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Number of items: 163.

Centre for Writing Studies

Kapoor, Shivani (2023) Death of the sacred : Cow, caste and dalit politics in India. In: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India. 2nd ed. Routledge, London, pp. 401-411. ISBN 9781003278436

Kapoor, Shivani (2023) Words that smell: Caste and odors in Hindi dalit autobiographies. In: Aromas of Asia : Exchanges, histories, threats. Perspectives on sensory history . Pennsylvania State University Press, pp. 134-150. ISBN 978-0271095417

International Institute for Higher Education Research & Capacity Building

Mukherjee, Mousumi (2023) Epilogue. In: Rethinking Hybrid and Remote Work in Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 345-346. ISBN 9783031366321

Mukherjee, Mousumi, Mali, Amar and Dolma, Tenzin (2023) Education for all and MDGs: Global education policy translation in India. In: International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition). 4th ed. Elsevier, New York, pp. 526-538. ISBN 9780128186299

Jindal Global Business School

(2023) Preface: Advances in soft computing applications. In: Kharola, Shristi and Ram, Mangey and Mangla, Sachin Kumar and Kazancoglu, Yigit (eds.) Advances in soft computing applications. River Publishers, Gistrup, xiii -xiv. ISBN 9788770228169

Aggarwal, Vaibhav, Sharma, Sudhi and Doifode, Adesh (2023) Artificial neural network and forecasting major electricity markets. In: Applications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Energy Systems: Volume 2 - Energy Planning, Operations, Control and Market Perspectives. River Publishers, Denmark, pp. 193-214. ISBN 9788770228268

Bhatacharjee, Biplab and Verma, Ravinder Kumar (2023) Portfolio selection using network filtering methods: A graph theoretic approach. In: Transfer, diffusion and adoption of next-generation digital technologies : IFIP WG 8.6 International working conference on transfer and diffusion of IT, TDIT 2023, Nagpur, India, December 15–16, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 697 . Springer, Cham, pp. 246-257. ISBN 978-3-031-50188-3

Biswas, Mitrajit (2023) How consumption provides a relational understanding of place. In: Social Media and Online Consumer Decision Making in the Fashion Industry. IGI Global's, Pennsylvania, pp. 108-113. ISBN 9781668487532

Biswas, Mitrajit (2023) India building its nation brand soft power through its global organizations in the 21st century. In: Global perspectives on soft power management in business. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp. 171-177. ISBN 9798369302521

Biswas, Mitrajit (2023) The Russia-Ukraine war and its consequences on the geopolitics of the world: Nation branding attemps of India in the 21st century. In: The Russia-Ukraine War and Its Consequences on the Geopolitics of the World. IGI Global's, Philadelphia, pp. 116-122. ISBN 9781668485231

Ghose, Partha and Patra, Sudip (2023) Hilbert space modelling with applications in classical optics, human cognition, and game theory. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 25-42. ISBN 9783031388323

Gupta, Sonal, Chakrabarti, Deepankar and Kumar, Rupesh (2023) Empirical analysis of electricity exchange-traded market prices: Evidence from India. In: Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly. Matthew Bender, New York, pp. 591-614. ISBN 9780820515205

Jayawardena, Nirma and Jayawardena, Darshana (2023) Conflict management in organisations of emerging economies: A literature review and future research agenda. In: Using organizational culture to resolve business challenges. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp. 170-184. ISBN 9781668465691

Jayawardena, Nirma, Quach, Sara, Perera, Charitha Harshani, Thaichon, Park and Dewasiri, Narayanage Jayantha (2023) Luxury Marketing and sustainability in the South Asian Context. In: Luxury Marketing, Sustainability and Technology. Routledge, London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781003321378

Joshi, Yatish, Kabra, Gaurav and Tripathi, Abhishek (2023) Energy consumption in smart city projects in the era of 5g : An Analysis of User-Generated Content. In: Applications of 5G and Beyond in Smart Cities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 99-110. ISBN 9781003227861

