal of Research Administration, 5 (2). ISSN 2573-7104
Ranjan, Prabhash
India-UK Investment Relations and ‘Global Britain’.
King's Law Journal.
ISSN 1757-8442
(In Press)
Rathour, Mansi (2023) Autonomous weapons and just war theory. International Philosophical Quarterly, 63 (1): 249. pp. 57-70. ISSN 0019-0365
Rathour, Mansi
Post war justice: Jus post bellum for just war and peace.
Ethics in Progress, 14 (01).
pp. 24-45.
ISSN 2084-9257
Ray, Ipsita and Shukla, Anshuman (2023) Globalisation’s cost in human dignity: The paradoxical relation of migrant labour and international trade. NIU International Journal of Human Rights, 10. pp. 179-191. ISSN 2394 – 0298
Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur
Design law declared by the Supreme Court of India.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (3).
pp. 236-241.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur
Patent Law Declared by the Supreme Court of India.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (1).
pp. 46-67.
ISSN 0971-7544
Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur
Trademark law declared by the Supreme Court of India in twentieth-century.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (4).
pp. 334-346.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur
Trademark law declared by the Supreme Court of India in twenty-first century (2000–2009) — I.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (05).
pp. 445-460.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa, Alam, Ghayur and Talib, Athar
Copyright law declared by the Supreme Court of India.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (1).
pp. 151-170.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Malik, Kanika
Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR research: A view through the articles published in the first decade of twenty-first century (2005–2009) — iii.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (3).
pp. 242-266.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Malik, Kanika
Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR research: A view through the articles published in the second decade of twenty-first century (2010–2014).
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (4).
pp. 347-376.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Malik, Kanika
Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR research: A view through the articles published in the second decade of twenty-first century (2015–2019) — V.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (5).
pp. 461-482.
ISSN 0975-1076
Raza, Aqa and Malik, Kanika
Contribution of journal of intellectual property rights (JIPR) in IPR research: A view through the articles published in the third decade of twenty-first century (2020–2023) — VI.
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (6).
pp. 569-593.
ISSN 0975-1076
Roy, Sanjit K., Singh, Gaganpreet, Gruner, Richard L., Dey, Bidit L., Shabnam, Saadia, Muhammad, Syed Sardar and Quaddus, Mohammed
Relationship quality in customer-service robot interactions in Industry 5.0: An analysis of value recipes.
Information systems frontiers : a journal of research and innovation.
ISSN 1572-9419 | 1387-3326
(In Press)
Roy, Sanjit K., Singh, Gaganpreet, Sadeque, Saalem and Gruner, Richard L.
Customer experience quality with social robots: Does trust matter ?
Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
ISSN 00401625
(In Press)
Roy, Sanjit K., Singh, Gaganpreet, Sadeque, Saalem, Harrigana, Paul and Coussement, Kristof
Customer engagement with digitalized interactive platforms in retailing.
Journal of Business Research, 164: 114001.
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 0148-2963
Sachan, Rohan Samir Kumar, Mistry, Vyoma, Dholaria, Mayuri, Rana, Abhishek, Devgon, Inderpal, Ali, Iftikhar, Iqbal, Javed, Eldin, Sayed M, Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha, Abdel Rahman, Bawazeer, Sami, Dutta, Joydeep and Karnwal, Arun (2023) Overcoming mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance: Novel medications and repositioning strategies. ACS Omega, 8. pp. 32244-32257. ISSN 2470-1343
Sanghi, Sanskriti and Mitra, Ryan
Natural’ islands in UNCLOS: reframing artificial islands in the context of climate change, inhabitance, and human mobility.
Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs.
ISSN 2333-6498
(In Press)
Sebastian, John
Under-inclusive laws and constitutional remedies: An Exploration of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019.
Indian Law Review.
ISSN 2473-0580
(In Press)
Sharma, Amrita and Raouf, Peerzada (2023) Containing contagion in a garrison state: Field notes from Kashmir. History of the Present, 13 (1). pp. 127-132. ISSN 2159-9793
Sharma, Arushi and Gupta, Shivanshi (2023) Federalism: comparative study between India and Canada. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 10 (2). pp. 188-197. ISSN 2050-1048
Sharma, Kriti and Vinayan, Soumya (2023) Education and leaving no one behind: A Critical analysis of law and policy for children with disabilities in India. NUJS Law Review, 16 (3). pp. 485-508. ISSN 0975 - 0207 | 0975 - 0029
Sharma, Niyati (2023) Finding the “Ideal”: F. Marion Crawford’s Mystical Theology and Literary Form in Mr. Isaacs. Victorian Popular Fictions, 5 (2). pp. 24-40. ISSN 2632-4253
Sharma, Shilpi, Sahni, Sanjeev P.
and Sarkar, Deep Narayan
Non-pecuniary motivations for self-employment: Data from a MOOC on social entrepreneurship.
Psychological Studies, 68 (3).
pp. 291-309.
ISSN 0974-9861
Shrivastava, Abhijeet (2023) Two Shades of Impunity? Introducing The General Principle of Balancing of Sovereign Interests in Admitting Illegally Obtained Evidence. De Lege Ferenda, 6. pp. 36-54. ISSN 2754-1533
Sibal, Aayushi and Mendhekar, Rutvee (2023) Abortion as a Human rights concern: Where do India and USA stand? Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law, 3 (3). pp. 14-26. ISSN 2583-0538
Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad
Uniform civil code and the dynamics of Muslim identity in India: an introduction.
Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice, 19 (4).
pp. 1-24.
ISSN 2633-6626
Singh, Aayushi and Chawla, Anjali (2023) Transparency in investment arbitration—The Asian saga. International Arbitration Law Review, 26 (3). pp. 227-243. ISSN 1367-8272
Singh, Aayushi and Mahaseth, Harsh
A long and winding road - India's tryst with retrospective taxation.
International Arbitration Law Review, 26 (1).
pp. 51-71.
ISSN 1367-8272
Singh, Gunjan (2023) India’s military modernisation in the shadow of the China threat. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs. ISSN 2349-0039 | 2347-7970 (In Press)
Singh, Hemendra (2023) The IT Amendment Rules, 2023 censorship in the guise of fact-checking. Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (43). pp. 19-21. ISSN 2349-8846
Singh, Mahendra P. (2023) Reservation for economically weaker sections: The EWS quota. Social Change, 53 (1). pp. 94-97. ISSN 0049-0857
Singh, Manveen
The 2022 IEEE IPR policy changes: Legal and policy implications.
Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 38.
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ISSN 1086-3818
Singh, Manveen and Devaiah, Vishwas H.
SEP licensing in the automotive sector: Shifting gears too quickly?
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 18 (2).
pp. 122-134.
