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International Institute for Higher Education Research & Capacity Building

Mukherjee, Mousumi (2021) Tagore’s perspective on decolonizing education. In: Oxford research encyclopedia of education. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-17.

Mukherjee, Mousumi, Belousova, Tatiana and Maun, Deepak (2021) Students' experiences with distance learning under COVID-19: Critical perspectives from an Indian University. In: Online teaching and learning in higher education during COVID-19: International perspectives and experiences. Routledge, New York, pp. 199-214. ISBN 9781003125921

Mukherjee, Mousumi and Jain, Sahil (2021) Marginalised students and their contexts: A case from India. In: Social studies education in south and south east asian contexts. Routledge series on schools and schooling in Asia . Taylor and Francis Inc., United Kingdom, pp. 119-130. ISBN 9780367523688

Mukherjee, Mousumi and Singh, Akshay (2021) Postcolonial national identity formation through social studies: the case of India. In: Social studies education in south and south east Asian contexts. Routledge series on schools and schooling in Asia . Routledge, Oxon, pp. 17-27. ISBN 9781003057598

Jindal Global Business School

Agarwal, Renu, Bajada, Christopher, Katic, Mile and Bhatia, Manjot Singh (2021) Technological trends and future management practices in global value chains. In: The Routledge companion to global value chains reinterpreting and reimagining megatrends in the world economy. Taylor and Francis Inc., Oxon, pp. 123-136. ISBN 9781315225661

Agrawal, Anirudh, Kumar, Payal, Shah, Shalaka Sharad and Budhwar, Pawan (2021) Work from home among start-ups in India: An institutional logics perspective. In: Work from Home: Multi-level Perspectives on the New Norma. Emerald, London, pp. 203-226. ISBN 9781800716612

Banerjee, Tuhin and Koul, Saroj (2021) Optimization model for production planning: Case of an Indian steel company. In: Computationally intelligent systems and their applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 950 . Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 11-24. ISBN 978-981-16-0407-2

Banerji, Diptiman, Rashideh, Waleed, Arora, Bharat and Pratihari, Aditya Ranjan (2021) Application potential of blockchain technologies in the travel and tourism industry. In: Blockchain applications in IoT ecosystem. EAI/Springer innovations in communication and computing . Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 289-300. ISBN 9783030656911

Jafari, Mina, Bhatia, Manjot Singh and Awasthi, Anjali (2021) Antecedents and performance outcomes of reverse supply chain and social sustainability practices. In: Mobility management in urban areas: Models and perspectives. Urban development and infrastructure . Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 149-183. ISBN 9781536188240

Kothari, Priyanka (2021) Game theory: Towards an understanding of the logic of justice, peace, and institutions. In: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals . Springer, Cham, pp. 297-356. ISBN 9783319959597

Kumar, Anish, Kumar, Pradeep and Mangla, Sachin Kumar (2021) Strategies to manage perishability in a perishable food supply chain. In: Operations management and data analytics modelling: Economic crises perspective. CRC Press, New York, pp. 149-163. ISBN 9781003181644

Sharma, Radha R. and Chawla, Sonam (2021) Gender equality & gender equity: Strategies for bridging the gender gap in the corporate world. In: Exploring gender at work multiple perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 197-212. ISBN 9783030643218

Sharma, Radha R., Chawla, Sonam and Karam, Charlotte M. (2021) Global gender gap index: World economic forum perspective. In: Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 150-163. ISBN 9781788975728

Shukla, Shashwat, Shukla, Shantam and Chawla, Sonam (2021) Organizational and individual reality of innovation: Similarities and differences. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 259-272. ISBN 9783030599164

White, Joshua V, Chaudhary, Sanjay and Gupta, Vishal K (2021) Measurement of entrepreneurial orientation: A systematic critical synthesis of the empirical literature. In: Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives:. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, 22 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 223-245. ISBN 978-1-83867-571-4

Jindal Global Law School

-, Aditi and von Achenbach, Jelena (2021) Electoral systems and representation. In: Democratic constitutionalism in India and the European Union. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 137-161. ISBN 9781789901566

Anand, Ishan (2021) Agricultural growth and distress in India's post-liberalization era. In: The Routledge Handbook of Post-Reform Indian Economy. 1st ed. Routledge, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9780367855741

Banerjee, Arpan (2021) Copyright and academic photocopying: The Delhi university case. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 304-323. ISBN 9781108671101

