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-, Gulshan, Kumar, Prashant and -, Rajni
Moored ship motion analysis in Paradip port under the resonance conditions using 3‑D boundary element method.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25 (4).
pp. 1075-1092.
ISSN 9484280
-, Rupali, Kumar, Prashant and -, Rajni
Spectral boundary element modeling of water waves in Pohang New Harbor and Paradip Port.
Ocean Engineering, 196: 106765.
ISSN 298018
-, Rupali, Kumar, Prashant and -, Rajni
Spectral wave modeling of tsunami waves in Pohang New Harbor(South Korea) and Paradip Port (India).
Ocean Dynamics, 70 (12).
pp. 1515-1530.
ISSN 16167341
Agrawal, Komal and Agarwal, Priyansh (2020) India: A form of asymmetrical federation. Supremo Amicus, 19. pp. 249-254. ISSN 2456-9704
Ahuja, Shivam (2020) The dilemma: Can two Indian parties choose a foreign seat of arbitration? ADR World, 2 (4). pp. 11-16.
Alam, Ghayur and Raza, Aqa
‘COVID-19 Pandemic: Congenital fluidity of proposal for waiver of IP rights and the road ahead.
The WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers, 11.
pp. 104-117.
ISSN 9789287073044
Amees, Mohammad, Hosaain, Saddam and Batcha, Sadik M.
20 years of dentistry research at worlds perspectives: a scientometric study.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2020: 4450.
ISSN 15220222
Ang, James B, Fredriksson, Per G and Gupta, Satyendra Kumar
Crop yield and democracy.
Land Economics, 96 (2).
pp. 265-290.
ISSN 237639
Anurag Shah, Aesha, Puthran, Gayatri and Tomar, Shourya (2020) Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on criminal procedure. Lex Humanitariae: Journal for a Change, 1 (13). pp. 287-291. ISSN 2582-5216
Bafna, Pranav (2020) Challenges to the anti-doping regulations in esports. Journal for Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (1). pp. 133-144.
Baltag, Crina and Dautaj, Ylli (2020) Investors, states, and arbitrators in the crosshairs of international investment law and environmental protection. Brill Research Perspectives in International Investment Law and Arbitration. ISSN 2405-5778
Banerjee, Aditya (2020) The powers under section 482 are frequently used to thwart the statutory scheme and purpose of the code of criminal procedure: Can these powers be curtailed, and if so, should they be? Supremo Amicus, 21. pp. 757-762. ISSN 2456-9704
Banerjee, Shubhomoy and Shaikh, Ateeque (2020) Examining the impact of contextual factors in brand relationship initiation and maintenance: Evidence from bottom of pyramid markets. Review of Marketing Science, 18 (1). pp. 75-97. ISSN 15465616
Banerji, Diptiman, Singh, Ramendra and Mishra, Prashant
Friendships in marketing: A taxonomy and future research directions.
AMS Review, 10 (3).
pp. 223-243.
ISSN 1869814X
Bansal, Sakshat and Vajpeyi, Ananya
Local working requirements in the Patents Act, 1970: A critical analysis.
Chanakya National Law University Law Journal, 9.
pp. 244-258.
ISSN 0976-805X
Bantha, Tapas, Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Yadav, Mohit
Identification of enablers for reducing student incivility in classrooms-an exploratory investigation.
International Journal of Higher Education, 9 (2).
pp. 193-199.
ISSN 19276044
Barua, Alka, Rastogi, Anubha, Deepa, V, Jain, Dipika, Gupta, Manisha, Malik, Rupsa and Dalvie, Suchitra (2020) The MTP 2020 amendment bill: Anti-rights subjectivity. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28 (1): 1795447. ISSN 26410397
Baruah, Pritam (2020) (De) valuing dignity: three risks of dignity inflation in the Indian Supreme Court’s reasoning. Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (31). pp. 33-38. ISSN 129976
Basu, Debasish, Nagpal, Sugandha, Mutiso, Victoria, Ndetei, David, Lauwrens, Zelna, Hadfield, Kristin, Singh, Shubnum and Bhui, Kamaldeep
Enhancing resilience and mental health of children and adolescents by integrated school- and family-based approaches, with a special focus on developing countries: A narrative review and call for action.