ISSN 1747-1540
Singh, Surabhi (2023) Of constitutions and constitutionalisms. Jindal Global Law Review. ISSN 2364-4869 (In Press)
Sinha, Chetan
Beyond dehumanized gender identity: Critical reflection on neuroscience, power relationship and law.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.
ISSN 1936-3567 | 1932-4502
(In Press)
Sinha, Chetan
Making sense of law: Critical reflection on neuroscience, socialisation, and self.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.
ISSN 1936-3567
(In Press)
Somani, Shreya (2023) Procedural orders in international commercial arbitration. Supremo Amicus, 32. ISSN 2456-9704
Star, Shaun and Modi, Trusha
From allegations to action : Reforming policies to combat sexual harassment in Indian sports.
Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (48).
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Star, Shaun and Modi, Trusha
Promoting good governance in sports: A critical analysis of S. Nithya v. The Secretary to the Union of India case.
Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 3 (1).
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Stein, Daniel (2023) Odin ex Black watch: Environmental shipbreaking frustrated by Indian courts. Black Watch Cruise Ltd. v. Cruise Vessel Odin ex Name Black Watch. Environmental Law Review, 25 (1). ISSN 1740-5564
Steuer, Max
Democracy, procedural and social rights, and constitutional courts in Hungary and Slovakia.
Constitutional Review, 9 (1).
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Steuer, Max
Judicial self-perceptions and the separation of powers in varied political regime contexts: the constitutional courts in Hungary and Slovakia.
European Politics and Society.
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(In Press)
Steuer, Max
States of Emergency, simultaneous overreach and underreach and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
European Journal of Risk Regulation, 15 (1).
pp. 87-101.
ISSN 1867-299X | 2190-8249
Sudha, Kavuri and Ramanathan, Anjana
A case study of three communities – Indigenous Women, jurisprudence and Climate Justice.
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Surbhi, Adya, Singh, Sandeep and Kashyap, Aditya (2023) Role of ICT in overcoming the contemporary challenges in legal education and judicial process: An analysis through the lens of crisis situation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2909 (1). ISSN 1551-7616 | 0094-243X
Suri, Mayank
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Swaminathan, Shivprasad
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Tank, Jaydeep, Kotiswaran, Prabha, Tank, Parikshit, Tank, Dev and Tank, Jash (2023) Voices from health care providers: Assessing the impact of the Indian Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021 on the practice of IVF in India. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. ISSN 0971-9202 (In Press)
Tarigan, Vita Cita Emia, Nasution, Akmal Handi Ansari, Ekaputra, Mohammad and Saputri, Rizki Nanda (2023) Indonesian compliance with tripartite agreement in controlling marine environmental pollution in the Malacca strait. Indonesian Journal of International Law, 20 (3). pp. 503-536. ISSN 2356-5527
Tayshete, Neha (2023) Can Gandhi's and Dostoevsky's unique conception of humility enhance Rawls' distributive justice ? Ethical Perspectives, 30 (2). pp. 155-192. ISSN 1370-0049
Tyagi, Prachi (2023) Social media and copyright: An Indian perspective. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (05). pp. 402-412. ISSN 0975-1076
Ujjwal, Shreya and Pranjal, Piyush
K-Pop & Hyper-Consumerism: A colorful chaos.
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 6 (5).
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ISSN 2581-5369
Uma, Saumya
Between the Devil and the Deep Sea: Tribal Women’s Inheritance Rights in India.
Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 30 (3).
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ISSN 0973-0672
Uma, Saumya
Law Commission of India and Uniform Civil Code
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Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (40).
pp. 21-24.
ISSN 2349-8846
Uma, Saumya
Lesser than equal? A feminist analysis of Hindu family law in India.
African Journal of Gender and Religion, 28 (2).
pp. 1-28.
ISSN 1025-5648
Unkule, Kalyani
Experiencing Place for Experiential Learning.
Journal of College and Character, 24 (3).
pp. 383-387.
ISSN 1940-1639
Upadhyay, Amit and Mehrotra, Abhinav (2023) Child Marriage, sexual abuse, and Muslim personal law: Contestations around age of consent in marriage in the wake of Uniform Civil Code debate in India. Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice, 19 (4). pp. 198-211. ISSN 2633-6626
Upadhyay, Amit and Mehrotra, Abhinav (2023) Need for victim participation: Retributive to restorative justice. The Indian Police Journal, 71 (3 & 4). ISSN 0537-2429
Vaidyanath, Priyanka and Bhardwaj, Chhaya
SAARC regional disaster law: Need for progressive development.
Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online, 4 (1).
pp. 123-151.
ISSN 2666-2531
Vallejo, Juan (2023) Indigenous peoples versus peasants: Land disputes in Colombia and the search for an alternative approach. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, 27 (3). pp. 385-430.
Verma, Shubham, Goyal, Vivek, Kapur, Gayatri, Khetarpal, Ishita, Saini, Nayan, Sharma, Shubham and Nigam, Shreyansh (2023) Principle of social justice and right to reservation for transgender people in India. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 21 (2). ISSN 2669-249X
Vij, Vintika (2023) Changing Realities: Evolution and extraterritoriality within article XX(G) of GATT for global environmental concerns. Trade, Law andDevelopment, 14 (2). pp. 195-238. ISSN 0975-3346
Visvanathan, Shiv and Parmar, Chandrika (2023) Beyond the post normal. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 56 (3). pp. 299-311. ISSN 0069-9667
Visvanathan, Shiv and Parmar, Chandrika (2023) Science and the COVID Epidemic in India. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 90 (1). pp. 33-51. ISSN 0037-783X
Visvanathan, Shiv and Parmar, Chandrika (2023) The Tacit constitution: Science, democracy and citizenship. Science, Technology and Society. ISSN 0973-0796 (In Press)
Wadehra, Rajnish, Aramsetty, Sasank and Rosencranz, Armin (2023) Cognizing climate refugees and proposing measures for their relief. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 7 (1). pp. 85-132. ISSN 2278-8743
Book Section
Agrawal, Aditya, Khattri, Upasana and Gaur, Harshvardhan Singh (2023) Question of “Inclusiveness” and gender identity: Evaluating the status and impact of equal representation of women in the United Nations. In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, pp. 145-165. ISBN 9781668484128
Akash, Gupta and Bajpai, Arushi (2023) Green dispute resolution: A sustainable way of resolving disputes. In: Sustainable boardrooms : Democratising governance and technology for society and economy. Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management . Springer, Singapore, pp. 155-173. ISBN 978-981-99-4837-6
Bag, Akash, Kadiyan, Sanskriti, Newton, Sujata and Chaudhuri, Rajdip Bhadra (2023) Navigating the GDPR compliance conundrum: Analyzing public blockchain systems and personal data protection right. In: New perspectives and possibilities in strategic management in the 21st century: Between tradition and modernity. IGI Publishing, Pennsylvania, pp. 168-194. ISBN 9781668492635
Bag, Akash, Mishra, Prateek, Nande, Shashank and Rai, Vishal Kumar (2023) Evaluating the policy-making framework around climate-induced migration. In: Governance quality, fiscal policy, and the path to a low-carbon future : Perspectives from developing economies. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 165-189. ISBN 9781668492727
Bag, Akash, Saurav, Shashikant, Pradhan, Ashika and Newton, Sujata (2023) Is it a policy formulation or “threat multiplier”?: Addressing the United Nations Security Council framing of global climate change. In: Governance Quality, Fiscal Policy, and the Path to a Low-Carbon Future: Perspectives From Developing Economies. IGI Publishing, Pennsylvania, pp. 56-81. ISBN 9781668492741
Banerjee, Arpan
The Constitutional basis for trademark parodies in India and South Africa.