Banerjee, Arpan (2021) A primer on intellectual property and popular culture research. In: Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780198826743

Baruah, Pritam and Volkmann, Uwe (2021) Concepts of democracy. In: Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 437-74. ISBN 978-178990157-3, 978-178990156-6

Bhattacharya, Jigisha (2021) Tracing Rosa Luxemburg's legacy: Economic and political debates within contemporary India. In: Rosa Luxemburg Band 2: Nachwirken. Buchner Verlag, Marburg, pp. 17-52. ISBN 9783963177835

Brown, Gavin and Borisa, Dhiren (2021) Making space for queer desire in global urbanism. In: Global urbanism: Knowledge power and the city. Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 49-55. ISBN 9780429259593

Chanda, Subhrajit and Singh, Avinash (2021) Arguing fundamental rights status to sports in India: A comparative analysis. In: Issues and challenges in law relating to sports in India. Taxmann Publications, New Delhi, pp. 62-69. ISBN 9789390831838

Chandra, Sushant (2021) 'Dignity' in the adjudication of healthcare rights in India. In: Routledge handbook of global health rights. Routledge, London, pp. 168-179. ISBN 9780429297021

Dar, Wasiq Abass (2021) 'Public policy exception' in international commercial arbitration: An Indian tale of a turbulent past and a promising future. In: Adjudicating global business in and with India: International commercial and investment disputes settlement. Routledge research in corporate law . Taylor and Francis Inc., Oxon, pp. 233-253. ISBN 9780367359003

Davis, Michael C. (2021) Human rights and political opposition in Hong Kong. In: Handbook on Human Rights in China. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 588-604. ISBN 9781786433688

Dey, Deblina (2021) Three models of institutional care in india and the interpretation of the needs of older persons. In: Ageing Issues in India. Springer, Singapore, pp. 171-191. ISBN 978-981-16-5827-3

Gangopadhyay, Sunil, Dutta, Debolina and Sircar, Oishik (2021) Lord-healer of lost cases. In: Routledge handbook of international law and the humanities. Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 208-226. ISBN 9781003170914

Garimella, Sai Ramani and Dar, Wasiq Abass (2021) Anti-arbitration Injunctions in investor-state arbitration: Instruments of “Abuse of Process”. In: Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-15. ISBN 97898113-57442

Ghosal, Srimati (2021) The bard in Bharadwaj: Politics of transculturation in the cinematic adaptations of Shakespeare by Vishal Bharadwaj. In: Identity and Marginalisation in South Asia literature and Media. Anu Book, Meerut, pp. 99-111. ISBN 9789390879335

Gupta, Prashant (2021) Cyberspace and the illusions of ultra-democracy. In: Inhabiting Cyberspace in India : Theory, Perspectives, and Challenge. Springer, Singapore, pp. 35-43. ISBN 9789811599330

Hazarika, Anjana (2021) The sreni-drawing the legacy of CSR in India. In: Facets of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in India. Accounting, finance, sustainability, governance & fraud: Theory and application . Springer, Singapore, pp. 163-180. ISBN 9789813340763

Huang, David K. C and Li, Nigel NT (2021) Mr. President Democracy: A political life in modern constitutionalism. In: Taiwan: Environmental, Political and Social Issues. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, pp. 273-298. ISBN 9781536198713

Iheme, Williams C. (2021) Vulnerability, financial inclusion, and the heightened relevance of education in a credit crisis. In: Discrimination, vulnerable consumers and financial inclusion: fair access to financial services and the law. Discrimination, Vulnerable Consumers and Financial Inclusion Fair Access to Financial Services and the Law, Oxon, pp. 84-110. ISBN 9781003055075

Iheme, Williams C. (2021) A comparative assessment of the legal frameworks on cross-border consumer disputes. In: The Indian yearbook of comparative law 2019. The Indian yearbook of comparative law book series . Springer, Singapore, pp. 61-93. ISBN 9789811621758

Jadumani, Mahanand (2021) Ambedkar's debate on equality and liberty : Fraternity a political normative. In: B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 92-121.