World Social Psychiatry, 2 (1).
pp. 7-19.
ISSN 26671077
Batra, Jagdish
Global capital at the service of Goddess Saraswati!
Contemporary Vibes, 15 (58).
pp. 47-49.
ISSN 09751750
Batra, Jagdish
Keki Daruwalla's 'Swerving to Solitude': Attacking Emergency with a Sheathed Sword.
International Journal of Social Science & Humanity, 10 (1).
pp. 29-34.
ISSN 20103646
Batra, Jagdish
Mahesh Dattani's commitment to humanism in the play 'Do the Needful'.
Journal of the Odisha Association for English Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 90-97.
ISSN 22495726
Batra, Jagdish
Religion and spirituality in Indian English fiction.
IUP Journal of English Studies, 15 (2).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 0973-3728
Belle, Anirudh (2020) Adopting weak-form review in India: An invitation to a new constitutionalism. Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, 9. pp. 126-143.
Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma
Reclaiming personhood: subjecthood and property relations in Hindu succession laws.
NUALS Law Journal, 14 (1).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2319-8273
Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma
What's in a name? Locating the constitution as a signifier.
Journal of Indian Law and Society, 11 (2).
pp. 44-59.
ISSN 2277-5552
Bhagat, Sukriti (2020) Copyright protection for computer and AI. Supremo Amicus, 16. pp. 307-311. ISSN 2456-9704
Bhandari, Parul (2020) Gendered impact of COVID19. Indian Federalism Perspectives, 4. pp. 1-7.
Bharadwaj, Ashish and Jain, Srajan
A comparative study of the evolving jurisprudence on standard essential patent licensing.
Journal of World Intellectual Property, 23 (3).
pp. 310-327.
ISSN 14222213
Bhaskar, Anurag (2020) Ambedkar, Lohia, and the segregations of caste and gender: envisioning a global agenda for social justice. CASTE: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion, 1 (2). pp. 63-72. ISSN 26394928
Bhaskar, Anurag (2020) The myth of ‘collective conscience’: Revisiting the death penalty in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (15). pp. 30-37. ISSN 129976
Bhat, M. Mohsin Alam (2020) Fighting impunity in hate crime — history, ethics, and the law: An interview with Harsh Mander. Jindal Global Law Review, 11 (1). pp. 157-179. ISSN 9752498
Bhat, M. Mohsin Alam (2020) Hate crimes in India. Jindal Global Law Review, 11 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2364-4869
Bhat, M. Mohsin Alam (2020) Mob, murder, motivation: The emergence of hate crime discourse in India. Socio-Legal Review, 16 (1). pp. 76-108. ISSN 0973-5216
Bhat, M. Mohsin Alam, Bajaj, Vidisha and Kumar, Sanjana Arvind (2020) The crime vanishes: Mob lynching, hate crime, and police discretion in India. Jindal Global Law Review, 11 (1). pp. 33-59. ISSN 9752498
Bhati, Harsh Vardhan
Waste-to-energy projects (Part II): Comparing approaches.
Environmental Policy and Law, 50 (3).
pp. 151-163.
ISSN 0378777X
Bhatia, Manjot Singh, Jakhar, Suresh Kumar, Mangla, Sachin Kumar
and Gangwani, Kishore Kumar
Critical factors to environment management in a closed loop supply chain.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 255: 120239.
ISSN 9596526
Bhatia, Manjot Singh and Kumar, Saurabh
Critical success factors of Industry 4.0 in automotive manufacturing industry.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (5).
2439 -2453.
ISSN 00189391
Bhatia, Vaneet, Das, Debojyoti and Kumar, Surya Bhushan (2020) Hedging effectiveness of precious metals across frequencies: Evidence from wavelet based dynamic conditional correlation analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 541: 123631. ISSN 3784371
Bhatt, Krusha
The indirect route of securing interest of consumers and competitors under the EU competition law.