Joy, Justin, Srinath, S., Verma, Ravinder Kumar and Shrivastava, Manish Kumar (2023) Barriers to smart home technologies in India. In: Transfer, diffusion and adoption of next-generation digital technologies: IFIP WG 8.6 International working conference on transfer and diffusion of IT, TDIT 2023, Nagpur, India, December 15–16, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 698 . Springer, Cham, pp. 207-219. ISBN 978-3-031-50192-0

Kadyan, Sneha and Kadyan, Jagbir Singh (2023) Exploring ethical Consumption for equity and inclusiveness : Bridging thoughts and action of consumers. In: Research Anthology on Business Law, Policy, and Social Responsibility. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 771-788. ISBN 9798369320464

Kaushal, Ashish Kumar and Devi, Vandna (2023) Design of humanitarian logistics network using imperialist competitive algorithm. In: Climate Change and Urban Environment Sustainability. Disaster Resilience and Green Growth (DRGG) . Springer, Singapore, pp. 227-264. ISBN 9789811976186

Kishore, Kamal, Sharma, Pankaj, -, Archana and Sinha, Manoj Kumar (2023) Laser-based manufacturing processes: A comprehensive review. In: Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Processes in Industry 4.0. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, pp. 33-56. ISBN 9781003436072

Kumar, Payal, Caporarello, Leonardo and Agrawal, Anirudh (2023) Research from the global north and south on HEIs as a driver for SDGs. In: Higher education for the sustainable development goals: Bridging the global north and south. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-80382-525-0

Malik, Arpit, Ratnakaram, Sunitha, Chakravaram, Venkamaraju and Bhagavatham, Hari Krishna (2023) Role of AI in various industrial managerial disciplines. In: Advances in soft computing applications. River Publishers, Gistrup, pp. 233-245. ISBN 978877022816-

Mehra, Richa Kapoor (2023) Emotional intelligence : A foundation of business management. In: Leveraging AI and emotional intelligence in contemporary business organizations. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 43-59. ISBN 9798369319024

Mishra, Udgam, Jayawardena, Nirma and Thaichon, Park (2023) Exploring the role of sustainable organic food consumption and the role of organic food as a luxury product: A case study in Nepal. In: Luxury Marketing, Sustainability and Technology. Routledge, London, pp. 92-115. ISBN 9781003321378

Misra, Neeti, Rao, T.Joji, Gupta, Sumeet and Grima, Luke (2023) Blockchain technology for the financial markets. In: Intelligent Multimedia Technologies for Financial Risk Management: Trends, tools and applications. TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology, London, pp. 225-260. ISBN 9781839536618

Rao, T.Joji and Pandey, Krishan Kumar (2023) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for India: Bottlenecks and their role in adoption. In: Future Energy : Challenge, Opportunity, and, Sustainability. Green Energy and Technology . Springer, Cham, pp. 247-254. ISBN 9783031339080

Samad, Taab Ahmad and Qamar, Yusra (2023) Building resilience against ongoing and future pandemics: Blockchain technology to the rescue. In: Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies. Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 319-330. ISBN 978-1-83753-060-1

Samadhiya, Ashutosh and Garza-Reyes, Jose Arturo (2023) Integrating Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0. In: Lean six sigma 4.0 for operational excellence under the industry 4.0 transformation. Routledge, London, pp. 22-33. ISBN 9781003381600

Saxena, Arun and Banerji, Diptiman (2023) How does star rating influence consumers’ purchase intention: The roles of brand image and rating volume? In: Digital Economy Post COVID-19 Era : Proceedings of 8th Conference of Indian Academy of Management (INDAM2023), Mumbai, India 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics . Springer, Singapore, pp. 245-260. ISBN 9789819901975

Shamsuddoha, Mohammad, Kashem, Mohammad A. and Koul, Saroj (2023) Systemic review of AI reshaped blockchain application. In: Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing, 1797 . Springer, Cham, pp. 470-494. ISBN 9783031281792

