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Bharadwaj, Ashish and Devaiah, Vishwas H. and Gupta, Indranath (eds.). (2018) Multi-dimensional approaches towards new technology: Insights on innovation, patents and competition. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811312328

Kulnazarova, Aigul and Popovski, Vesselin (eds.). (2018) The palgrave handbook of global approaches to peace. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783319789057

Abeyratne, Rehan and Misri, Didon (2018) Separation of powers and the potential for constitutional dialogue in India. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5 (2). pp. 363-386. ISSN 2313-3775

Ankit, Rakesh (2018) Junagadh, India and the logic of occupation and appropriation, 1947–49. Studies in History, 34 (2). pp. 109-140. ISSN 0973-080X

Barnidge Jr., Robert P. (2018) Research excellence in legal education: A critical assessment of the research excellence framework 2014 and the british approach. In: Contemporary Issues in International Law: Environment, International Trade, Information Technology and Legal Education. Springer, Singapore, pp. 503-511. ISBN 9789811062773

Batra, Rimali (2018) Donut style of teaching law, the multidisciplinary subject. In: Contemporary Issues in International Law. Springer, Singapore, pp. 605-610. ISBN 9789811062773

Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma (2018) Onstage and offstage: Dance of the Brokpa. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (31). pp. 109-110. ISSN 23498846

Bharadwaj, Ashish (2018) A note on the neglected issue of reverse patent holdup. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 13 (7). pp. 555-563. ISSN 17471540

Bharadwaj, Ashish, Singh, Manveen and Jain, Srajan (2018) All good things mustn’t come to an end: Reigniting the debate on patent policy and standard setting. In: Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology. Springer, Singapore, pp. 85-116. ISBN 9789811312328

Bharadwaj, Ashish and Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru (2018) Regulating standard essential patents in implementer-oriented countries: Insights from India and Japan. In: Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology. Springer, Singapore, pp. 183-207. ISBN 9789811312328

Dalwai, Sameena (2018) Caste in legal education: A survey of law schools in Delhi. Asian Journal of Legal Education, 5 (1). pp. 60-75. ISSN 23220058

Dey, Deblina (2018) Stitching and unstitching labour with sui Dhaaga: Sui Dhaaga: Made in India features marxist ideas such as alienation, exploitation of labour, and social class. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (43). p. 61.

Egger, Eva-Maria, Massett, Edoardo, Mascagni, Giulia, Acharya, Arnab and Saha, Amrita (2018) Systematic reviews of cost-effectiveness in low and middle income countries: A review of reviews. Journal of development studies. ISSN 0022-0388

Gautam, Shelja and Gautam, Khagesh (2018) The perception of incurability: leprosy, discrimination and the medical truth. Boston University International Law Journal, 36 (249). pp. 249-285. ISSN 0006-8047

Goswami, G. K. and Goswami, Siddhartha (2018) Three decades of DNA evidence: Judicial perspective and future challenges in India. In: DNA Fingerprinting: Advancements and Future Endeavors. Springer, Singapore, pp. 181-205. ISBN 9789811315831

Gupta, Indranath (2018) India's participatory role in the database debate at WIPO. In: Locating India in the Contemporary International Legal Order. Springer, New Delhi, pp. 205-233. ISBN 978-81-322-3580-4

Gupta, Indranath (2018) User control over personal information: A case study of Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. In: Internet Infidelity: An Interdisciplinary Insight in a Global Context. Springer, Singapore, pp. 13-29. ISBN 9789811054129

Gupta, Indranath, Devaiah, Vishwas H., Jain, Dipesh A. and Shrivastava, Vishal (2018) Evolving Huawei framework: SEPs and grant of injunctions. In: Multi-Dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology. Springer, Singapore, pp. 137-148. ISBN 9789811312328

Jagota, Anita, Jannu, Navya and Boro, Suchitra (2018) The interplay of biological and socio environmental factors in aging and disorders in women. In: Holistic Approaches to Brand Culture and Communication Across Industries. 1st ed. IGI Global, India, pp. 355-364. ISBN 978-1522531500

Jahanbegloo, Ramin (2018) Gandhism and peace. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 69-85. ISBN 9783319789057

Jahanbegloo, Ramin (2018) In memoriam Dariush Shayegan (1935‒2018), scholar of comparative philosophy and cultural critic. Iranian Studies, 51 (5). pp. 817-818. ISSN 0021-0862

Jahanbegloo, Ramin (2018) Peace and nonviolence in Islam. In: The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence. Routledge, New York, pp. 54-63. ISBN 9781315638751

Jahanbegloo, Ramin (2018) The global Gandhi: Essays in comparative political philosophy. 1st ed. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429491320

Khanderia, Saloni (2018) Indian private international law vis-à-vis party autonomy in the choice of law. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 18 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 14729342

Khanderia, Saloni (2018) The WTO's special safeguard mechanism: An Indian perspective on the present paradox. University of Bologna Law Review, 3 (1). pp. 1-23.

