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Abhishek, Mishra and Fatesaria, Harshita (2022) Basmati Rice – The on-going domestic challenge. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 27 (2). pp. 100-106. ISSN 09717544

Agarwal, Ayushi (2022) A step forward for abortion rights and a blow to the marital rape except. Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (47). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0012-9976

Bajpayee, Kaushalya (2022) Legislation, activism and power play – Medical education policies in colonial and post-colonial India. Global Public Health. ISSN 1744-1706 (In Press)

Balarabe, Kasim (2022) Africa and the domestic implementation of the Geneva conventions and additional protocols: Problems and solutions. Journal of African Law, 66 (2). pp. 175-199. ISSN 00218553

Balarabe, Kasim, Mbeli, Valentine Tebi and Azeez, Abdul Kareem (2022) Assessing the effectiveness of the Uganda Human Rights Commission vis-à-vis the Paris principles relating to the status of National Human Rights Institutions. African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 30 (3). pp. 424-448. ISSN 1755-1609

Bansal, Sakshat and Vajpeyi, Ananya (2022) The warning of an ambush: Disarming and appeasing activist shareholders. ILI Law Review. ISSN 0976-1489

Bhardwaj, Chhaya (2022) Climate change cross-border migration and the Biden administration: What the future holds? Environmental Justice, 16 (04). pp. 254-260. ISSN 1937-5174

Bhardwaj, Chhaya and Anmol, Agarwal (2022) Science-intensive dispute mechanism for protection of atmosphere: ICJ, WTO and PCA. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 29 (2). pp. 145-179. ISSN 10800727

Bhaskar, Anurag (2022) The myth of the ten-year limit on reservations and Dr Ambedkar’s stance. Contemporary Voice of Dalit. ISSN 2455328X (In Press)

Bhattacharya, Jigisha (2022) The 1943 Bengal famine and the re-enactment of memory: A study of Ashani Sanket (Distant Thunder, 1973) and Akaler Sandhane (In Search of a Famine, 1980). Humanities Diliman, 19 (1). pp. 58-77. ISSN 2012-0788

Bhattacharya, Jigisha (2022) Political deification of Lord Parshuram: Tracing Brahminic masculinity in contemporary North India. Religion, 52 (4). pp. 550-575. ISSN 1096-1151

Bhattacharya, Shilpi and Khandelwal, Pankhudi (2022) Judging a book by its cover?: analysing the Indian approach to defining platform markets. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology. ISSN 13600869 (In Press)

Bhattacharya, Shubhalakshmi and BhaskarLata, Ganesh (2022) A comparative perspective of Competition Law cases in the ride-sharing industry: Reflections from Singapore, EU, and India. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 36 (3). pp. 352-367. ISSN 1364-6885

Chadha, Vaibhav (2022) Balancing the privacy v. surveillance argument: A perspective from the United Kingdom., 13 (1). pp. 190-203. ISSN 1647-7251

Chadha, Vaibhav and Tiwari, Uddhav (2022) Legal efforts to curb child marriage in India, USA and Australia: A comparative analysis. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 18. pp. 463-489. ISSN 2340-9592

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Aconite in victorian tropical toxicology what you wanted to know about the Indian poison but were afraid to ask Sherlock Holmes. Canadian Journal of Health History, 39 (2). pp. 281-310. ISSN 2371-0179

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Do you believe in Ram Setu? Adam’s Bridge, epistemic plurality and colonial legacy. Island Studies Journal. ISSN 1715-2593 (In Press)

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Lord Ram's own sethu: Adam’s Bridge envisaged as an aquapelago. Shima, 16 (1). pp. 94-114. ISSN 18346049

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Mapping icons of victorian femininity: Engendering London in nineteenth-century Indian accounts. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 24 (3). pp. 313-341. ISSN 2161-427X

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Oriental dressings, imperial inhalations: The Indian hookah in British colonial culture. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 65 (1-2). pp. 279-324. ISSN 00224995