Sharma, Deepawali, Gupta, Vedika and Singh, Vivek Kumar (2023) Detection of homophobia & transphobia in Malayalam and Tamil: Exploring deep learning methods. In: Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1798 . Springer, Cham, pp. 217-226. ISBN 9783031281839

Sharma, Vaibhav, Banerji, Diptiman and Saha, Victor (2023) Marketing of renewable energy: emerging themes and their directions using interpretive structural modeling. In: Digital Economy Post COVID-19 Era : Proceedings of 8th Conference of Indian Academy of Management (INDAM2023), Mumbai, India 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics . Springer, Singapore, pp. 513-528. ISBN 9789819901975

Sharma, Vaibhav, Banerji, Diptiman and Saha, Victor (2023) Sustainable marketing and retailing: Demystifying the emerging themes and future research directions. In: Management and Marketing for Improved Retail Competitiveness and Performance. IGI Global's, Pennsylvania, pp. 45-66. ISBN 9781668485767

Singh, Arpit, Dwivedi, Ashish and Agrawal, Dindayal (2023) A qualitative study on supply chain risk management adopting blockchain technology. In: Supply Chain Risk and Disruption Management. Flexible Systems Management . Springer, Singapore, pp. 141-153. ISBN 9789819926282

Thibeault, Al, Taylor, Ivan W., Koul, Saroj, Falebita, O. A. and Coppus, George (2023) The Potential impact of ESG spending on public perception of the Canadian oil sands. In: Managing complex tasks with systems thinking. Understanding Complex Systems . Springer, Cham, pp. 347-379. ISBN 9783031406355

Verma, Ravinder Kumar, Sengupta, Sujoy, Ilavarasan, P. Vigneswara and Kar, Arpan Kumar (2023) Understanding the usage and opinion formation on LinkedIn: Uses and gratifications theory. In: Transfer, diffusion and adoption of next-generation digital technologies: IFIP WG 8.6 International working conference on transfer and diffusion of IT, TDIT 2023, Nagpur, India, December 15–16, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Springer, Cham, pp. 195-206. ISBN 978-3-031-50188-3

Yadav, Amit Kumar and Kumar, Dinesh (2023) Analysis of strategies to tackle the environmental impact of the vaccine supply chain: A fuzzy DEMATEL approach. In: Advances in Modelling and Optimization of Manufacturing and Industrial Systems. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering . Springer, Singapore, pp. 533-547. ISBN 978981196107638

Yadav, Susheel, Gupta, Om Jee, Gupta, Sushil Kumar and Babu, Harish (2023) Blockchain technology-based fake news detection : Applications and future research directions. In: AI-Based Metaheuristics for Information Security and Digital Media. Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York, pp. 19-34. ISBN 9781003107767

Jindal Global Law School

Agrawal, Aditya, Khattri, Upasana and Gaur, Harshvardhan Singh (2023) Question of “Inclusiveness” and gender identity: Evaluating the status and impact of equal representation of women in the United Nations. In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, pp. 145-165. ISBN 9781668484128

Akash, Gupta and Bajpai, Arushi (2023) Green dispute resolution: A sustainable way of resolving disputes. In: Sustainable boardrooms : Democratising governance and technology for society and economy. Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management . Springer, Singapore, pp. 155-173. ISBN 978-981-99-4837-6

Bag, Akash, Kadiyan, Sanskriti, Newton, Sujata and Chaudhuri, Rajdip Bhadra (2023) Navigating the GDPR compliance conundrum: Analyzing public blockchain systems and personal data protection right. In: New perspectives and possibilities in strategic management in the 21st century: Between tradition and modernity. IGI Publishing, Pennsylvania, pp. 168-194. ISBN 9781668492635

Bag, Akash, Mishra, Prateek, Nande, Shashank and Rai, Vishal Kumar (2023) Evaluating the policy-making framework around climate-induced migration. In: Governance quality, fiscal policy, and the path to a low-carbon future : Perspectives from developing economies. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 165-189. ISBN 9781668492727