Jain, Dipika (2021) Queering the transnational: Notes on an emerging politics of law and sexuality. In: Queering the transnational: Notes on an emerging politics of law and sexuality. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 727-746. ISBN 9780197547410

John, Mathew (2021) The limit of pluralism : A perspective on religious freedom in Indian constitutional law. In: Negotiating Democracy and Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan, and Turkey. Oxford University Press, London, pp. 203-220. ISBN 9780197530016

Junnarkar, Mohita and Adlakha, Kartik (2021) Decision-making in the courtroom: Judiciary. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 229-241. ISBN 9789811645709

Kakar, Narinder, Popovski, Vesselin and Robinson, Nicholas A. (2021) Preface. In: Fulfilling the sustainable development goals: On a quest for a sustainable world. Law, ethics and governance . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, xxi-xxiii. ISBN 9781003144274

Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani (2021) Introduction: The changing waterscape of groundwater Law in India. In: Groundwater law and management in India : From an elitist to an egalitarian paradigm. Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9789811626197

Mahanand, Jadumani (2021) Ambedkar in/and academic space. In: B. R. Ambedkar: The quest for justice: Religious and cultural justice. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 268-282. ISBN 9780190127893

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) Supreme court of the federal democratic republic of Nepal. In: Max Planc encyclopedia of comparative constitutional law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780190660994

Mandal, Saptarshi (2021) Familiarizing the unfamiliar in marriage: The case of sodomy as a ground for divorce. In: Sexuality, abjection and queer existence in contemporary India. Routledge, London, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9781003193531

Mandal, Sourav (2021) The politics of regulating adult sexuality through the Institution of marriage: Reflections on queer experiences from India. In: Mutinies for equality: Contemporary developments in law and gender in India. Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, pp. 225-241. ISBN 9781108991735

Mishra, Shubham Prakash and Thakur, Shambhavi (2021) The fault in our artificial stars: Efficacy of satellite surveillance systems in India's conservation efforts. In: Technological issues under Environment Law. Gujarat National law University, Gujarat, pp. 4-18.

Nanda, Rubanya (2021) Sustainable development component in model BITs—A comparative analysis. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2019. Springer, Singapore, pp. 95-107. ISBN 978-981-16-2175-8

Nedumpara, James J. and Laddha, Aditya (2021) India joining the ICSID? A new look at an old debate. In: Adjudicating Global Business in and with India: International Commercial and Investment Disputes Settlement. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780429343773

Popovski, Vesselin (2021) Missing climate action: Gaps in the implementation of the Paris agreement on climate change. In: Fulfilling the sustainable development goals: On a quest for a sustainable world. Law Ethics and Governance . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 294-310. ISBN 9781003144274

Popovski, Vesselin (2021) Reducing inequality and sharing opportunities for all. In: Fulfilling the sustainable development goals: On a quest for a sustainable world. Law, ethics and governance . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 240-254. ISBN 9781003144274

Popovski, Vesselin, Kakar, Narinder and Robinson, Nicholas A. (2021) Pathways to 2030. In: Fulfilling the sustainable development goals: On a quest for a sustainable world. Law, ethics and governance . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 529-539. ISBN 9781003144274

Popovski, Vesselin and Stanchev, Krassen (2021) Extreme poverty eradication: Conceptual evolution and policy challenges. In: Fulfilling the sustainable development goals: On a quest for a sustainable world. Law, ethics and governance . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 37-54. ISBN 9781003144274

Prabhu, Aloke (2021) Growing market and receding morality: Rethinking market. In: Economic analysis of law. Thomson Reuters Legal, Gurgoan, pp. 164-175. ISBN 9789391340179

Puthucherril, Tony George (2021) Belling the cat: judicial discipline in India. In: Disciplining judges: Contemporary challenges and controversies. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 155-178. ISBN 9781789902372

Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani (2021) Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In: Groundwater law and management in India : From an elitist to an egalitarian paradigm. Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp. 101-117. ISBN 9789811626197

Puthucherril, Tony George and Peters, Mary Sabina (2021) Dam-related displacement and sustainable development goal 6. In: Clean Water and Sanitation. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9783319700618

Rajawat, Anugrah Pratap Singh and Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) Legalizing betting in India: A study from the perspective of moral quandary. In: Play and Prejudice: A panoromic view of sports law governance and regulation. Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Andhra Pradesh, pp. 287-303. ISBN 978-81-954254-6-4

Ramakrishnan, Abhilasha (2021) Caste realities and the struggles of India’s adivasi and dalit population in accessing groundwater. In: Groundwater law and management in India : From an elitist to an egalitarian paradigm. Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9789811626197