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Shakespeare and therapeutizing the “naturall sicknes” of dreams in reformed England. Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, 15 (2). pp. 71-100. ISSN 2077-1290

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) Sherlock Holmes and Vijnana Vedanta: The hidden spiritualist of 221B Baker street. International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 12 (1). pp. 171-184. ISSN 21548633

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) “Soft thick carpet under your feet”: The Indian eye on Victorian London’s homes. Interiors Design/Architecture/Culture, 12 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 20419112

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) A female neighbour in whose country? The untold story of Afia Begum and the sari squad. Lectora, 28. pp. 255-271. ISSN 1136-5781

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) The gastromythology of English tea culture: On the UKTC's advertisements and making tea a “fact” of English life. Canadian Journal of History, 57 (1). pp. 47-80. ISSN 00084107

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2022) A study in furniture: The moonstone’s “detective fever” and pharmacy of deduction. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 24 (1). pp. 142-171. ISSN 15248429

Chauhan, Krishna Deo Singh (2022) From ‘what’ and ‘why’ to ‘how’: An imperative driven approach to mechanics of AI regulation. Global Jurist, 23 (2). pp. 99-124. ISSN 1934-2640

Chitkara, Radhika (2022) Revisiting Kartar Singh v State of Punjab: Procedural exceptions and fair trial in anti‑terror laws. Jindal Global Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 103-116. ISSN 09752498

Choung, Yonghwan and Kumari, Saloni (2022) A modernized pathway to institutionalization and privatization of mediation in India. Brazilian Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution, 4 (8). pp. 249-262. ISSN 2596-3201

De Herdt, Sandrine W (2022) Admissibility of counterclaims: The practice of UNCLOS tribunals. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 13 (1). pp. 79-97. ISSN 20403585

De Herdt, Sandrine W (2022) Mixed disputes. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 37 (2). pp. 358-367. ISSN 15718085

De Herdt, Sandrine W (2022) Transparency in the process of implementing Article 76 of the UNCLOS: Peering inside. Ocean Development and International Law. ISSN 1521-0642 (In Press)

Dey, Deblina (2022) Law’s temporality and the construction of death-worlds: Custodial neglect of older prisoners in India. Jindal Global Law Review, 13 (2). pp. 307-327. ISSN 2364-4869

Dhal, Alisha and Sharma, Anjali (2022) Exploring patient's experiential values and its impact on service quality assessment by Indian consumers in public health institution: A qualitative study. Journal of Public Affairs, 22 (S1). ISSN 14723891

Dutta, Debolina (2022) Incongruous pedagogy: On teaching feminism, law and humour during the pandemic. International Journal of Law in Context, 18 (4). pp. 403-415. ISSN 1744-5531

Dutta, Debolina, Murray, Laura, Oliveira, Elsa and Parker, Richard (2022) (Re)imagining research, activism, and rights at the intersections of sexuality, health, and social justice. Global Public Health. ISSN 1744-1692 (In Press)

Fatima, Aneela and Voutyrakos, Nikolaos K. (2022) What is in a name Deciphering domain name protection in India and Russia. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 13 (1). pp. 62-77. ISSN 1478-9655

Gadkari, Ahan (2022) Peacebuilding as a new form of colonialism : A case study of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lentera Hukum, 9 (2). pp. 333-368. ISSN 2355-4673

Gangwar, Shivangi (2022) Minors’ Contracts in the digital age. Liverpool Law Review. ISSN 0144932X (In Press)

Gangwar, Shivangi (2022) Santa Banta jokes: The intersection between humor, religion, and the law. HUMOR International Journal of Humor Research, 84 (2). pp. 337-351. ISSN 1613-3722

Goyal, Karan (2022) Adivasi interface with criminal courts: A research study. Contemporary Voice of Dalit. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2456-0502 (In Press)

Gupta, Indranath (2022) IP, technology and policy interventions in India: Creating a roadmap for the digital economy. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 36 (3). pp. 309-311. ISSN 13600869