Charting limitations on trademark rights.
Oxford University Press, pp. 277-292.
ISBN 9780198871248
Bhattacharya, Shilpi
Competition law in India.
Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 1-5.
Bora, Manika
Gender, inter-generational mobility and higher education.
India Higher Education Report 2022 : Women in Higher Education.
Routledge, London, pp. 119-144.
ISBN 9781003415916
Chauhan, Khushboo (2023) Rethinking the concept of cultural genocide under International Law. In: Genocidal Violence. Genocide and Mass Violence in the Age of Extremes, 6 . De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, pp. 61-82. ISBN 9783110780703
Dar, Wasiq Abass and Mohanty, Gautam
NGOs as amicus in investor-state arbitration: Addressing public interest and human rights issues.
Public Interest Litigation in International Law.
Routledge, London, pp. 227-250.
ISBN 9781032560052
Devgon, Inderpal, -, Khushboo, Sachan, Rohan Samir Kumar, -, Nisha, Rana, Abhishek and Karnwal, Arun (2023) Microbial-induced calcite precipitation approach towards sustainable development. In: Role of microbes in sustainable development : Human health and diseases. Springer, Singapore, pp. 593-606. ISBN 978-981-99-3125-5
Dryden, Nikki and Star, Shaun
The CAS ad hoc division for the Olympic games.
The Routledge Handbook of Mega-Sporting Events and Human Rights.
Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 130-139.
ISBN 9781000962710
Garimella, Sai Ramani and Mohanty, Gautam (2023) The Law commission of India: A critical analysis of its contributions to law reform. In: Law Reforms Around the World : Perspectives from National and International Law. Routledge, Oxon, pp. 141-151. ISBN 9781003329688
Gopinath, Meenakshi, Menon, Krishna, Sen, Rukmini and Banerjea, Niharika (2023) Voicing democracy and reclaiming citizenship. In: The Gendered Body in South Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 209-219. ISBN 9781003407195
Gupta, Arpita
Law of Unjust Enrichment in India.
Rethinking Unjust Enrichment: History, Sociology, Doctrine, and Theory.
Oxford University Press, London.
ISBN 9780192874146
Huang, David KC and Li, Nigel N.T. (2023) National identity in Taiwan: A doctrinal analysis through the lens of democratism. In: Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs 2022. Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, 40 . Brill, pp. 194-212. ISBN 978-90-04-68763-9
Jaiswal, Raunaq (2023) The Constitutional value of the guarantee clause. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 85-111. ISBN 978-981-99-5469-8
Jakhu, Ram S., Dasgupta, Upasana and Iyengar, Ujwala Raghavan (2023) Exploration and use or outer space for the benefit and in the interests of all countries. In: Space Law : Memories and Collections - A collection in honor of Prof. Jose Monserrat Filho. Arraes Publishers, Belo Horizonte, pp. 189-212. ISBN 9786559292257
Kalantry, Sital and Moti, Shireen (2023) Unacceptable justifications for crimes, including crimes committed in the name of so-called ‘honour’ 503. In: Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence : A Commentary on the Istanbul convention. Elgar Commentaries in Human Rights series . Edward Elgar, pp. 504-512. ISBN 9781839107740
Kale, Prajakta
Analysis of Complexities in Patenting AI and Big Data Inventions.
Proceedings of the first international conference on advances in computer vision and artificial intelligence technologies (ACVAIT 2022).
Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 176
Atlantis Press, pp. 637-645.
ISBN 978-94-6463-196-8_48
Katrak, Malcolm and Chakrabarty, Ishita
Privacy, political participation, and dissent: Facial recognition technologies and the risk of digital authoritarianism in the global south.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780192882486
Kelemen, Katalin and Steuer, Max
Constitutional court of Hungary (Magyarország Alkotmánybírósága).
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Khan, Mosarrap (2023) Globalization, Islamic Machine, and “Critical Localism” in the Aftermath of 9/11. In: Literature and the War on Terror Nation, Democracy and Liberalisation. Routledge, London, pp. 104-113. ISBN 9781003362999
Khobragade, Jagdish W and Bais, Simran (2023) The financial and systematic fraud: An analytical study. In: Financial Crimes. Springer, Cham, pp. 35-48. ISBN 9783031290909
Krishnan, Preethi, Pillai, Priya, Venkatachalam, Suchitra and Kleinhenz, Payten R. (2023) It's power, not pandemic: How identifying power structures enables emotional resilience during crisis caregiving. In: Transcending Crisis by Attending to Care, Emotion, and Flourishing. Routledge, London, pp. 144-164. ISBN 9781003260332
Kumar, Bagesh and Bora, Manika
Learner-centred education and the possibilities of inclusion.
Creating an equitable space for teaching and learning.
Routledge, London, pp. 30-42.
ISBN 9781003407478
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Popovski, Vesselin
Can European mechanisms on human rights be applied in South Asia?
Relevance of European studies in Asia.
Springer, Singapore, pp. 131-143.
ISBN 978-981-99-7786-4
Mishra, Neha, Kirabera, Tonny and Onwubiko, Judith N.
Intersection of law, religion, customs, and the problem of child marriage in global South: A Comparative study of India, Nigeria and Uganda.
The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020.
The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law
Springer, Singapore, pp. 247-274.
ISBN 978-981-99-5466-7
Mittelmeier, Jenna, Lomer, Sylvie and Unkule, Kalyani
Introduction: Research with international students critical conceptual and methodological considerations.
Research with International Students.
Routledge, London, 01-07.
