Items where Subject is "Literature and Literary Theory"
- Subject (8024)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
- Arts and Humanities (360)
- Literature and Literary Theory (98)
- Arts and Humanities (360)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
Anzi, Achia (2024) Settler mimicry: Colonization and decolonization through imitation. Palestine/Israel Review, 1 (1). ISSN 2834-4324
Arif, Nida (2025) On-going Shaheen Bagh: collective creation, newness and solidarity. Contemporary South Asia. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0958-4935 (In Press)
Batra, Jagdish
Decolonising Indian mind and Rajiv Malhotra’s ‘Predatory-Digested Cultures’ paradigm.
Boletin de Literatura Oral - The Literary Journal, 11 (1).
pp. 183-192.
ISSN 2173-0695
Batra, Jagdish
Ecological consciousness in recent Indian English fiction.
Language in India, 19 (6).
pp. 239-251.
ISSN 1930-2940
Batra, Jagdish
Exploring the dark recesses of mind in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Lowland: insights and limitations.
The Commonwealth Review, 23 (1).
pp. 158-169.
ISSN 0974-0473
Batra, Jagdish
Global capital at the service of Goddess Saraswati!
Contemporary Vibes, 15 (58).
pp. 47-49.
ISSN 09751750
Batra, Jagdish
History-fiction interface in Shashi Tharoor's' Riot.
The Atlantic Critical Review, 12 (2).
ISSN 0972-6373
Batra, Jagdish
Home as structural principle in Kiran Desai's: The Inheritance of Loss.
Journal of The Odisha Association for English Studies, 4 (1).
pp. 157-164.
ISSN 2249-6726
Batra, Jagdish
Indian contribution to contemporary English literature.
International Journal of English: Literature, Language and Skills, 8 (2).
pp. 35-43.
ISSN 2278-0742
Batra, Jagdish
Keki Daruwalla's 'Swerving to Solitude': Attacking Emergency with a Sheathed Sword.
International Journal of Social Science & Humanity, 10 (1).
pp. 29-34.
ISSN 20103646
Batra, Jagdish
Linguistic, cultural and political acts in translating literary texts: prizes and pitfalls.
Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 7 (2).
pp. 234-241.
ISSN 2321-3108
Batra, Jagdish
Mahesh Dattani's commitment to humanism in the play 'Do the Needful'.
Journal of the Odisha Association for English Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 90-97.
ISSN 22495726
Batra, Jagdish
Major concerns in Indian English fiction 2011-2015.
The Commonwealth Review, 24 (2).
pp. 9-41.
ISSN 0974-0473
Batra, Jagdish
Portrayal of Indian cultural icons in contemporary retellings: Envisioning impact on the millennial generation.
Boletin de Literatura Oral - The Literary Journal, 10 (1): 2023.
ISSN 2173-0695
(In Press)
Batra, Jagdish
Postmodernism and India: exploring Indian English fiction.
The Commonwealth Review, 25 (2).
pp. 157-168.
ISSN 0974-0473
Batra, Jagdish
Rajat Mitra's 'the infidel next door': swimming against the tide of prevalent discourse.
The Atlantic Critical Review, 17 (4).
pp. 79-93.
ISSN 0972-6373
Batra, Jagdish
Religion and spirituality in Indian English fiction.
IUP Journal of English Studies, 15 (2).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 0973-3728
Batra, Jagdish
Rohinton Mistry's 'Family Matters': A Postcolonial humanist text.
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6 (5).
pp. 138-144.
ISSN 24156248
Batra, Jagdish
Rohinton mistry as a postcolonial novelist.
International Journal of English Literature, Language and Skills, 3 (2).
pp. 70-76.
ISSN 2278-0742
Batra, Jagdish
Spiritual and secular poetry of Swami Vivekananda.
The Commonwealth Review, 27 (1).
pp. 172-180.
ISSN 09740473
Batra, Jagdish
Teaching literature to college students in India: Necessity and challenges.
International Journal of Higher Education and Research, 12 (1).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 2277260X
Batra, Jagdish
Tishani Doshi's 'The Pleasure Seekers': Exploring limits of acculturation.
Psychology and Education Journal, 58 (4).
pp. 1442-1452.
ISSN 15536939
Batra, Jagdish
White feet in black sandals: a study of magic Realism as the narrative mode in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's The Mistress of Spices.
The Indo-American Review, 19 (1).
pp. 55-65.
Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma
Obscene or artistic? The poetics and politics of the obscenity law in Indian art and literature.
Indian Law Review, 3 (1).
pp. 33-60.
ISSN 2473-0599
Bharadwaj, Gargi
Theatrical explorations of contemporaneity.
Projects / Processes, 5, Research and Writing from SAF 2017, 5 (1).
pp. 8-34.
Bilal, Maaz Bin
The Journey beyond Passage into the University: The Relevance of E. M. Forster for (Indian) Academia2.
Journal of the Polish Association for the Study of English (3.2).
pp. 25-36.
Bilal, Maaz Bin
The overseer of the plague: Reading Oedipus Rex during COVID-19.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (25).
pp. 19-20.
ISSN 129976
Chakrabarti, Turni (2024) The desiring widow in Anthony Trollope's the Eustace diamonds and Rabindranath Tagore's Chokher Bali. Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature, 146 (1). pp. 184-200. ISSN 2166-0107
Challa, Pankaj (2018) Passengers. The Iowa Review, 48. pp. 94-103. ISSN 0021-065x
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Lord Ram's own sethu: Adam’s Bridge envisaged as an aquapelago.
Shima, 16 (1).
pp. 94-114.
ISSN 18346049
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Pothum Janakummah Ragaviah’s “Fairy-land”: a “hindoo Lady of Madras” in Victorian London.
Studies in Travel Writing.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 1364-5145
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Shakespeare and therapeutizing the “naturall sicknes” of dreams in reformed England.
Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, 15 (2).
pp. 71-100.
ISSN 2077-1290
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Shakespeare in dream and Shakespearean dreams.
International Journal of Dream Research, 14 (1).
pp. 99-113.
ISSN 18667953
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Sherlock Holmes and Vijnana Vedanta: The hidden spiritualist of 221B Baker street.
International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 12 (1).
pp. 171-184.
ISSN 21548633
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of theosophy: Spiritual underpinnings of the science of deduction.
The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 35 (02).
pp. 96-113.
ISSN 1703-289X
Chatterjee, Arup K.
A study in furniture: The moonstone’s “detective fever” and pharmacy of deduction.
Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 24 (1).
pp. 142-171.
ISSN 15248429
Dhar, Nandini (2024) As we stay marooned inside our respective teapots. North Dakota Quarterly, 91 (1-2). pp. 90-91. ISSN 2836-175X
Dhar, Nandini (2022) We are not here to visit temples. New England Review-Middlebury Series, 43 (2). pp. 34-46. ISSN 1053-1297
Gupta, Kashish (2021) Rethinking the importance of message: A critical analysis of McLuhan’s theory,“Medium is the message.”. International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES), 3 (12). ISSN 2581-8333
Hay, Andrew (2015) Reading in, out around and beyond. Journal of Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 34-43.
Mishra, Yogesh (2024) Camus comes to Kashmir. New Writing. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1479-0726 (In Press)
Pande, Rukmini
Popular culture.
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.
ISSN 1077-4254
(In Press)
Perumal, Shahdab and N K, Jisna (2024) Abu and his smell world. Economic and Political Weekly, 59 (52). ISSN 2349-8846
Ranjan, Priya (2024) Caste, merit, and technical education in India. Social Change. ISSN 0049-0857 (In Press)
Shakil, Albeena (2018) Writing from, of and by the Northeast: Locating the Northeast in the novels of Mamang Dai, Siddhartha Deb and Anjum Hasan. The Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies Journal, 4. pp. 11-20. ISSN 2395-1206
Sharma, Amrita and Raouf, Peerzada (2019) Of braids, blades and the djinns of winters past: Fighting the ghosts of Kashmir. Wasafiri, 34 (3). pp. 2-7. ISSN 1747-1508
Sharma, Niyati (2023) Finding the “Ideal”: F. Marion Crawford’s Mystical Theology and Literary Form in Mr. Isaacs. Victorian Popular Fictions, 5 (2). pp. 24-40. ISSN 2632-4253
Srivastava, Sarika and Tiwari, Ajay
Life skills lesson from “The Couplets” of Kabir Das Ji: The timeless and priceless gems for young generation.
Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 8 (4).
pp. 3453-3467.
ISSN 21489637
Subramanian, Aishwarya
This was a great, big room full of dead things”: British children’s literature and the museums debate.
Lion and the Unicorn, 44 (2).
pp. 153-163.
ISSN 1472593
Vaidya, A and Krishnaswamy, R.