Gupta, Kalpeshkumar L and Bhushan, Tripti (2022) India needs a court management authority. Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (42). p. 5. ISSN 0012-9976

Gupta, Suvrajyoti (2022) Imagining a “Dispute Resolution Hub” in India: The prospects of arbitration in GIFT City IFSC. International Arbitration Law Review, 25 (3). pp. 238-258. ISSN 1367-8272

Hafeez, Ammar, Hafeez, Uzzam, Amin, Ansab and Hasan, Shaheen (2022) VAR technology in English football; Implications of intervening in a fast-moving game. International Sports Studies, 44 (1). pp. 80-95. ISSN 1443-0770

Huang, Yinghong (2022) Neoliberalism in Asia: Under the lens of land acquisition for development in India and China. Strategic Analysis. ISSN 0970-0161 (In Press)

Hurford, Beth, Rana, Abhishek and Sachan, Rohan (2022) Narrative-based misinformation in India about protection against Covid-19: Not just another “moo-point”. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 7 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0975-5691

Iheme, Williams C. (2022) Black bodies in America as the metaphors for oppression, poverty, violence, and hate: Searching for sustainable solutions beyond the black-letter law. Journal of Black Studies, 53 (3). pp. 290-319. ISSN 1552-4566

Immanuel, Andrea Marilyn Pragashini (2022) The customary obligation to avoid, reduce, or prevent statelessness in South Asia. Asian Journal of International Law, 13 (02). pp. 244-272. ISSN 2044-2521

Jain, Dipika (2022) Right to health and gender-affirmative procedure in the transgender persons Act 2019 in India. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 55 (2). pp. 205-210. ISSN 0970-0358.

Jain, Dipika, Rastogi, Anubha, Kartik, Kavya, Anmol, Diwan and Saha, Oieshi (2022) Medical abortion through telehealth in India: A critical perspective. Sexual and reproductive health matters, 29 (2): 2107090. ISSN 2641-0397

Jaya, Pillai S and Nair, Brijesh A.N (2022) Constructed wetlands planted with lignocellulosic grass species for wastewater treatment and biomass utilisation. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 26 (4). pp. 86-98. ISSN 09720626

Khanderia, Saloni (2022) Self-driving cars and some (Unintended) regulatory barriers in India: A road less travelled? Journal of Tort Law, 15 (2). pp. 177-214. ISSN 1932-9148

Khanderia, Saloni (2022) Termination for breach: the prospects of the UNIDROIT principles of International Commercial Contracts to interpret and supplement the Indian law of contract. Uniform Law Review, 27 (04). pp. 512-542. ISSN 2050-9065

Khanderia, Saloni (2022) The ambivalent notion of ‘Fundamental Breach’ in Indian law of contract: Towards a new paradigm. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (2). pp. 391-420. ISSN 0144-932X

Khodaiji, Sharmin (2022) From classical political economy to “Indian Economics”: A case of contestation and adaptation in universities in colonial India. History of Education Review, 51 (2). pp. 168-184. ISSN 0819-8691

Khurana, Kirthana Singh (2022) Mandatory CSR in India: A trailblazer from the east. BRICS Law Journal, 9 (4). pp. 81-107. ISSN 2412-2343

Kishwar, Sanya Darakhshan (2022) The persisting menace of child marriage: An account of non-legal factors contributing to ineffectiveness of legal frameworks. Age of Human Rights Journal, 19. pp. 93-119. ISSN 2340-9592

Krishnan, Sneha (2022) Gender, disasters and climate: Case of internal displacement in Assam, India. Jindal Global Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0975-2498

Kulshreshtha, Nikunj (2022) The contemporary status of rape shield laws in India. International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 27 (1). pp. 3-25. ISSN 1740-5572

Kumar, Aakanksha (2022) Re-thinking celebrity domain name arbitration in India: Enforcing the right of publicity through private dispute resolution. NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, 11 (2). pp. 29-48. ISSN 2226-6771