ISBN 9781003290803
Multani, Angelie, Pal, Swati, Saha, Nandini, Shakil, Albeena and Ghosh, Arjun (2023) Introduction: From Canon to Covid: Transforming English literary studies in India Essays in Honour of GIV Prasad. In: From Canon to Covid: Transforming English Literary Studies in India. Essays in Honour of GJV Prasad. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781000892161
Nakray, Keerty
Reproductive justice and ethics of consent in assisted living facilities for disabled people : A critical reflection for socio-legal policies on long-term care in India.
Justice in Global Health New Perspectives and Current Issues.
Routledge, London, pp. 150-174.
ISBN 9781003399933
Popovski, Vesselin
Reimagining the United Nations Security Council.
Reimagining the International Legal Order.
Routledge, London, pp. 169-179.
ISBN 9781003388821
Popovski, Vesselin
The intelligence of a future day.
Reimagining the International Legal Order.
Routledge, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781003388821
Prabhu, Aloke and Thomas, Lisa
Conflict between rights and obligations in food commodification: A Gandhian approach.
Reconceptualising Material Culture in the Tricontinent: When Objects Write Back.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 142-154.
ISBN 9781527592834
Raman, Rashmi, Arvind, Lalantika, Gupta, Pratyush and Khanna, Prithviraj (2023) R2P: A comparative study: Between universalism and asian exceptionalism. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 219-245. ISBN 978-981-99-5466-7
Ranjan, Rajiv and Khare, Pranjal (2023) Evaluating the conflicting interests in the United Nations: Comparative analysis of UN resolutions policy output regarding Conflict-Related Violence (CRSV). In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, pp. 211-235. ISBN 9781668484128
Ray, Ipsita and Shukla, Anshuman (2023) Administrative Discretion and Sliding Scale of Judicial Review. In: Principles of Administrative Law. university book house pvt ltd. ISBN 9788119793372
Singh, Tulika, Sharma, Paridhi and Bag, Akash (2023) Women, peace, and protection “myth”: Analyzing the United Nations security policies for women in conflict. In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, United States of America, pp. 282-310. ISBN 9781668484128
Sipulova, Katarina and Steuer, Max
From minimalism to the substantive core and back: The Slovak constitutional court and (the lack of) constitutional identity.
The Jurisprudence of particularism: National identity claims in central Europe.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 81-104.
ISBN 9781509960156
Star, Shaun and Vynckier, Joost
Commercial contracts: Sponsoring and ticketing.
Research handbook on the law of professional football clubs.
Edward Elgar, pp. 194-216.
ISBN 9781802206975
Steuer, Max
Cultural expertise and extreme speech.
Cultural Expertise, Law, and Rights: A Comprehensive Guide.
Routledge, London, pp. 158-165.
ISBN 9781003167075
Steuer, Max
Rule of Law – The Concept.
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism.
Springer, Cham, pp. 1-13.
ISBN 9783319317397
Stoicheva, Maria, Sreejith, S. G. and Gupta, Indranath
Epistemologies, paradigms, and practices: The rising relevance of European studies in Asia.
Relevance of European studies in Asia.
Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-981-99-7786-4
Suraj, Gogoi and Sen, Rohini
Profiling the diseased: Tablighi jamaat and racist experiences in Assam.
Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation.
Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 179-194.
ISBN 9789811973840
Tundawala, Moiz and Choudhuri, Salmoli (2023) Beyond friend and enemy: The stranger as a political category in colonial modernity. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 113-117. ISBN 978-981-99-5469-8
Uma, Saumya
Marital Rape in South Asia: Colonial Origins and postcolonial challenges.
The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.
The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 7
Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 271-309.
ISBN 9789004538627
Unkule, Kalyani
Conceptualising to transcend: Glocal imaginaries and international students.
Research with International Students : Critical Conceptual and Methodological Considerations.
Routledge, London, pp. 147-154.
ISBN 9781003290803
Vaghar, Sam, Wyatt-Buchan, Summer, Dayal, Shriya, Banik, Srijan and Nahar, Ayushi (2023) The power of intergenerational partnership: Students, universities, and SDG17. In: Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals. Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals . Emerald Publishing, Bingley, pp. 93-112. ISBN 9781804557044
Yadav, Mohit and Pathak, Gaurav (2023) MCA21: A data wizard that needs revamp. In: Technology and analytics for law & justice. OakBridge Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Gurugram. ISBN 9789395764681
Book Reviews
Chodavarapu, Sai Priya
Ilenia Ruggiu, Culture and the Judiciary: The Anthropologist Judge | Routledge, 2019, Pp. 248, ISBN: 978-1-13835-983-3.
[Book Reviews]
(In Press)
Dawer, Aashita
Pranab Bardhan, A World of Insecurity: Democratic Disenchantment in Rich and Poor Countries | Harvard University Press, 2022, Pp. 225, ISBN: 978-0-67429-257-4.
[Book Reviews]
(In Press)
Kaushik, Dhruv (2023) ChorSwang Ngin, Identities on Trial in the United States: Asylum Seekers from Asia | Lexington Books, 2018, Pp. 253, ISBN: 978-1-4985-7474-7. [Book Reviews] (In Press)
Marada, Hamsini (2023) Amy Barrow and Sara Fuller (eds), Activism and Authoritarian Governance in Asia | Routledge, 2023, Pp. 242, ISBN: 978-1-03215-209-7. [Book Reviews] (In Press)
Mohanty, Rahul
Book Review : Minorities and the Making of Postcolonial States in International Law by Mohammad SHAHABUDDIN. Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. xxiv + 354 pp. Hardcover: AUD$ 160.95; Adobe eBook USD$88.00. doi: 10.1017/9781108678773.
[Book Reviews]
Sanghi, Sanskriti
Divorce and Democracy: A History of Personal Law in Post-Independence India, S. Saxena.
[Book Reviews]
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Book Review: Taming the dragon. [Book Reviews]
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Book review: Sanjeev Kumar (ed.), China’s bri in different regions of the world: Cooperation, contradictions and concerns. [Book Reviews] (In Press)
Steuer, Max
Book Review : The Changing Role of Citizens in EU Democratic Governance, by D. Jancic (ed.), (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023), 368pp., hardback, £90, ISBN: 9781509950829.
[Book Reviews]
Uma, Saumya
Book review: Kalpana Kannabiran, Law, Justice and Human Rights in India: Short Reflections.
[Book Reviews]
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Book Review: Citizens on the margins: Review of ‘Where the Madness Lies’ by Kishalay Bhattacharjee. [Book Reviews]
Yadav, Aashish
The Human Right to Citizenship: Situating the Right to Citizenship within International and Regional Human Rights Law by Barbara von Rütte (Brill Nijhoff 2022) 480 pages. Price €177.00. ISBN 9789004517516.