Revista Misión Jurídica, 19.
pp. 89-96.
ISSN 2661-9067
Bhattacharya, Prateek
Suomoto powers of the cci: A road mired with procedural potholes.
Courts and Justice Law Journal, 2 (2).
pp. 233-252.
ISSN 2643-6671
Bhattacharya, Shilpi and Khemani, Aditi
Hyundai and the law of resale price maintenance in India.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (50).
pp. 47-53.
ISSN 129976
Bhattacharyya, Samadrita and Bose, Indranil (2020) S-commerce: Influence of Facebook likes on purchases and recommendations on a linked e-commerce site. Decision Support Systems, 138. p. 113383. ISSN 1679236
Bilal, Maaz Bin
The overseer of the plague: Reading Oedipus Rex during COVID-19.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (25).
pp. 19-20.
ISSN 129976
Bindal, Amit (2020) Complete Justice? Silences and erasures in the Ayodhya judgment. Journal of Indian law and Society, 11 (1). pp. 48-71.
Biswal, Sabyasachi (2020) Analysing the possibility of a consociational settlement between Spain and Catalonia. Foreign Policy Research Centre Journal, 42 (2). pp. 63-73. ISSN 22772464
Biswal, Sabyasachi (2020) The interpretation of religious texts and historical narratives around Hindu-Muslim conflict in contemporary India. South Asia Democratic Forum. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2406-5633
Borah, Noyonika (2020) Software patents in India: The missing link. Supremo Amicus, 20. pp. 421-427. ISSN 2456-9704
Borisa, Dhiren (2020) City and sexuality: An auto-ethnographic storytelling of caste, class and queerness in Delhi. Geography and you, 20 (4-5). pp. 82-87. ISSN 2347-8845
Borisa, Dhiren (2020) Hopeful rantings of a Dalit-queer person. Jindal Law and Humanities Review, 1 (1). pp. 91-95.
Borthakur, Richa and Agarwal, Rishika (2020) A comprehensive guide to civil sovereign immunity in India: from Austinian absolutism towards diminished applicability. Pen Acclaims Journal, 12. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2581-5504
Budhiraja, Bakul, Agrawal, Girish and Pathak, Prasad
Urban heat island effect of a polynuclear megacity Delhi Compactness and thermal evaluation of four sub-cities.
Urban Climate, 32: 100634.
ISSN 22120955
Bulutgil, H, Zeynep and Prasad, Neeraj
Inequality and voting among deprived ethnic groups: evidence from India.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 30 (2).
pp. 221-243.
ISSN 17457289
Calla, Harshita (2020) Impact Of Colonial Rule On Indian entrepreneurs and businesses. Juscholars Journal, 1 (6). pp. 114-119.
Calvo, Sarah, Lyon, Fergus, Morales, Andres and Wade, Jeremy
Educating at scale for sustainable development and social enterprise growth: The impact of online learning and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
Sustainability, 12 (8): 3247.
ISSN 20711050
Chakrabarti, Gagari and Sen, Chitrakalpa
Time series momentum trading in green stocks.
Studies in Economics and Finance, 37 (2).
pp. 361-389.
ISSN 10867376
Chakrabarti, Rajesh and Sanyal, Kaushiki
Towards a ‘Responsible AI’: can India take the lead?
South Asia Economic Journal, 21 (11).
pp. 158-177.
ISSN 13915614
Chandra, Sushant (2020) Interpretive principles in reading the right of children to free and compulsory education act, 2009. Statute Law Review, 20 (20). pp. 1-13. ISSN 01443593
Chandran, Sruti (2020) The defence of intoxication and mental defect: A comparative analysis between India and the United Kingdom. Supremo Amicus, 21. pp. 67-77. ISSN 2456-9704
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Decolonising from London. An Indian psychogeography around Victorian railway spaces (1870-1914).