Kumar, Manasi and Heidemann, Maren (2022) Contract law in common law countries: A study in divergence. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (2). pp. 133-147. ISSN 1572-8625

Kumar, Manasi and Pant, Nistha (2022) Construing the written warranty. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (2). pp. 361-388. ISSN 0144-932X

Mahaseth, Harsh and Bansal, Ayushi (2022) Asia and the ICC: The development of international criminal law in a world changing order. International and Comparative Law Review, 21 (2). pp. 162-186. ISSN 24646601

Mahaseth, Harsh and Banusekar, Samyuktha (2022) Living in the shadows: Rohingya refugees in Malaysia. Asian Journal of International Law, 12 (2). pp. 259-266. ISSN 20442521 (In Press)

Mahaseth, Harsh and Makhija, Sanchita (2022) The idée fixe of corporate jobs in India: The institutional change in legal education and the different factors for the shift. Asian Journal of Legal Education, 9 (1). pp. 99-113. ISSN 23220058

Malaviya, Deepayan, Bhushan, Tripti and Tayal, Anandita (2022) CUET: Eroding the value of school education. Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (13). pp. 4-5. ISSN 0012-9976

Mehrotra, Abhinav (2022) Marital rape in India need for criminalization. Indian Journal of Criminology, 50 (1). pp. 139-149. ISSN 0974-7249

Mehrotra, Abhinav and Bhardwaj, Chhaya (2022) Need for a national legislation on refugees in India at 75. India Quarterly – A Journal of International Affairs, 78 (2). pp. 297-317. ISSN 0975-2684

Mehta, Sanjana (2022) Farm laws: Regulation-revolution?—Assessing the need, intent and impact of the new farm laws from an economic perspective. The Indian Economic Journal. ISSN 0019-4662

Mishra, Abhishek (2022) Can geographical indications support the Indian village economy impacted by the ongoing economic crisis caused by COVID-19? BRICS Law Journal, 9 (2). pp. 121-144. ISSN 24099058

Mohanty, Gautam and Devarakonda, Yasaschandra (2022) The inimical story of arbitrator bias: Halliburton v Chubb. International Arbitration Law Review, 25 (1). pp. 66-83. ISSN 13678272

Mohanty, Gautam and Rai, Gaurav (2022) The Hermeneutics of the concept of misrepresentation: Addressing the quagmire of damages and compensation in cases of misrepresentation in formation of a contract under Indian and English law. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (2). pp. 477-500. ISSN 0144-932X

Naithani, Paarth (2022) Curtailing the cookie monster through data protection by default. Tilburg Law Review, 27 (1). pp. 22-36. ISSN 2211-2596

Naithani, Paarth (2022) Issues of authorship and ownership in work created by artificial intelligence -Indian copyright law perspective. NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, 11 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2226-6771

Nakray, Keerty (2022) Gender and social policy in middle-income countries: Comparative welfare regime analysis of fiscal policies. Journal of Gender Studies. ISSN 1465-3869 (In Press)

Nielsen, Kenneth Bo, Bhattacharya, Jigisha and Silva, Solano Da (2022) Hindutva and communal polarization in goa. Contemporary South Asia. ISSN 1469-364X (In Press)

Pagedar, Aishwarya, Sanghi, Sanskriti and Gangwar, Shivangi (2022) Nurturing an ‘ethic of collaboration’: Dispatches from a case study on Jindal Global Law Review. Learned Publishing, 35 (3). pp. 367-375. ISSN 1741-4857

Pangalangan, Raphael Lorenzo A. (2022) Command responsibility in the times of Tokhang: Defining military-likeness under Article 28(a) of the Rome statute. Asian Journal of International Law, 12 (2). pp. 267-291. ISSN 20442513

Plancarte-Escobar, Rafael and Steuer, Max (2022) Junior journals in politics and international relations: Potential and challenges. Learned Publishing, 35 (3). pp. 385-392. ISSN 1741-4857