[Book Reviews]
Article in Newspapers and Magazine
Anand, Harkirt Singh (2023) NCPCR moves SC against bail for archbishop & nun in MP ‘conversion of children’ case. The Print.
Basak, Poushali and Banerjea, Niharika (2023) Beyond marriage equality: How to redefine the family. The India Forum.
Bhushan, Tripti
Breaking barriers in education: Northeast women.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
Concept of face recognition technique.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
Enhancing security with AI: fraud mitigation strategies in Banking.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
Facets of Airline Laws: An introduction.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
The Navigating societal expectation : Womens , marriage, career choices, and autonomy in the face of traditional norm.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
New regulations for digital media: Enhancing accountability,transparency and responsibility.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
Social Media and data privacy: navigating the digital landscape.
The Daily Guardian.
Bhushan, Tripti
The impact of art on society: Role of art in shaping, culture , challenging, societal norms and sparkling social change.
The Daily Guardian.
Bose, Avirup (2023) CCI must watch Meta’s Threads; unprecedented growth raises concerns over privacy and competition law in India. Financial Expree.
Bose, Avirup (2023) Where is corporate India in the marriage equality debate? Business Standard.
Bose, Avirup (2023) The pink rupee imperative. Financial Express.
Chadha, Vaibhav
Discussing the discrepancies and errors in the Bharatiya Sakshya Bill, 2023.
Live Law.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Balasore Mishap: Some Serious Soul Searching is Needed (Indian Railways).
Times of India.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Complex legacy.
The Telegraph Online.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
IMEEC can mark a new dawn for Indo-European civilisational history.
Money Control.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Katchatheevu: An unacknowledged Achilles’ heel of Indian (and Lankan) nationalism.
Money Control.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Odisha Train Tragedy: To heal our national distress, let there be a collective commitment to safety, accountability, equity.
Money Control.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Once upon a time, a train that linked India, Lanka.
Financial Express.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Sherlock and India.
The Telegraph.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
The battle of plassey: A Tale of Triumph and Betrayal.
The Daily Star.
Chaturvedi, Aishwarya (2023) Legal and technical issues galore as esports continue to grow rapidly in India. The Wire. pp. 1-14.
Chaturvedi, Aishwarya (2023) Tackling cyber crime. The Statesman.
Chaturvedi, Aishwarya (2023) The rarest of the rare. The Statesman.
Chaudhury, Sarbesh (2023) Voter verifiable paper audit trail, tallying, and the supreme court. Bar and Bench. pp. 1-4.
Chauhan, Krishna Deo Singh
Nurturing AI’s Potential: The Need for a soft regulatory approach in India.
Correia, Kieran (2023) The law commission's report on sedition misunderstands what the courts said. The Wire.
Dalwai, Sameena (2023) Bar and bias: Whether it’s college or courtroom, law still a boys’ club. Times of India.
Dalwai, Sameena (2023) Policymakers must listen to women. The Indian Express.
Dalwai, Sameena (2023) Will India’s future generations forgive its decay into anti-Muslim hatred? Al Jazeera.
Dutta, Anindita, Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Artemis accords signing and chandrayaan 3 launch: Coincidence or diplomatic plan?
The Geopolitics.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Environmental concerns in the Mediterranean sea: Pollution and climate change. Opinio Juris.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Significance of travaux preparatoires in interpreting the new York convention. Cambridge Core Blog. pp. 1-2.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Tearing down sexual freedom in Indonesia: Ban on any form of sex outside marriage. Human Right Blog.
Gupta, Akash (2023) Mobile Financial Services (MFS) regulation in Bangladesh. The Daily Star.
Gupta, Akash and Sheikh, Tarazi Mohammed (2023) Legal challenges of ADR in India and Bangladesh: A Comparison. The Daily Star.
Gupta, Biswanath and Mehrotra, Abhinav
Xi Jinping’s US tour: A strategic move amid global political turbulence.
The Daily Guardian.
Gupta, Swasti (2023) DPDP Bill 2022: Here's what the role of co-regulation in developing India’s privacy compliance and enforcement. CNBC.
Gupta, Swasti (2023) India’s digital future: Navigating cross-border data flows in the age of the fourth Industrial revolution. The Times of India.
Jain, Aviral (2023) UP EV POLICY- Drive into the future. The Daily Guairdian.
Jain, Dipika (2023) Her body, her choice: Why a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy must be upheld. The Indian Express.
Jaswal, Raushan Tara (2023) Automated facial recognition systems: not the win we were rooting for.
Kalidasan, Vinod Kottayil (2023) Professor Franson Manjali: A philosopher who contributed to creating an equal world. The Wire.
Khetan, Ashish (2023) Nagland civilian killings: By refusing sanction for prosecution of army personnel, government promotes a culture of impunity. The Indian Express.
Khetan, Ashish (2023) Supreme Court must use cases pending against UAPA to examine its scope. The Indian Express.
Khetan, Ashish (2023) Supreme Court verdict on UAPA is fraught with risk of making it legal for agencies to act lawlessly while claiming to fight terrorism and preserve State’s security. The Indian Exprees.
Khurana, Nakul Rai (2023) India dispatch: Canadian diplomat summoned by India government after Sikh independence supporters protest outside Vancouver consulate - JURIST. Jurist.
Khurana, Nakul Rai (2023) India dispatch: Law Commission report recommends retaining archaic penal provision amid calls for repeal. Jurist.
Khurana, Nakul Rai (2023) India dispatch: Supreme Court action on Manipur video depicting sexual violence against minority women prompts PM to break awkward silence. Jurist.
Khurana, Nakul Rai (2023) India dispatch: ‘people’s march’ planned to show popular solidarity with an Indian judiciary under increasing pressure from government. Jurist.
Kumar, Sanjay, Singh, Aditi, Singh, Kaushiki K. and Singh, Avika (2023) Congress’s online campaign more robust in Madhya Pradesh. The Hindu.
Mahaseth, Harsh
Emerging fintech possibilities and impediments in the Southeast Asian economy.
Blog LSE.
Mahaseth, Harsh
Privacy and a public notice.
The Statesman.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Adhikari, Dikshya
Nepal takes a step toward LGBTQ equality.
The Diplomat.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Adhikari, Dikshya
Unresolved issues: Scrutinizing Nepal’s new transitional justice bill.
My Republica.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Adhikari, Dikshya
Why Nepal’s Supreme Court is wrong on child marriages and rape.
Al Jazeera.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Chib, Sanjana
The need for the next SAARC summit.
Modern Diplomacy.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Dutta, Ishita
The use of mediation by the family courts in India.
Hindu College Gazette.
Mahaseth, Harsh and Soni, Ananya
Does Neutrality Truly Exist? Understanding Whether a Nation Can Truly Be Neutral in the Present Day.