Diasporas, 36.
pp. 149-171.
ISSN 16375823
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Imperial neuropsychology and an Indian diamond: The quantum ground of dreaming in The Moonstone.
International Journal of Dream Research, 136 (2).
pp. 259-266.
ISSN 18667953
Chatterjee, Arup K.
The science of the Andamans and the sign of the four: The distorted racial hierarchy of British imperial anthropology.
Shima, 14 (2).
pp. 214-234.
ISSN 18346049
Chatterjee, Arup K.
The story of our experiments with London: The Victorian city in Indian imagination (1870-1900).
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 12 (3).
pp. 155-165.
ISSN 9752935
Chaudhary, Shraddha
Reforms to the legal framework of child sexual abuse in India: Legislative band-aids on systemic wounds.
Statute Law Review, 20 (20).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 01443593
Chaudhary, Shraddha
The compelling public interest in testimonial compulsion: A critique of the decision of the Supreme Court of India in Ritesh Sinha v. State of Uttar Pradesh.
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 20 (2).
pp. 342-351.
ISSN 14729342
Chaudhuri, Sriroop, Roy, Mimi and Jain, Aarushi
Appraisal of wash (Water-sanitation-hygiene) infrastructure using a composite index, spatial algorithms and sociodemographic correlates in rural India.
Journal of Environmental Informatics, 35 (1).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 17262135
Chaudhuri, Sriroop, Roy, Mimi, McDonald, Louis M. and Emendack, Yves
Water for all (har ghar jal): Rural water supply services (RWSS) in India (2013–2018), challenges and opportunities.
International Journal of Rural Management, 16 (2).
pp. 254-284.
ISSN 9730052
Chauhan, Prakhar N S and Nath, Raghuveer (2020) The dilution of article 32 convenience over right. GNLU law Review, 7. pp. 71-93. ISSN 0974-9810
Chawla, Swati (2020) Chinese cultural policies in Tibet: A perspective from India. The Asian Forum, 8 (25). ISSN 2288-5757
Chhabria, Sahaana (2020) An analysis of the interaction between IPR and trade. Supremo Amicus, 21. pp. 177-184. ISSN 2456-9704
Chimni, B.S. (2020) The articles on state responsibility and the guiding principles of shared responsibility: A TWAIL perspective. The European Journal of International Law, 31 (4). pp. 1211-1221. ISSN 1464-3596
Chitkara, Radhika and Pareek, Khushboo (2020) The right to land: A study on legality of forced evictions. NLUD Journal of Legal Studies, 2. pp. 69-88.
Choudhary, Varad, Lakra, Rudraksh and Gupta, Ayan (2020) Responding to COVID 19: India’s trade restrictions and the World Trade Organization. National Security, 3 (4). pp. 419-438.
Choung, Yonghwan and Shukla, Siddarth (2020) Interpretation and application of public policy in enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in India: Comparison with the interpretation of public policy under the civil procedure act. Dong: A Journal of International Business Transaction Law, 30. pp. 263-286.
Chowdhury, Abhiroop, Nath, Raghuveer and Rosencranz, Armin
The Sunderbans in crisis.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (34).
ISSN 2349-8846
Dalwai, Sameena and Tyagi, Aabhinav (2020) Impact of Uttarakhand’s reservation judgment on women. Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (20). pp. 44-50. ISSN 129976
Das, Sagnik (2020) The doctrinal decay of Jus Ad Bellum. NLUD Journal of Legal Studies, 2. pp. 89-115.