Susan Schneider on artificial consciousness and moral standing.
ISSN 0003-2638
(In Press)
Visvanathan, Shiv (2012) Anna Hazare and the battle against corruption. Cultural Critique, 81. pp. 103-111. ISSN 15345203
Visvanathan, Shiv and Parmar, Chandrika (2023) The Tacit constitution: Science, democracy and citizenship. Science, Technology and Society. ISSN 0973-0796 (In Press)
Book Section
Batra, Jagdish
Cultural liminality in Jhumpa Lahiri's the Namesake.
The fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri: A critical response.
Prestige Books, New Delhi, pp. 58-77.
ISBN 9788186256091
Batra, Jagdish
Foreword in feminist theory and literature.
Feminist Theory and Literature.
Prestige Books International, pp. 11-19.
ISBN 9788193850305
Batra, Jagdish
Rohinton Mistry's a fine balance: a critical response.
Rohinton Mistry: the writer par excellence.
Khosla Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 257-268.
ISBN 9788186256083
Batra, Jagdish
Rohinton Mistry: the diasporic dimension.
Rohinton Mistry: the writer par excellence.
Khosla Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 55-62.
ISBN 9788186256084
Batra, Jagdish
Sanskritization and othering in Jhumpa Lahiri's short story 'A Real Durwan'.
Comparative Literature and Beyond.
Prestige Books, International, New Delhi, pp. 153-160.
ISBN 9788195602926
Batra, Jagdish
Strategies of popular fiction: A study of the 3 Mistake of My Life.
Chetan Bhagat: The icon of popular fiction.
Pragun Publications, New Delhi, pp. 159-174.
ISBN 978-9382186328
Batra, Jagdish
Tracing the trajectory of cultural interface in diasporic situation: a study of Anita Desai, Jumpa Lahiri, Kiran Desai and M.G. Vassanji.
A Reading of Feminist Literature.
The Commonwealth Review, New Delhi, pp. 37-51.
ISBN 9788193850367
Batra, Jagdish
Will Jhumpa Lahiri overtake Salman Rushdie?
The fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri: A critical response.
Prestige Books, New Delhi, pp. 19-35.
ISBN 9788186256091
Batra, Jagdish
The triad of economics, politics and culture, and the fate of the immigrant: a study of Indian English fiction.
Multiculturalism and the need for recognition: The border world reconfigurations of the 21st century.
Editura Eikon, pp. 223-237.
ISBN 9786064901095
Dhingra, Kanupriya (2024) Boundary Work in the Bazaar: the Women Booksellers of Daryaganj Sunday Book Market. In: Gender and the Book Trades. Library of the Written Word - The Handpress World . Brill, pp. 184-198. ISBN 9789004701656
Jain, Shruti
The snail and its house: Anneliese as a home thinker in Lou Andreas-Salomé’s Das Haus.
Finding Philosophers in Global Fiction: Redefining the Philosopher in Multi-cultural Contexts.
Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN 9798765100943
Jayaram, Rahul (2015) Nativist debate within subaltern studies locating Partha Chatterjee's nationalist thought and colonial world: a derivative discourse? In: Postcolonial Literature Today: Theory, Practice and Politics of Post Colonial Narratives Including Films. Prestige Books, New Delhi, pp. 286-347. ISBN 9789382186601
Kapoor, Shivani (2019) A pox on your house: Exploring caste and gender in Tulsi Ram’s Murdahiya. In: Dalit Text: Aesthetics and Politics Re-Imagined. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 138-150. ISBN 9780367149031
Nair, Nisha
Deconstructing the gaze: a postcolonial reading of Mohsin Hamid 's the reluctant fundamentalist.
Celebrating diasporic writing: a critical response to Indian and Pakistani literature.
Prestige Books International, pp. 181-189.