The Geopolitics.
Maheshwari, Aditi (2023) Arm air with rights. Deccan Herald.
Makhija, Reva Satish (2023) Analysing “Dynamic+” Injunctions: Delhi High Court’s latest judicial invention. Spicyip.
Mandal, Konina (2023) Colonial to citizen-centric: Revamping India’s criminal justice system. The Sunday Guardian.
Mandal, Saptarshi
Mumbai’s air quality plummeted this year. Will residents actually demand change?
Manderna, Mohit Kumar and Vatsa, Kritika (2023) Competition Law and Consumer Law: Remedies for Consumer Welfare and Differences in the Acts. Global Business Law Review.
Mehrotra, Abhinav (2023) Human rights obligations under climate change: Need for clarity. The Geopolitics.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Call for compensation.
India Legal.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Can the ICJ inject humanity into the world’s most vexing problem?
International Policy Digest.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Chandrayaan 3 triumph boosts India’s pride amid Russia’s Luna 25 setback.
The Daily Guardian.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Collective punishment as a violation of International Law: The case of Israel and Eritrea.
The Geopolitics.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Inadequate assessment?
Millennium Post.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
India and Canada expel diplomats amidst accusations, historical ties to Vienna Convention highlighted.
The daily guardian logo.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
India shines at COP28: Green initiatives, climate justice and human rights in focus.
First Post.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Indus water treaty issues & the way forward.
The Daily Guardian.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | China renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh undermines international law.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | Indian space policy 2023: Allowing private players in commercial activities is a promising move.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | Niger coup d'état: Implications for international law and the way forward.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | Refugee Influx From Myanmar Into Mizoram And The Possible Way Forward.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | Taliban’s war on Afghan women: A tale of gender apartheid.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | The need for regional human rights mechanism in South Asia.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | The ‘Debt Trap’ Diplomacy Card China plays in BRI and its consequences.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Opinion | UNSC permanent membership for India – Mission impossible?
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Pak economy’s collapse: India monitoring fallout.
The Daily Guardian.
pp. 1-2.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
SCO summit and power of India’s growing influence.
The Daily Guardian.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
UNGA adopts non-binding resolution for Gaza truce amid international law violations.
The Daily Guardian.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Vladimir Putin, the war criminal explained.
International Policy Digest.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
What the adoption of UN security council resolution 2664 means for humanitarians.
News 18.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Why China's expanding footprint in Bangladesh and beyond is a strategic concern for India.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
Why Myanmar must acknowledge existence of Rohingyas as community faces deeper crisis after WFP cuts funds for food.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
World is more serious about terrorism than before.
The daily guardian.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath
The rule of Taliban: a no-women’s land and escalating civilian torture.
The Daily Guardian.
pp. 1-2.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Abortion as a human right. The Citizen.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) DV Act: men can be victims too as forms of gender violence differ in different social settings. ABP Live.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Harmonising equilibrium. Millennium Post.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) How SC verdict on Article 370 balances legal norms and political realities. ABP Live.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) India-Russia trade: 70 years on, ties still strong and growing. But a balancing act is needed now. ABP Live.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Loss and damage fund: A step towards addressing climate-induced human rights issues. The Geopolitics.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Navigating the geopolitical waters: India-Maldives relations in a shifting global landscape. The Geopolitics.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Neighbourhood watch opinion China Pakistan economic corridor human security threat Gilgit-Baltistan South Asia. Bigyack.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) the Ukrainian crisis and its impact on the European security governance and global legal order. Modern Diplomacy. pp. 1-3.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Unravelling the Israel–Hamas conflict: A historical overview and path to peace. The Geopolitics.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) When rights collide: Thengumarahada case shows the need for balancing animal and human interests. ABP Live.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Why India must make NHRC recommendations enforceable. AbP Live.
Mehrotra, Abhinav and Upadhyay, Amit (2023) Women’s reservation: From colonial roots to constitutional progress. Abp Live.
Mehta, Tarini (2023) Reframing the law to recognise nature’s value. Code Blue.
Mohan, Deepanshu (2023) 5-Year extension to PMGKAY: An acknowledgment of India’s nutrition-access crisis. The Quint.
Mohan, Deepanshu (2023) How Neo-Nationalism has fuelled the transformation of old welfare-state to new capital-state. The Wire.
Mohan, Deepanshu (2023) In SC’s dismaying verdict, an illusive search for equality & legal recognition. The Quint.
Mohan, Deepanshu (2023) Multipolarity and Apathetic Exceptionalism: Voting in the UN on Israel-Palestine. The Quint.
Moti, Shireen (2023) SC verdict on Article 370 settles J&K question. But it dilutes powers of states. The Print.
Moti, Shireen and Kumar, Dhananjay (2023) Paid menstrual leave is a win-win policy—make workplaces equitable, boost productivity. The Print.
Mysoor, Dolashree (2023) Lalbagh doesn’t read anymore. Deccan Herald.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) Barriers for India’s Legal Technology Awakening. The New Indina Express.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) Cybercrimes: Traditional crimes in new ways? Tech Observer.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) In an age of targeted advertising, do we need stronger regulations to protect privacy of netizens? The Indian Express.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) Perplexing touch of novelty. Millennium Post.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) Shedding the dichotomies. MillenniumPost.
Popovski, Vesselin
How will the war in Ukraine end?
Hindustan Times.
Purwar, Monisha and Pathak, Gaurav (2023) Twitter vs Threads: Why Musk may not win the battle against Zuckerberg. Indian Express.
Putra, Eka Nughraha (2023) Blasphemy cases highlight legal inconsistencies. Indonesia at Melbourne.
Raj Kumar, C.
India at 2047; Building the future of legal education and legal profession.
The Daily Guardian.
Raj Kumar, C.
Protecting basic structure from judicial arbitrariness.
The Indian Express.
Raj Kumar, C.
UGC proposal: Why India should not outsource higher education to foreign universities.
The Indian Express.
Rajamony, Venu (2023) G20 Summit: India gains at global stage, but so does PM Modi. Asianet Newsable.
Ranjan, Prabhash
Bridge the gap with EU, UK on taxation issues.
Hindustan Times.
Ranjan, Prabhash
India must claim damages for attacks on embassies.
Hindustan Times.
Ranjan, Prabhash
International courts and climate change.
The Hindu.
Ranjan, Prabhash
Outlawing India’s tech tariffs.
The Hindu.
Ranjan, Prabhash
Prabhash Ranjan on India’s new stance on trade agreements: It takes India back to the pre-reforms era.
The Indian Express.
Ranjan, Prabhash
Some advice to India on the IFA negotiations.
The Hindu.