Dautaj, Ylli (2020) China’s broken promises and diplomatic grandstanding with respect to the 2004 un convention on state immunity. Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, 11. pp. 121-142. ISSN 18050565
Dautaj, Ylli (2020) Immunity from suit for international organizations: The judiciary's new que of separating lawsuit sheep from lawsuit goats. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 27 (2). pp. 207-268. ISSN 10800727
Dautaj, Ylli and Fox, William F. (2020) Jurisdictional immunities and certain iranian assets: Missed opportunities for defining sovereign immunity at the international court of justice. Cornell International Law Journal, 53 (3). pp. 379-428. ISSN 0010-8812
De Herdt, Sandrine W (2020) Judges ad hoc and the international tribunal for the law of the sea: An overview of its practice. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 11 (3). pp. 438-458. ISSN 20403593
De Herdt, Sandrine W (2020) A referral process to the commission on the limits of the continental shelf in the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 m process: An appraisal. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 35 (4). pp. 682-703. ISSN 9273522
De Herdt, Sandrine W (2020) The relationship between the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nm and the delineation of its outer limits. Ocean Development and International Law, 51 (3). pp. 263-282. ISSN 908320
De Herdt, Sandrine W and Ndiaye, Tafsir Malick (2020) The international tribunal for the law of the sea and the protection and preservation of the marine environment: Taking stock and prospects. Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 57. pp. 353-385. ISSN 690058
Dey, Apurva, Kaushik, Arun Kumar and Pal, Rupayan
Probabilistic patents, alternative damage rules, and optimal tariffs.
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 176 (2).
pp. 276-311.
ISSN 9324569
Dey, Deblina (2020) A socio-legal analysis of elder care laws in India. Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 21 (1). pp. 77-102. ISSN 15653404
Dhaundiyal, Mayank and Coughlan, Joseph
Understanding strategic alliance life cycle: a 30 year literature review of leading management journals.
Business: Theory and Practice, 21 (2).
pp. 519-530.
ISSN 16480627
Dhaundiyal, Mayank and Coughlan, Joseph
The impact of alliance justice capability on the performance of strategic alliances in the Indian IT sector: the mediating role of inter-firm commitment.
Cogent Business and Management, 7 (1): 1719587.
ISSN 23311975
Din, Zahir-ud, Amin, Soniya, Bukhari, Parvaiz, Bamzai, Amit, Kaul, Sagar, Kissu, Sagrika, Kaur, Bhavneet, Pandit, Huzaifa and Qazi, Fozia (2020) Relating otherwise: Curated narratives. Biography, 43 (2). pp. 306-322. ISSN 0162-4962
Eid, Al-Harby, Pandey, Mariya Jilinskaya and Pandey, Vijai
Using classical test theory and item response theory to evaluate a selection test for civil servants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation, 27 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 23278692
Faisal, Syed Mohammed (2020) Shaheen Bagh and the hermeneutics of Muslim identity in South Asia. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10 (3). pp. 767-775. ISSN 25751433
Falebita, O. A, Koul, Saroj, Akinbami, John-Felix K and Akarakiri, J. B.
Sustainable resource management: a societal uncertainty perspective.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 27 (2).
pp. 167-178.
ISSN 13504509
Faruk, Mohammad Omar, Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Kirchhoff, Gerd Ferdinand
Absence of respect and recognition of victims in the Criminal Justice System in Bangladesh.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, 8 (2).
pp. 51-56.
ISSN 2521-3539
Fernando, Srimal and Jha, Pankaj
In pursuit of integration: Is south Asia unfit for regionalism?
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, 45 (3-4).
pp. 260-287.
ISSN 0278839X
Field, Jessica
Caught between paper plans and Kashmir politics: Disaster governance in Ladakh, India.
Politics and Governance, 8 (4).
pp. 355-365.
ISSN 21832463
Field, Jessica
Serving 'the cause': Cecil Jackson-Cole and the professionalization of charity in post-war Britain.
Historical Research, 93 (260).
pp. 379-397.
ISSN 14682281
Field, Jessica, Dutt Tiwari, Anubhav and Mookherjee, Yamini
Self-reliance as a concept and a spatial practice for urban refugees: Reflections from Delhi, India.
Journal of Refugee Studies, 33 (1).
pp. 167-188.
ISSN 9516328
Fox, William F. and Dautaj, Ylli (2020) Henry Schein v. Archer & White Sales: Justice Kavanaugh picking low-hanging, pro-arbitration fruit while side-stepping the crux of the matter. Dispute Resolution Journal, 75 (1). pp. 89-110.