Ranjan, Prabhash (2021) ISDS transparency provisions in the Indian Model BIT: A half-hearted attempt? In: Adjudicating Global Business in and with India: International Commercial and Investment Disputes Settlement. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780429343773

Rosencranz, Armin, Mathews, Avinash, Parab, Sangram Sinh, Janghu, Shubham and Putta, Suhaas (2021) The National Green Tribunal's response to the cause of tribals and fisherfolk. In: Advancing environmental justice for marginalized communities in India progress, challenges and opportunities. Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9781003141228

Sharma, Aishna, Chishti, Vanessa and Pathak, Binay Kumar (2021) Teachers and students as political actors in Indian higher education. In: Changing higher education in India. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 211-240. ISBN 9781350192409

Singh, Prabhakar (2021) Finding foreign relations law in India: A decolonial dissent. In: Encounters between Foreign Relations Law and International Law. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781108942713

Sircar, Oishik (2021) A brief prehistory of queer freedom in the New India. In: Sexuality, abjection and queer existence in contemporary India. Routledge, London, pp. 226-250. ISBN 9781003193531

Srivastava, Anamika (2021) The marketed 'quality' of higher education: A study of university websites in South Africa. In: Quality assurance in higher education in eastern and southern Africa: Regional and continental perspectives. Perspectives on education in Africa . Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 66-76. ISBN 9781003141235

Star, Shaun (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on the right to education in India. In: The yearbook of educational law. Education Law Association, Ohio, pp. 280-282. ISBN 9781565341937

Thampi, Anjana (2021) Economic reforms, undernutrition and public provisioning of food. In: The Routledge Handbook of Post-Reform Indian Economy. Routledge, London, pp. 409-423. ISBN 9780367855741

Tiwari, Yashowardhan (2021) The curious absence of Gandhi from the Indian constitution: The history we don't remember. In: Recent trends in legal history. Gujarat National Law University, Gujrat, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9789384936136

Tripathi, Sushruti and Gupta, Surya (2021) Haryana. In: Groundwater law and management in India : From an elitist to an egalitarian paradigm. Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp. 173-187. ISBN 9789811626197

Zeller, Bruno, Mohanty, Gautam and Garimella, Sai Ramani (2021) Conclusion and observations. In: Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the Public Policy Exception. Springer, Singapore, pp. 171-183. ISBN 978-981-16-2634-0

Zhang, Wenjuan (2021) Another perspective to read the picture of lawyering for change in China. In: The Indian yearbook of comparative law 2019. The Indian yearbook of comparative law book series . Springer, Singapore, pp. 319-355. ISBN 9789811621758

Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences

Bhadra, Poulomi (2021) Is forensic evidence impartial? Cognitive biases in forensic analysis. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 215-227. ISBN 9789811645709

Bhadra, Poulomi and Nair, Vipin Vijay (2021) Investigative psychology through a forensic victimology perspective. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 185-201. ISBN 9789811645709

Junnarkar, Mohita and Lakhani, Sweta (2021) Investigating the eyewitness: Accuracy and fallacies of memory. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 203-213. ISBN 9789811645709

Kaur, Kulpreet (2021) Psychology: The science of mental processes. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9789811645709

Khanna, Pulkit (2021) Criminal psychology through a positive psychology lens: From a deficit to asset perspective. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 255-269. ISBN 9789811645709

Lakhani, Sweta (2021) Perspectives on internet-based crimes. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 145-153. ISBN 9789811645709

Maiti, Tanay and Langan, Lukus (2021) Gender and crime. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 119-131. ISBN 9789811645709

Nair, Vipin Vijay and Varkey, Sandra Anil (2021) From victim to criminality: Understanding sex trafficking within the walls of sex work – victimization of victims of commercial sexual exploitation. In: Global perspectives on reforming the criminal justice system. Premier reference series . Business Science Reference, New Delhi, pp. 288-308. ISBN 9781799868842

Palit, Manjushree and Chhabra, Bhavya (2021) Causes of juvenile delinquency and treatment. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 93-117. ISBN 9789811645709

Pirozhenko, Tamara, Khartman, Olena and Soroka, Iryna A. (2021) Worldviews as a way of appropriation value orientations and spiritual development. In: Pedagogy and psychology of postmodernism: Values, competence, digitalization: According to the scientific edition of Professor Anna Tsvetkova. Heilberg IT Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt) InterGING Verlag., Aerzen, pp. 86-98. ISBN 9783946407102