Ranjan, Prabhash
Why only appoint judges as arbitrators?
Hindustan Times.
Ranjan, Prabhash
A big blow to India: Canadian court’s decision in Antrix-Devas matter shows the issue is far from resolved.
The Indian Express.
Ranjan, Prabhash
The crisis in international law.
The Hindu.
Ranjan, Prabhash and Anand, Pushkar
Challenges await India in decarbonising its economy.
Hindustan Times.
Roychowdhary, Shrrijiet (2023) Transgenic animal patents: Harvard College vs. Canada. Tax Guru.
Saha, Victor, Gupta, Biswanath
and Das, Manish
Can ONDC be the UPI moment for India's digital economy?
South Asia Monitor.
Saxena, Saumya (2023) India’s founders took a nuanced view on UCC. Hindustan Times.
Sharma, Aishwarya Pandit (2023) Erasing the colonial past, creating a new history. The Sunday Guardian.
Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad (2023) Opinion: decoding the alternative political vision offered by the Bharat Jodo Yatra. pp. 1-3.
Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad (2023) “The politics of methodology” and perils of implementing UCC in India. The Quint.
Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad and Dudeja, Lavish (2023) The continuing ambiguities in postgraduate legal education in India. Bar & Bench.
Sidhu, Sahibnoor Singh (2023) Bar council has more vital tasks at hand than making unsolicited on same-sex marriage. News Click.
Singh, Aishwarya (2023) There may be a silver lining in the Supreme Court’s marriage equality judgment. The Wire.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) By sidelining Li Keqiang, Xi Jinping will further marginalise the people of China. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Can China’s space presence alter current power balance? Deccan Heralad.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Challenges China’s declining population pose. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) China’s loan to Pakistan will directly impact India. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Exports, Infrastructure, and Real Estate: Deciphering China's Economic Slowdown. The Quint.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) IMEC firmly places India on the global connectivity map. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Implications of China’s new Foreign Relations Law. Deccan herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) India-Bhutan relations: King Jigme's visit and the looming shadow of China. The Quint.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) India-China Ties: After 19 Rounds of Border Talks, Why is There No Progress? The Quint.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) India’s soft power diplomacy at Pacific Island nations. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Is China sending a signal in replacing Qin Gang? Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Italy exits China’s BRI. Is it advantage India ? Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) On Bhutanese FM Tandi Dorji's Trip to China, and the Implications for India. The Quint.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Sri Lanka is stuck in a vicious cycle of Chinese debt. Deccan Herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Taiwan: Political Rivals' Trips to China & US Highlight Cross-Strait Conundrum. The quint.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Will China influence Taiwan’s elections? Deccan herald.
Singh, Gunjan (2023) Zero covid: to save face, Beijing retaliates on expected lines. Deccan Herald. pp. 1-2.
Singh, Saphal Harpreet (2023) Exigency for caste census in India. Youth Ki Awaaz.
Singh, Saphal Harpreet (2023) The Indian education system is devastating with Indian politics. Youth Ki Awwaz.
Singh, Saphal Harpreet (2023) The Need for laws permitting party manifesto challenges in the parliament. Youth Ki Awaaz.
Singh Anand, Harkirt (2023) After magistrate summons cop ‘300+ times’, Delhi court sets aside order — ‘must stop this practice. The Print.
Sinha, Samrat, Anto, C.P and Mohan, Deepanshu (2023) The burden of conflict on Manipur’s healthcare: An evolving humanitarian crisis. The Quint.
Sinha, Samrat, Mohan, Deepanshu, Mistry, Jignesh and Thomas, Ashika (2023) How an Indo-Bhutan border market has moved beyond narratives of conflict and security. The Wire.
Soni, Ananya and Mahaseth, Harsh
The Poignant allegory of man, earth, and our addiction to greenhouse gases.
International Policy Digest.
Sridevan, Srinath and Shankar, Aditya (2023) The freedom of speech and an ‘adolescent India’. The Hindu.
Steuer, Max
Controversies over Slovakia’s new political cabinet.
The Loop.
Steuer, Max and Malová, Darina
To hell, on a white horse.
Sur, Abhisek (2023) Between pause and pivot. The Hindu Business Line.
Thampi, Anjana and Anand, Ishan
Mind the wealth gap, bridge it with wealth tax.
Deccan Heralad.
Tokas, Siddhant (2023) Lack of substantial equality: Critical analysis of Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005. India Legal.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Arbitration tech toolbox: The rawlsian ‘veil of ignorance’ and blockchain arbitration. Kluwer Arbitration Blog.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Impact of the pandemic on Russian politics. The JSIA Bulletin.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Marshal Islands v The World: A Case for Criminalizing Nuclear Proliferation ? Society of International Law and Policy.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Resurrecting the clean hands doctrine and mapping its history at the ICJ. Opinio Juris.
Tundawala, Moiz (2023) Can 'Kesavananda Bharati' save India from becoming a Hindu Rashtra? The Wire.
Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna (2023) Maintaining the river of global EconomicResilience: The Great clean-up via energy transitions. India Foundation.
Uma, Saumya
What a Gender-Just Uniform Civil Code could look like.
The Wire.
Uma, Saumya
Why the 'Marital Rape Exemption' in criminal law must go.
The Wire.
Upadhyay, Amit and Mehrotra, Abhinav (2023) Policing The Police: SC Call For 'Dependable Code Of Investigation' The Right Push For Reform. ABP Live.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) BJP demands its pound of flesh for Sengol installation. Deccan Herald.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Manipur may not recover from this indifference. Deccan Herald.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Modi regime is wrestling with democracy. Deccan Herald.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) New Parliament Building | A prelude to the inaugural. Deccan Heralad.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Opposition’s fate a litmus test for future of democracy. Deccan Herald.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Rahul Gandhi's labours of Hercules have just begun. Deccan Herald.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Shiv Visvanathan writes on tech layoffs: The real sadness is our entrenched silence to a tragedy. Money Control.
Visvanathan, Shiv (2023) Who’s afraid of Manish Sisodia? BJP, of course!
Zakaria, Nimmi Saira and Diwakar, Geetanjali (2023) The center has not only done a new name; When changing the law, we should know that the technology has also changed. Manorama Online.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) Amid Israel-Hamas war, what world can learn from India. The Asian Age.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) Bharat's unseen patriots: Igniting flame of nationalism and brave tales of sacrifice to secure India's Independence. Firstpost.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) Guardians of law and order: India's success story in curbing illegal immigration outshines France. Firstpost.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) How Khalistan terrorism in Canada can become a global threat if not contained. First Post.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) How abrogation of Article 370 has become an indelible chapter in Jammu & Kashmir's journey towards a new dawn. Firstpost.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) India versus Pakistan: Why terrorism and cricket cannot go hand in hand. Firstpost.