Galani, Ami and Rehn, Nathan (2020) Related party transactions: empowering boards and minority shareholders to prevent abuses. National Law School of India Review, 22 (2). pp. 29-58. ISSN 09744894
Gandotra, Aditya
Stabilization and renegotiation clauses in international energy transactions.
International Journal of Law, 6 (4).
pp. 144-152.
ISSN 2455-2194
Ganguly, Anirban, Kumar, Chitresh
, Saxena, Garima and Talukdar, Asim
Firms’ reputation for innovation: Role of marketing capability, innovation capability, and knowledge sharing.
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 19 (2): 2050004.
ISSN 2196492
Ganguly, Anirban, Talukdar, Asim
and Chatterjee, Debdeep
Social capital, knowledge quality, knowledge sharing, and innovation capability: An empirical study of the Indian pharmaceutical sector.
Knowledge and Process Management, 27 (1).
pp. 25-42.
ISSN 10924604
Garg, Neha and Anand, Payal (2020) Knowledge hiding, conscientiousness, loneliness and affective commitment: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Educational Management, 34 (9). pp. 1417-1437. ISSN 0951354X
Gautier, Laurence (2020) Crisis of the “Nehruvian consensus” or pluralization of Indian politics? Aligarh Muslim University and the demand for minority status. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (22). ISSN 19606060
Gautier, Laurence
A laboratory for a composite India? Jamia Millia Islamia around the time of partition.
Modern Asian Studies, 54 (1).
pp. 199-249.
ISSN 0026749X
Gera, Akshara (2020) An introduction” – Societal dominance from her” eye. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 1042-1043. ISSN 2456-7620
Ghosh, Aditya
Deconstructing a 2‐year long transdisciplinary sustainability project in Northern universities: is rhetorical nobility obscuring procedural and political discords?
Sustainability Science, 15 (4).
pp. 1111-1127.
ISSN 18624065
Ghosh, Ranjan and Goyal, Yugank
Oliver Williamson: The man who reduced the transaction cost of economics.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (28-29).
pp. 23-25.
ISSN 129976
Giokaris, Ioannis P and Pouliasi, Maria Eleni (2020) To tax or not to tax? tampon taxes and gender (in)equality: The cyprus case-study. Cyprus Review, 32 (1). pp. 257-278. ISSN 10152881
Goyal, Yugank
Of modernity, house prices and suspending singularity of time.
Journal of Human Values, 26 (1).
pp. 93-106.
ISSN 9716858
Goyal, Yugank
Responsibilization through regulatory intermediaries in informal markets: Examining the governance of prostitution in India.
Regulation and Governance.
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 17485983
Goyal, Yugank
Telecom woes in India what does it tell us about regulation?
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (1).
pp. 16-21.
ISSN 129976
Grover, Anirudh (2020) Right to property: Evolution from a fundamental right to a human right. Supremo Amicus, 18. pp. 113-120. ISSN 2456-9704
Gupta, Parul, Chauhan, Sumedha, Paul, Justin and Jaiswal, Mahadeo
Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda.
Journal of Business Research, 113.
pp. 209-229.
ISSN 1482963
Gupta, Ridhima and Dasgupta, Amlan (2020) Milk will drive methane emissions in India. Climatic Change, 161 (4). pp. 653-664. ISSN 1650009
Gupta, Surya, Bansal, Kshitij and Rosencranz, Armin (2020) India: Cities take the lead in Indian climate change governance. Environmental Policy and Law, 50 (1Feb). pp. 89-101. ISSN 0378777X
Huang, David KC
US foreign policy regarding the defence of Taiwan: a critical analysis in accordance with US law.
Asian Journal of Political Science, 28 (3).
pp. 256-274.