Sahni, Sanjeev P. and -, Karishma (2021) Mental disorders, violence, and crime. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 69-92. ISBN 9789811645709

Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Choudhury, Tanni (2021) The science of criminal profiling. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 51-68. ISBN 9789811645709

Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Krishnakumar, Akshaya (2021) Theoretical approaches to understanding criminal behaviour. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9789811645709

Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Langan, Lukus (2021) Psychological approaches to detection of deceit. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 173-184. ISBN 9789811645709

Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Phakey, Nisha (2021) Criminal psychology: Understanding criminal behaviour. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9789811645709

Verma, Shankey (2021) Decision-making in the courtroom: Jury. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 243-254. ISBN 9789811645709

Jindal School of Art and Architecture

Sachdev, Anandit and Mazraani, Dana (2021) Non-state actors in the urbanization process in cities of the Global South. In: Planning practices and theories from the global south. ESOP Conversations in planning – Special issue . Association of European Schools of Planning- York Academic Network, Dortmund, pp. 24-31.

Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability

Chowdhury, Abhiroop, Naz, Aliya and Sharma, Diksha (2021) Geochemistry, extent of pollution, and ecological impact of heavy metal pollutants in soil. In: Geochemistry: Concepts and applications. Scrivener Publishing, Boston, pp. 73-91. ISBN 9781119710134

Naz, Aliya, Chowdhury, Abhiroop and Mishra, Brijesh Kumar (2021) Source, pollution and remediation of carcinogenic hexavalent chromium from industrial, mining effluents. In: Remediation of Heavy Metals. Environmental chemistry for a sustainable world (70). Springer, Cham, pp. 305-320. ISBN 9783030803360

Rosencranz, Armin, Mathews, Avinash, Parab, Sangram Sinh, Janghu, Shubham and Putta, Suhaas (2021) The National Green Tribunal's response to the cause of tribals and fisherfolk. In: Advancing environmental justice for marginalized communities in India progress, challenges and opportunities. Taylor and Francis, Oxon, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9781003141228

Tiwary, Nawin Kumar, Singh, Govind and Bhaduri, Asani (2021) Exploring the relationship between the emergence of zoonotic diseases and the inhuman touch of habitat loss and wildlife trade. In: Multidimensional approaches to impacts of changing environment on human healt. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Oxon, pp. 317-328. ISBN 9781003095422

Jindal School of Government and Public Policy

Chakrabarti, Milindo and Chaturvedi, Sachin (2021) An evolving shared concept of development cooperation: Perspectives on the 2030 agenda. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 91-112. ISBN 978-3-030-57938-8

Gupta, Dhritiman and Sarkar, Soumendu (2021) Assembly problems. In: Game theory and networks new perspectives and directions. Indian Statistical Institute series . Springer Science and Business Media B.V., Singapore, pp. 89-104. ISBN 9789811647376

Marks, Stephen P. and Malhotra, Rajeev (2021) The past and future of the right to development. In: Critical Issues in Human Rights and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 347-367. ISBN 978-178100597-2

Mukhopadhyay, Indranil (2021) National health policy 2017: Securing interests of profits. In: Universalising Healthcare in India: From Care to Coverage. Springer, Singapore, pp. 39-55. ISBN 9789811658723

Ray, Subhasish (2021) Dominant party rule, development, and the rise of Hindu nationalism in West Bengal. In: Theory, policy, practice development and discontents in India. Routledge, Oxon, pp. 200-217. ISBN 9781003159940

Sinha, Geeta and Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2021) Rise of Hindutva politics, demonetisation, and its impact on micro, small and medium enterprises in India. In: Emerging Markets. IntechOpen, London, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781839684357

Thara, Kaveri (2021) Alternative market systems: Mutual dependence for collective welfare in a fish market in Udupi. In: Social reproduction, solidarity economy, feminisms and democracy: Latin America and India. Gender, development and social change . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 187-209. ISBN 9783030715311

Thara, Kaveri (2021) Struggles of an association of women working in the fishing sector in Udupi: between mothering and the market. In: Feminist effervescence: Reorganizing social reproduction, democratizing the solidarity economy, rethinking value. Gender and Development Notebooks | Lighting 2 . L'Harmattan, Geneva, pp. 133-152. ISBN 9782940600311