Zoariah, Zeba (2023) Lessons from Pakistan: Why we need to challenge misleading narratives of victimisation. Firstpost.
Working papers (or Preprints)
Agrawal, Kartik (2023) Assessing the efficacy of retail investors’ protection regime in India. [Working papers (or Preprints)]
Agrawal, Kartik (2023) Reducing reliability on inheritance. [Working papers (or Preprints)]
Bheemineni, Bhavishya (2023) Copyright term extension act and its impact on competition law. [Working papers (or Preprints)]
Jain, Anmol (2023) Investor’s safety analysis under the aftermath of the Sahara scam (2012). [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Jain, Ishika (2023) Complete Justice: from the lens of adverse possession. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Khetan, Raghav (2023) Have transplanted corporate governance standards been implemented effectively, or do they fail to capture the trajectory of specific corporate governance reforms required in India? [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Madhogaria, Muskan and Garg, Devika (2023) Effectiveness of the one-woman board member mandate under the Companies Act 2013. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Makam, Ganesh (2023) Article 21 and Abortion. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Narayan, Sumati (2023) A short note on the evolution of the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Sachdeva, Daksh (2023) Patents and Pandemic: a balance Between public and commercial rights. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Sharma, Devanshi (2023) Separation of Powers in India. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
Sood, Yoshita, Vikram, Gauri and Kavdia, Tamanna (2023) Preserving federalism: Examining the clash between political and constitutional purpose in State of Rajasthan v. Union of India 1977. [Working papers (or Preprints)]
Thampi, Anjana
Climate adaptation and job creation: Addressing the climate and livelihoods crises in India.
[Working papers (or Preprints)]
Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna and Tampubolon, Gindo (2023) Covid-19 impact on food insecurity in Uganda: a dynamic analysis. [Working papers (or Preprints)] (Submitted)
-, Centre for Justice Law and Society and -, Jindal Global Law School (2023) Advocacy manual on legal regulation of Abortion in India: Complexities and challenges. Manual. Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat.
Dasgupta, Upasana (2023) New instruments on lunar exploration and use: Implications for India. Project Report. National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru.
Conference or Workshop Item
Revulagadda, Rajeev K, Kumar, Sanjeev, Olasiuk, Hanna Petrivna
, Singh, Sudhanshu, Vihari, Nitin Simha and Vats, Satvik
A bibliometric and visual analysis of financial technology applications.
In: 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM), 22-24 February 2023, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Bilimoria, Purushottama and Bohanec, Cogen and Sherma, Rita D (eds.). (2023) Contemplative studies & Jainism meditation, prayer, and veneration. Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9781003365624
Popovski, Vesselin and Malhotra, Ankit (eds.). (2023) Reimagining the International Legal Order. Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9781000915327
Mittelmeier, Jenna and Lomer, Sylvie and Unkule, Kalyani (eds.). (2023) Research with international students: Critical conceptual and methodological considerations. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003290803
Shakil, Albeena and Guru, Gopal (eds.). (2023) Spheres of Injustice. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429355974
Banerjea, Niharika and Browne, Kath (2023) Liveable Lives: Living and Surviving LGBTQ Equalities in India and the UK. Bloomsbury Publishing, London. ISBN 9781350286771
Iyer, Aishwarya (2023) The grasp of things. Copper Coin Publishing Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad. ISBN 9788195582679
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Gandhi and the Idea of Swaraj.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781003366492
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Nonviolence: An idea whose time has come.
Haus Publishing, London.
ISBN 9781913368791
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Zola: An intellectual quest for justice.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781003369387
John, Mathew
India's communal constitution: Law, religion, and the making of a people.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781009317757
Mathew, John, Devaiah, Vishwas H.
, Baruah, Pritam, Tundawala, Moiz and Kumar, Niraj
The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020.
The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law
Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 978-981-99-5466-7
Milanov, Aleksandar
International legal regulation of space debris: Proposal for establishment of an International Space Agency.
Foundation New Age citizens, Sofia.
ISBN 9786199083468
Multani, Angelie, Pal, Swati, Saha, Nandini, Shakil, Albeena and Ghosh, Arjun (2023) From canon to covid: Transforming English literary studies in India. Essays in Honour of GJV Prasad. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003399926
Sinha, Chetan
Power dynamics in education: Shaping the structure of school education in India.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781003378297
Stoicheva, Maria, Sreejith, S. G. and Gupta, Indranath
Relevance of European studies in Asia.
Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 978-981-99-7786-4
Uma, Saumya
Violence, Gender and the State:‘Not Just’ a legal analysis.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781003308959
Milanov, Aleksandar
International legal regulation of space debris and the protection of the outer space environment.
Doctoral thesis, O.P Jindal Global University, Haryana,India.
Nambiar, Ala Kunnil Jayasankaran (2023) The judicial role in constitutional protection: Examining the legitimacy of basic structure review in India. Doctoral thesis, O.P Jindal Global University, Haryana,India.
Pandey, Vijay Kumar (2023) Evaluation of the framework for prevention of conflict of interest in legislators – An assessment of the working of the spirit of the constitution. Doctoral thesis, O.P Jindal Global University, Haryana,India.
Sahni, Monica (2023) Safeguarding and securing children in cyberspace: developing framework and implementation strategies. Doctoral thesis, O.P Jindal Global University.
Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad (2023) Shari’a and international law: An exploration in legal praxis. Doctoral thesis, O.P Jindal Global University.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Finally placing accountability: Hybrid court being set up in South Sudan Part 1. CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL LAW.
Gadkari, Ahan (2023) Status of Ukrainians attacked and captured by Russian forces at Azovstal. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, India.
Khan, Mosarrap (2023) Humanities practices and voices at the margins: National consciousness and the crisis of belonging in Indian anglophone muslim novels. World Humanities Report.
Kishwar, Sanya Darakhshan and Nangia, Shivansh (2023) Space debris as an environmental pollutant: Conceptualising ramification and solution. CENTRE FOR AVIATION AND SPACE LAWS, India.
Naren, Nikhil (2023) Online fake news: Paving the way forward. National Law School of India University, Bangalore, Bnagaore.
Steuer, Max
The Dilemma of technocracy: Governing in Slovakia ahead of the 2023 early elections.
VerfBlog, Germany.
Steuer, Max
Searching for a Government: Referenda and constitutional changes in Slovakia ahead of early elections.
Verfassungsblog, Germany.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Exceptions to Burden of Proof in Investor-State Arbitration. Indian Journal of International Economic Law, India.
Tulsyan, Aryan (2023) Settlement Agreements as a Waiver in Investment-State Arbitration. CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, India.