Bag, Akash, Saurav, Shashikant, Pradhan, Ashika and Newton, Sujata (2023) Is it a policy formulation or “threat multiplier”?: Addressing the United Nations Security Council framing of global climate change. In: Governance Quality, Fiscal Policy, and the Path to a Low-Carbon Future: Perspectives From Developing Economies. IGI Publishing, Pennsylvania, pp. 56-81. ISBN 9781668492741

Banerjee, Arpan (2023) The Constitutional basis for trademark parodies in India and South Africa. In: Charting limitations on trademark rights. Oxford University Press, pp. 277-292. ISBN 9780198871248

Bhattacharya, Shilpi (2023) Competition law in India. In: Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 1-5. (Unpublished)

Bora, Manika (2023) Gender, inter-generational mobility and higher education. In: India Higher Education Report 2022 : Women in Higher Education. Routledge, London, pp. 119-144. ISBN 9781003415916

Chauhan, Khushboo (2023) Rethinking the concept of cultural genocide under International Law. In: Genocidal Violence. Genocide and Mass Violence in the Age of Extremes, 6 . De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, pp. 61-82. ISBN 9783110780703

Dar, Wasiq Abass and Mohanty, Gautam (2023) NGOs as amicus in investor-state arbitration: Addressing public interest and human rights issues. In: Public Interest Litigation in International Law. Routledge, London, pp. 227-250. ISBN 9781032560052

Devgon, Inderpal, -, Khushboo, Sachan, Rohan Samir Kumar, -, Nisha, Rana, Abhishek and Karnwal, Arun (2023) Microbial-induced calcite precipitation approach towards sustainable development. In: Role of microbes in sustainable development : Human health and diseases. Springer, Singapore, pp. 593-606. ISBN 978-981-99-3125-5

Dryden, Nikki and Star, Shaun (2023) The CAS ad hoc division for the Olympic games. In: The Routledge Handbook of Mega-Sporting Events and Human Rights. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 130-139. ISBN 9781000962710

Garimella, Sai Ramani and Mohanty, Gautam (2023) The Law commission of India: A critical analysis of its contributions to law reform. In: Law Reforms Around the World : Perspectives from National and International Law. Routledge, Oxon, pp. 141-151. ISBN 9781003329688

Gopinath, Meenakshi, Menon, Krishna, Sen, Rukmini and Banerjea, Niharika (2023) Voicing democracy and reclaiming citizenship. In: The Gendered Body in South Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 209-219. ISBN 9781003407195

Gupta, Arpita (2023) Law of Unjust Enrichment in India. In: Rethinking Unjust Enrichment: History, Sociology, Doctrine, and Theory. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780192874146

Huang, David KC and Li, Nigel N.T. (2023) National identity in Taiwan: A doctrinal analysis through the lens of democratism. In: Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs 2022. Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, 40 . Brill, pp. 194-212. ISBN 978-90-04-68763-9

Jaiswal, Raunaq (2023) The Constitutional value of the guarantee clause. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 85-111. ISBN 978-981-99-5469-8

Jakhu, Ram S., Dasgupta, Upasana and Iyengar, Ujwala Raghavan (2023) Exploration and use or outer space for the benefit and in the interests of all countries. In: Space Law : Memories and Collections - A collection in honor of Prof. Jose Monserrat Filho. Arraes Publishers, Belo Horizonte, pp. 189-212. ISBN 9786559292257

Kalantry, Sital and Moti, Shireen (2023) Unacceptable justifications for crimes, including crimes committed in the name of so-called ‘honour’ 503. In: Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence : A Commentary on the Istanbul convention. Elgar Commentaries in Human Rights series . Edward Elgar, pp. 504-512. ISBN 9781839107740

Kale, Prajakta (2023) Analysis of Complexities in Patenting AI and Big Data Inventions. In: Proceedings of the first international conference on advances in computer vision and artificial intelligence technologies (ACVAIT 2022). Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 176 . Atlantis Press, pp. 637-645. ISBN 978-94-6463-196-8_48