Verschuur, Christine, Guérin, Isabelle, Hillenkamp, Isabelle, Calvão, Filipe, Farah, Ivonne, Fournier, Marisa, Kalpana, K., Kumar, Santosh, Laville, Jean-Louis, Lazala, Yira, Loritz, Erika, Nandi, Rajib, Nobre, Miriam, Ruesgas, Gabriela, Sostres, Fernanda, Thara, Kaveri and Venkatasubramanian, G. (2021) Introduction. In: Social reproduction, solidarity economy, feminisms and democracy: Latin America and India. Gender, development and social change . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9783030715311

Jindal School of International Affairs

Adam, Hebatallah (2021) Fintech and entrepreneurship boosting in developing countries: A comparative study of India and Egypt. In: The big data-driven digital economy: Artificial and computational intelligence. Studies in computational intelligence . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 141-156. ISBN 978-3-030-73057-4

Jha, Pankaj (2021) India's defence diplomacy in Southeast Asia: exploring new avenues. In: ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics. Routledge studies on think Asia . Routledge, London, pp. 124-141. ISBN 9781003177173

Kipgen, Nehginpao (2021) Ethnic minorities and Myanmar’s democratization. In: Ethnic and religious diversity in Myanmar. Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 36-49. ISBN 9781350187412

Setzer, Joana, Leal, Guilherme JS and Borges, Caio (2021) Climate change litigation in Brazil: Will green courts become greener? In: Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Brill, Leiden, pp. 143-172. ISBN 9789004447615

Sharma, Raghav (2021) Afghanistan. In: Handbook of Asian states: Geography-history-culture-politics-economy Part-1. LIT Studies on Asia, 8 . LIT Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Wein, Zurich, pp. 5-22. ISBN 9783643961003

Vazquez, Karin Costa and Kottam, Vyshali (2021) The impact of India’s lines of credit on the future of India-Africa partnership in agriculture. In: India-Africa partnerships for food security and capacity building: South-south cooperation. International political economy series . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 311-337. ISBN 9783030541125

Jindal School of Journalism & Communication

Muralidharan, Sukumar (2021) Free speech, democracy and the ‘hidden persuaders’: Segregation in the public sphere. In: Companion to Indian democracy: Resilience, fragility, ambivalence. Routledge, New Delhi, pp. 204-222. ISBN 9781003219477

Rajan, Benson (2021) Popular culture and the (mis)representation of Asperger’s: A study on the sitcoms Community and The Big Bang Theory. In: Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media Quieting the Madness. Taylor and Francis Inc., London, pp. 66-82. ISBN 978-100037735-4, 978-036782052-7

Rajan, Benson and Venkatraman, Shreya (2021) Dalit empowerment, narratives and violence: Locating Ambedkar through select films. In: Caste, communication and power. SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, New delhi, pp. 198-212. ISBN 9789391370824

Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities

Clammer, John (2021) Spiritual pragmatism and an economics of solidarity. In: Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 135-145. ISBN 9789811571145

Dhar, Nandini (2021) The new creative writing classroom of India: The client-student, structures of privilege, and the spectre of privatisation. In: Teaching Creative Writing in Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 70-83. ISBN 9781003133018

Ganguly, Sriti (2021) In the pursuit of middle-classness: Exploring the aspirations and strategies of the urban poor in neoliberal Delhi. In: Beyond Consumption: India’s New Middle Class in the Neo-Liberal Times. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 96-112. ISBN 978-100043944-1

Mohan, Deepanshu (2021) Governing dynamics of a changing global economic order: The case for emerging economies. In: Handbook of BRICS and Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 980-1001. ISBN 9780198827535

Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling

Palit, Manjushree and Chhabra, Bhavya (2021) Causes of juvenile delinquency and treatment. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 93-117. ISBN 9789811645709

Palit, Manjushree and Mittal, Mona (2021) Intimate partner violence in India. In: International perspectives on intimate partner violence: Challenges and opportunities. AFTA Springer Briefs in Family Therapy . Springer, Cham, pp. 41-51. ISBN 9783030748081

Office of English and Foreign Languages

Batra, Jagdish (2021) Examining sex-culture dynamics: A plea for realism. In: Hermeneutics of the Body. Khalsa College Publications, Patiala, pp. 31-40. ISBN 9788126933433

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