Prasad, Dharmita and Mishra, Pallavi (2022) Unconscionability of E-contracts: A comparative study of India, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (2). pp. 339-360. ISSN 0144932X

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Cairn Energy v India:1 Continuity in the use of ILC articles on state responsibility. ICSID Review, 37 (1-2). pp. 543-551. ISSN 20491999

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Country note: Retroactive taxation, investor-state dispute settlement, and India: Life comes a full circle. Intertax, 50 (11). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1875-8347

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Emerging trends in investor-state dispute settlement in new free trade agreements. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 17 (7/8). pp. 332-337. ISSN 1875-6468

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) India-Afghanistan trade and international law. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 17 (1). pp. 2-9. ISSN 1569 755X

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Investor-state dispute settlement and tax matters: limitations on state’s sovereign right to tax. Asia Pacific Law Review. ISSN 1875-8444 (In Press)

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Russia-Ukraine war and WTO’s national security exception. Foreign Trade Review, 58 (2). pp. 246-258. ISSN 0971-7633

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) The Supreme Court of India and International Law: A Topsy -Turvy journey from dualism to monism. Liverpool Law Review. ISSN 1572-8625 (In Press)

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights waiver at the World Trade Organization: A BIT of a challenge. Journal of World Trade, 56 (3). pp. 523-546. ISSN 10116702

Ranjan, Prabhash (2022) The future of India’s investment treaty practice: An important parliamentary intervention. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 19 (1). pp. 112-125. ISSN 1742-3945

Ranjan, Prabhash and Gour, Praharsh (2022) The TRIPS waiver decision at the World Trade Organization: Too little too late! Asian Journal of International Law, 13 (1). pp. 10-21. ISSN 2044-2521

Ranjan, Prabhash and Kumar, Aman (2022) Nomination of candidates to international judicial and legal bodies: a critical examination of Indian practice. Cambridge International Law Journal, 11 (2). pp. 268-292. ISSN 2398-9181

Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur (2022) Theoretical underpinnings of copyright and design laws post-Krishika Lulla and Godrej Sara Lee: Decisions of the Supreme Court of India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 27 (6). pp. 434-441. ISSN 0975-1076

Raza, Aqa and Alam, Ghayur (2022) Theoretical underpinnings of trademark law: Decisions of the Supreme Court of India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 27 (5). pp. 351-366. ISSN 0975-1076

Roy, Sanjit K., Singh, Gaganpreet, Hatton, Corey, Dey, Bidit, Ameen, Nisreen and Kumar, Satish (2022) Customers’ motives to co-create in smart services interactions. Electronic Commerce Research. ISSN 1389-5753 (In Press)

Sagar, Arun (2022) Law and crisis: Conjunctions, correlations, critiques. Jindal Global Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0975-2498

Sanghi, Sanskriti (2022) Age as a site of law’s meaning-making practices. Jindal Global Law Review, 13 (2). pp. 221-229. ISSN 2364-4869

Sanghi, Sanskriti and Jaswal, Raushan Tara (2022) Of promises and discontents: Mapping India's response to guaranteeing the right to mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of International Law, 12 (1). pp. 121-156. ISSN 2044-2513

Seth, Raghuvansh (2022) Fleeting neutrality: The inadequacies of the ex-ante net neutrality regulations in India. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 23 (1). pp. 22-42. ISSN 1783-5917

Shamim, Khalid and Raza, Aqa (2022) The copyright and her history. NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, 11 (1). pp. 13-39. ISSN 2226-6771

Sharma, Hemlata, Ilyas, Ashal, Chowdhury, Abhiroop, Poddar, Nitesh Kumar, Chaudhary, Anis Ahmad, Shilbayeh, Sireen Abdul Rahim, Ibrahim, Alnada Abdalla and Khan, Shahanavaj (2022) Does COVID-19 lockdowns have impacted on global dengue burden A special focus to India. BMC Public Health, 22 (1): 1402. ISSN 1471-2458