Katrak, Malcolm and Chakrabarty, Ishita (2023) Privacy, political participation, and dissent: Facial recognition technologies and the risk of digital authoritarianism in the global south. In: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192882486

Kelemen, Katalin and Steuer, Max (2023) Constitutional court of Hungary (Magyarország Alkotmánybírósága). In: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Khan, Mosarrap (2023) Globalization, Islamic Machine, and “Critical Localism” in the Aftermath of 9/11. In: Literature and the War on Terror Nation, Democracy and Liberalisation. Routledge, London, pp. 104-113. ISBN 9781003362999

Khobragade, Jagdish W and Bais, Simran (2023) The financial and systematic fraud: An analytical study. In: Financial Crimes. Springer, Cham, pp. 35-48. ISBN 9783031290909

Krishnan, Preethi, Pillai, Priya, Venkatachalam, Suchitra and Kleinhenz, Payten R. (2023) It's power, not pandemic: How identifying power structures enables emotional resilience during crisis caregiving. In: Transcending Crisis by Attending to Care, Emotion, and Flourishing. Routledge, London, pp. 144-164. ISBN 9781003260332

Kumar, Bagesh and Bora, Manika (2023) Learner-centred education and the possibilities of inclusion. In: Creating an equitable space for teaching and learning. Routledge, London, pp. 30-42. ISBN 9781003407478

Mehrotra, Abhinav and Popovski, Vesselin (2023) Can European mechanisms on human rights be applied in South Asia? In: Relevance of European studies in Asia. Springer, Singapore, pp. 131-143. ISBN 978-981-99-7786-4

Mishra, Neha, Kirabera, Tonny and Onwubiko, Judith N. (2023) Intersection of law, religion, customs, and the problem of child marriage in global South: A Comparative study of India, Nigeria and Uganda. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 247-274. ISBN 978-981-99-5466-7

Mittelmeier, Jenna, Lomer, Sylvie and Unkule, Kalyani (2023) Introduction: Research with international students critical conceptual and methodological considerations. In: Research with International Students. Routledge, London, 01-07. ISBN 9781003290803

Multani, Angelie, Pal, Swati, Saha, Nandini, Shakil, Albeena and Ghosh, Arjun (2023) Introduction: From Canon to Covid: Transforming English literary studies in India Essays in Honour of GIV Prasad. In: From Canon to Covid: Transforming English Literary Studies in India. Essays in Honour of GJV Prasad. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781000892161

Nakray, Keerty (2023) Reproductive justice and ethics of consent in assisted living facilities for disabled people : A critical reflection for socio-legal policies on long-term care in India. In: Justice in Global Health New Perspectives and Current Issues. Routledge, London, pp. 150-174. ISBN 9781003399933

Popovski, Vesselin (2023) Reimagining the United Nations Security Council. In: Reimagining the International Legal Order. Routledge, London, pp. 169-179. ISBN 9781003388821

Popovski, Vesselin (2023) The intelligence of a future day. In: Reimagining the International Legal Order. Routledge, London, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781003388821

Prabhu, Aloke and Thomas, Lisa (2023) Conflict between rights and obligations in food commodification: A Gandhian approach. In: Reconceptualising Material Culture in the Tricontinent: When Objects Write Back. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 142-154. ISBN 9781527592834

Raman, Rashmi, Arvind, Lalantika, Gupta, Pratyush and Khanna, Prithviraj (2023) R2P: A comparative study: Between universalism and asian exceptionalism. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 219-245. ISBN 978-981-99-5466-7

Ranjan, Rajiv and Khare, Pranjal (2023) Evaluating the conflicting interests in the United Nations: Comparative analysis of UN resolutions policy output regarding Conflict-Related Violence (CRSV). In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, pp. 211-235. ISBN 9781668484128

Ray, Ipsita and Shukla, Anshuman (2023) Administrative Discretion and Sliding Scale of Judicial Review. In: Principles of Administrative Law. university book house pvt ltd. ISBN 9788119793372