ISBN 9789382186830
Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2019) Female voices and gender construction in North Indian sant poetry. In: Early modern India: literatures and images, texts and languages. Cross Asia-eBooks, Berlin, pp. 191-203. ISBN 9783946742456
Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2023) Kabir, femininity, and mysticism. In: Gender and medieval mysticism from India to Europe. Routledge, London, pp. 154-169. ISBN 9781003350880
Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2020) The curious case of exotic translations in the South‐East Balkans. In: WORLD LITERATURE IN MOTION: Institution, Recognition, Location. Studies in World Literature, 7 . ibidem. ISBN 9783838211633
Shakil, Albeena (2017) ‘Bharatbarshe “Novel” e utthan O Modhyabitta,’ [translation of ‘Middle Class and the Rise of the Novel in India’]. In: Bharatbarshe “Novel” e utthan O Modhyabitta. School of Humanities, NSOU, Kolkata. ISBN 9789382112310
Shakil, Albeena (2016) Indian-english novel beyond authenticity. In: Living the postcolonial: Indian literature in perspective. Bagchee, Kolkata, pp. 151-179. ISBN 9789384002930
Tanjeem, Najifa, Dutta, Urmitapa, Hussain, Kazi Sharowar and Azad, Abdul Kalam (2024) “A march is beginning, a march for freedom”: Miya poetry as decolonial praxis toward justice and liberation. In: Handbook of Decolonial Community Psychology. Community Psychology . Springer, pp. 355-377. ISBN 9783031670350
Book Reviews
Agha, Ambreen (2023) Class, Gender, Race, and Muslimness in the production of Muslim South Asia’s Safarnama. [Book Reviews]
Batra, Jagdish
Knowledge Socialism: The rise of peer production: collegiality,
collaboration, and collective intelligence.
[Book Reviews]
Batra, Jagdish
Mahesh Datttani's Me and My Plays.
[Book Reviews]
Batra, Jagdish
A Noble King of Bidanuru by Basavaraj Naikar.
[Book Reviews]
Batra, Jagdish
Roswitha Joshi’s Spaced Out: A Review.
[Book Reviews]
Batra, Jagdish
Shoes of the dead.
[Book Reviews]
Muralidharan, Sukumar
Silent subversions.
[Book Reviews]
Tripathi, Sraddha (2023) Book Review | Indian English Fiction (2001-2020) : History and Reflections. [Book Reviews]
Article in News Papers and Magazine
Batra, Jagdish
India’s contribution to world literature: Contemporary Indian authors carry on the legacy.
Jindal India Institute-Culture & Society.
Bilal, Maaz Bin
Review: Fraternity; Constitutional Norm and Human Need by Rajmohan Gandhi.
Hindustan Times.
Bilal, Maaz Bin
The contrarian Urdu poet | Literary historian Rakhshanda Jalil on her new book, ‘Love in the Time of Hate’.
The Hindu.
Chatterjee, Arup K.
How Ruskin Bond made being Anglo-Indian a way of life.
The Indian Express.
Gupta, Uttaran Das
Upamanyu Chatterjee’s latest novel departs from his humorous oeuvre, towards a search for a quieter world.
The Indian Express.
Baz, Antxón Alvarez and Jilani, D. Mohammad (2018) The learning of interculturality through cultural contrastive analysis between India and Spain. Discussion Paper. Cervantes Institute of New Delhi, New Delhi.
Conference or Workshop Item
Batra, Jagdish
Contemporary Indian English fiction: need for direction.
In: fifth international conference on language, literature and society, 19-20 Jul 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Batra, Jagdish
Transforming culture: myth-fiction interface in the Indian context.
In: Fourth International Conference on Language, Literature & Society 2017, 16-17 Jan 2017, Sri Lanka.
Batra, Jagdish
Women's fiction: what's in the name?
In: Language, Literature & Society: paper proceedings of third International Conference, 18th - 19th Jan, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Batra, Jagdish
Indian English fiction (2001-2020): History and reflections.
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors P. Ltd., New Delhi.
ISBN 978-81-269-3343-3
Batra, Jagdish and Johnson, Alan
Postcolonial literature today.
Prestige Books, New Delhi.
ISBN 9789382186601
Bilal, Maaz Bin
Ghazalnama : poems from Delhi, Belfast, and Urdu.
Yoda Press, New Delhi.
ISBN 9789382579748
Dhingra, Kanupriya (2024) Old Delhi's parallel book bazaar. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009463027
Iyer, Aishwarya (2023) The grasp of things. Copper Coin Publishing Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad. ISBN 9788195582679
Malik, R. S. and Batra, Jagdish
A new approach to literary theory and criticism.
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
ISBN 9788126919123
Narayan, Pallavi (2022) Pamuk's Istanbul: The self and the city. Routledge, New Delhi. ISBN 9781003172314
Jayaram, Rahul (2016) Man who hid in an aeroplane toilet. Hurst Publishers.
Puri, Tanessa (2018) Priye Laal Qila’: the selling of our history. Live Wire.