Khanderia, Saloni (2018) The hague judgments project: Assessing its plausible benefits for the development of the Indian private international law. Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 44 (3). pp. 452-475. ISSN 03050718

Khanderia, Saloni (2018) The information technology agreement and the ‘Make-in-India’ initiative: Weighing the better alternative for india. Foreign Trade Review, 53 (2). pp. 98-115. ISSN 00157325

Kishore, Pallavi (2018) India's experience with the WTO agreement on textiles and clothing. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 13 (3). pp. 95-106. ISSN 1569755X

Mahanta, Upasana (2018) Recognising the rights of conflict widow: insights from Manipur, India. In: Routledge handbook of human rights in Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 197-211. ISBN 9781315720180

Majumdar, Arjya B. (2018) Regulatory arbitrage in cross- border crowdfunding. In: The Oxford handbook of IPOs. Oxford University Press, United States of America, pp. 746-771. ISBN 9780190614577

Mandal, Saptarshi (2018) Out of Shah Bano’s shadow: Muslim women’s rights and the Supreme Court’s triple talaq verdict. Indian Law Review, 2 (1). pp. 89-107. ISSN 24730580

Mandal, Saptarshi (2018) Section 377: whose concerns does the judgment address? Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (37). pp. 1-7. ISSN 129976

McCaffrey, Sarah, Wilson, Robyn and Konar, Avishek (2018) Should I stay or should I go now? Or should I wait and see? Influences on wildfire evacuation decisions. Risk Analysis, 38 (7). pp. 1390-1404. ISSN 02724332

Merezhko, Oleksandr (2018) International legal aspects of Russia's war against Ukraine in Eastern Ukraine. In: The Use of Force against Ukraine and International Law: Jus Ad Bellum, Jus In Bello, Jus Post Bellum. T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, pp. 111-121. ISBN 9789462652224

Merezhko, Oleksandr (2018) The unrecognized father of Freudo-Marxism: Mikhail Reisner's socio-psychological theory of state and law. In: Russian legal realism. Law and Philosophy Library, 125 . Springer, Cham, pp. 147-157. ISBN 9783319988214

Milanov, Aleksandar (2018) Holistic globalization—alternative socioeconomic model. In: The Globalization Conundrum-Dark Clouds behind the Silver Lining: Global Issues and Empirics. Springer, Singapore, pp. 295-321. ISBN 9789811317279

Nakray, Keerty (2018) Gender and education policy in India: Twists, turns and trims of transnational policy transfers. International Sociology, 33 (1). pp. 27-44. ISSN 02685809

Pandit, Aishwarya (2018) The Husainabad Trust: The case of a Shi‘a heartland? Modern Asian Studies, 52 (5). pp. 1692-1728. ISSN 1469-8099

Popovski, Vesselin (2018) Ethics and laws of the future. In: Future Courses of Human Societies Critical Reflections from the Natural and Social Sciences. Routledge, London, pp. 174-192. ISBN 9781351039147

Popovski, Vesselin (2018) Renovating the principal organs of the United Nations. In: Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198805373

Popovski, Vesselin (2018) The UN security council and responsibility to protect as global approach to prevent mass atrocities. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 497-517. ISBN 9783319789057

Popovski, Vesselin (2018) The global approaches and the future of peace research. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 733-747. ISBN 9783319789057

Raj Kumar, C. (2018) Foreword. Internet Infidelity. pp. 5-6.

Reddy, Pratheek Maddhi and Rosencranz, Armin (2018) Challenging the proposed carmichael mine before the UN. In: International appeal, adjudication and compliance processes.

Reddy, Pushkar (2018) Do historical narratives create social norms? The case of Syrian Christians and Malabari jews in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (35). pp. 1-7. ISSN 00129976

Sagar, Arun (2018) Law, honour, violence: The Supreme Court’s legal and non-legal voice. Indian Law Review, 2 (2). pp. 119-134. ISSN 24730580

Singh, Gaganpreet and Pandey, Neeraj (2018) The determinants of green packaging that influence buyers’ willingness to pay a price premium. Australasian Marketing Journal, 26 (3). pp. 221-230. ISSN 14413582

Singh, Prabhakar (2018) Modernity and international law: Mythological materialism in the east-west telos. In: International Law: Contemporary Issues and Future Developments. 1st ed. Routledge, New York, pp. 532-552. ISBN 9780429499715

Singh, Prabhakar (2018) More norms, less justice: Refugees, the republic, and everyone in between. Liverpool Law Review, 39 (1-2). pp. 123-150. ISSN 0144932X

Sinha, Chetan and Kumar, Mohit (2018) Conceal or not? Management of dehumanized work identity among lower caste domestic workers and non-domestic scavenging workers. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 5 (2). pp. 173-193. ISSN 23220937

Sircar, Oishik (2018) Doing and undoing feminism: A jurisdictional journey. In: Men and Feminism in India. Routledge, London, pp. 73-99. ISBN 9781351048248

Sreejith, S. G. (2018) Gandhi and international law: Satyagraha as universal justice. In: Locating India in the contemporary international legal order. Springer, New Delhi, pp. 9-29. ISBN 9788132235804

Sreejith, S. G. (2018) Legality of the gulf ban on qatari flights: State sovereignty at crossroads. Air & Space Law, 43 (2). pp. 191-204.

Surendran, Gitanjali (2018) Beni Madhab Barua and the study of Buddhism in Calcutta c.1918 to 1948. In: Theravada Buddhism in Colonial Contexts. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 189-205. ISBN 9781315111889

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2018) De-inventing the wheel: Liquidated damages, penalties and the Indian contract act, 1872. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 6 (1). pp. 103-127. ISSN 20504802

Swaminathan, Shivprasad (2018) The will theorist's mailbox: Misunderstanding the moment of contract formation in the Indian contract Act, 1872. Statute Law Review, 39 (1). pp. 14-26. ISSN 01443593

Tripathy, Sunita (2018) Good governance for consumer welfare and accountability in the age of digital aggregators: The case of amazon India. International Journal of Private Law, 9 (1-2). pp. 71-82.

Vualzong, Langthianmung, Dawer, Aashita and Haran, Nivedita P. (2018) The Khuga dam-a case study. In: Development and Disaster Management : A Study of the Northeastern States of India. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 201-214. ISBN 9789811084850

Zhang, Wenjuan (2018) The new strengthened regulations of INGOs in India and China: Comparative analysis and reflections. China Nonprofit Review, 10 (2). pp. 319-348. ISSN 18765092

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