Sharma, Shilpi (2022) Multi-dimensional aspects of risk-taking in entrepreneurs: A global study. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 13 (3-4). pp. 261-285. ISSN 15499324

Shrivastava, Abhijeet and Lakra, Rudraksh (2022) Revisiting due diligence in cyberspace: crafting international law’s arsenal against transboundary Botnets. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 30 (3). pp. 321-349. ISSN 1464-3693

Singh, Manveen (2022) Disclosure under SSO IPR policies: A theoretical perspective. NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, 12 (2). pp. 63-86. ISSN 2226-6771

Singh, Manveen (2022) Licensing of standard essential patents in a developing economy: an Indian perspective. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, 12 (1). pp. 88-109. ISSN 20459815

Sinha, Chetan (2022) Liberating data: Politics of reality in interdisciplinary social psychology. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. ISSN 19324502 (In Press)

Sinha, Katyayani (2022) The regulation, reclamation, and resistance of queer kinship in contemporary India. Feminist Legal Studies. ISSN 0966-3622 (In Press)

Star, Shaun (2022) The quest for harmonisation in anti-doping: an Indian perspective. The International Sports Law Journal. ISSN 15677559 (In Press)

Star, Shaun and Dhankar, Divyangana (2022) Major differences in minors’ contracts: A comparative analysis into the validity of contracts with minors in the sport and entertainment industry. Liverpool Law Review. ISSN 1572-8625 (In Press)

Star, Shaun and Kelly, Sarah (2022) Examining procedural fairness in anti‑doping disputes: A comparative empirical analysis. International Sports Law Journal, 22 (3). pp. 217-240. ISSN 15677559

Steuer, Max (2022) The Role of Judicial Craft in Improving Democracy’s Resilience: The Case of Party Bans in Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia. European Constitutional Law Review. ISSN 1574-0196 (In Press)

Steuer, Max (2022) The extreme right as a defender of human rights? Parliamentary debates on COVID-19 emergency legislation in Slovakia. Laws, 11 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2075-471X

Steuer, Max and Plancarte-Escobar, Rafael (2022) Towards improved understanding of students and junior scholars as authors, reviewers, editors and leaders in scholarly publishing. Learned Publishing, 35 (3). pp. 306-307. ISSN 1741-4857

Subramanian, Aishwarya (2022) Borders, boundaries and barricades: Speculative Delhis. Comparative Critical Studies, 19 (3). pp. 341-359. ISSN 1744-1854

Suri, Mayank and Wróbel, Krzysztof (2022) Identifying factors affecting salvage rewards of crewless vessels — lessons from a case study. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 21 (2). pp. 213-232. ISSN 1651436X

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2022) Frustration: Navigating the Bramble Bush. Liverpool Law Review, 43 (3). pp. 501-515. ISSN 0144932X

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2022) Moore’s paradox and normative detachment. Journal of Human Values, 28 (3). pp. 209-220. ISSN 09716858

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2022) Persistence of the ‘Codeless Myriad’: The Indian Contract Act and a puzzle surrounding common law codification. Statute Law Review, 44 (1): hmab025. ISSN 0144-3593

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2022) The travails of teaching “offer” and “acceptance” in Indian contract law. Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law, 9 (3). pp. 367-386. ISSN 2338-7602

Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna and Imai, Katsushi S (2022) Are farmers ‘efficient but poor’? The impact of crop choices on technical efficiency and poverty in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74 (1). pp. 191-213. ISSN 1477-9552

Uma, Saumya (2022) Clash of the titans or friendly bedfellows? Freedom of religion or belief and women’s rights in India. Review of Faith and International Affairs, 20 (2). pp. 81-95. ISSN 1557-0274

Unkule, Kalyani (2022) Pluralizing mobility: Women pilgrims and wandering Bodhisattvas. Journal of International Students, 12 (4). pp. 1026-1031. ISSN 2166-3750

Zachariah, Nimmy Saira (2022) Patent as security in insolvency process: Problems and solutions. The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 25 (2). pp. 271-278. ISSN 17471796

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