ISSN 02185377
Huang, David KC and Li, Nigel NT (2020) Hans Kelsen and court-ordered apology in Taiwan: A critical analysis of Judicial Yuan Interpretation no. 656 [2009]. Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 21 (2). pp. 270-297. ISSN 1571-8158
Huang, David KC and Li, Nigel NT
Magna carta and Hong (magna) fan (carta): A comparison of their nature and institutions.
SOAS Law Journal, 7 (2).
pp. 4-40.
Huang, David KC and Li, Nigel NT
Unconstitutional constitutional amendment in Taiwan: A retrospective analysis of judicial yuan interpretation No. 499 [2000].
Asian Law Review, 15.
pp. 421-461.
Iheme, Williams C.
Blackness in America and the presumption of innocence: How the American police and mass media poisoned everything.
Human Rights, 15 (2).
pp. 153-174.
ISSN 24236489
Iheme, Williams C.
Remedying the defects in India's credit and insolvency frameworks with adapted solutions from the Anglo-American legal scholarships.
Pravni zapisi : Union University Law School Review, 11 (2).
pp. 580-619.
ISSN 24061387
Iheme, Williams C.
Systemic racism, police brutality of black people, and the use of violence in quelling peaceful protests in America.
Age of Human Rights Journal, 15.
pp. 224-262.
ISSN 23409592
Iheme, Williams C. and Gikay, Asress Adimi
Police brutality and the role of profit in black incarceration.
Free Inquiry, 40 (6).
ISSN 0272-0701
Iheme, Williams C. and Mba, Sanford U.
Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative study of the capabilities of the Kenyan and Nigerian insolvency frameworks.
Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice,, 6 (2).
ISSN 2521-2575
Jain, Dipika (2020) Law-making by and for the people: A case for pre-legislative processes in India. Statute Law Review, 41 (2). pp. 189-206. ISSN 1443593
Jain, Dipika, Aher, Abhina, Shaikh, Simran, Sarkar, Amrita and Tronic, Brian (2020) Negotiating violence: Everyday queer experiences of the law. Violence and Gender, 7 (4). pp. 141-149. ISSN 23267836
Jain, Dipika and Kartik, Kavya (2020) Unjust citizenship: The law that isn’t. NUJS Law review, 13 (2). pp. 1-44. ISSN 0975 - 0207
Jain, Dipika and Rhoten, Kimberly M (2020) Epistemic injustice and judicial discourse on transgender rights in India: Uncovering temporal pluralism. Journal of Human Values, 26 (1). pp. 30-49. ISSN 9716858
Jain, Dipika and Shah, Payal K. (2020) Reimagining reproductive rights jurisprudence in India: reflections on the recent decisions on privacy and gender equality from the Supreme Court of India. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 39 (2). pp. 1-53. ISSN 2333-4339
Jain, Ishita (2020) Immanence: Performative forests. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory, 3. ISSN 2704-7598
Jain, Rishabh and Srivastava, Utsav (2020) The illusionary scheme for distributive justice in Indian constitution. All India Reporter Online. ISSN 0002-5593
Jangirala, Srinivas, Das, Ashok Kumar and Vasilakos, Athanasios V.
Designing secure lightweight blockchain-enabled RFID-based authentication protocol for supply chains in 5G mobile edge computing environment.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16 (11).
pp. 7081-7093.
ISSN 15513203
Kambhampati, Aniruddha
(Bull)ying their way out of the judiciary: a critical appraisal of the prevention of cruelty to animals (Tamil Nadu amendment) ordinance, 2017.
Dublin Law and Politics Review, 1 (1).
pp. 79-87.
Kambhampati, Aniruddha
Cultural imperialism: An underpinning in the Hindu succession act.
NLUA Law Review, 4.
pp. 47-59.
ISSN 24558680
Kamra, Lipika
Women’s collectives and state-led development in West Bengal: Reimagining selves during counterinsurgency.
Journal of South Asian Development, 15 (3).
pp. 352-370.
ISSN 9731741
Kamra, Lipika and Sen, Debarati
Women’s collectives and social transformations in South Asia: Negotiations, navigations and self-making.
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