Singh, Tulika, Sharma, Paridhi and Bag, Akash (2023) Women, peace, and protection “myth”: Analyzing the United Nations security policies for women in conflict. In: Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens. IGI Global, United States of America, pp. 282-310. ISBN 9781668484128

Sipulova, Katarina and Steuer, Max (2023) From minimalism to the substantive core and back: The Slovak constitutional court and (the lack of) constitutional identity. In: The Jurisprudence of particularism: National identity claims in central Europe. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 81-104. ISBN 9781509960156

Star, Shaun and Vynckier, Joost (2023) Commercial contracts: Sponsoring and ticketing. In: Research handbook on the law of professional football clubs. Edward Elgar, pp. 194-216. ISBN 9781802206975

Steuer, Max (2023) Cultural expertise and extreme speech. In: Cultural Expertise, Law, and Rights: A Comprehensive Guide. Routledge, London, pp. 158-165. ISBN 9781003167075

Steuer, Max (2023) Rule of Law – The Concept. In: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9783319317397

Stoicheva, Maria, Sreejith, S. G. and Gupta, Indranath (2023) Epistemologies, paradigms, and practices: The rising relevance of European studies in Asia. In: Relevance of European studies in Asia. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-16. ISBN 978-981-99-7786-4

Suraj, Gogoi and Sen, Rohini (2023) Profiling the diseased: Tablighi jamaat and racist experiences in Assam. In: Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 179-194. ISBN 9789811973840

Tundawala, Moiz and Choudhuri, Salmoli (2023) Beyond friend and enemy: The stranger as a political category in colonial modernity. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020. The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law . Springer, Singapore, pp. 113-117. ISBN 978-981-99-5469-8

Uma, Saumya (2023) Marital Rape in South Asia: Colonial Origins and postcolonial challenges. In: The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 7 . Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 271-309. ISBN 9789004538627

Unkule, Kalyani (2023) Conceptualising to transcend: Glocal imaginaries and international students. In: Research with International Students : Critical Conceptual and Methodological Considerations. Routledge, London, pp. 147-154. ISBN 9781003290803

Vaghar, Sam, Wyatt-Buchan, Summer, Dayal, Shriya, Banik, Srijan and Nahar, Ayushi (2023) The power of intergenerational partnership: Students, universities, and SDG17. In: Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals. Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals . Emerald Publishing, Bingley, pp. 93-112. ISBN 9781804557044

Yadav, Mohit and Pathak, Gaurav (2023) MCA21: A data wizard that needs revamp. In: Technology and analytics for law & justice. OakBridge Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Gurugram. ISBN 9789395764681

Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences

Bandyopadhyay, Shilpa and Singh, Kamlesh (2023) Happiness and well-being in old age. In: Religious and Spiritual Practices in India. Springer, Singapore, pp. 317-340. ISBN 9789819923977

Khetrapal, Neha (2023) Emotional language impairments in autism. In: Language and Emotion: An International Handbook. De Gruyter Mouto, Berlin, pp. 2092-2104. ISBN 9783110795486

Khetrapal, Neha (2023) Nocturnal (Dark) Anthropology: Spotlight on an Ancient Indian Civilization. In: Dark Skies Places, Practices, Communities. Routledge, London, pp. 217-232. ISBN 9781003408444

Malu, Bhasker, Rajan, Santhosh Kareepadath and Jindal, Nikhita (2023) Regional populism in India: A case of Sikkim. In: Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-16-9859-0

Ugargol, Allen Prabhaker and Nair, Vasundharaa S. (2023) Intersectionality and cumulative disadvantage in access to healthcare for older adults in India. In: Handbook of Aging, health and public policy : Perspectives from Asia. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-26. ISBN 978-981-16-1914-4

Jindal School of Art and Architecture

Dhingra, Mohit and Roy, Surbhi Anand (2023) Implementing the global approaches in local context: Case of ‘Conservation Works’ at nineteenth century ‘Epiphany Church’, Gurugram, India. In: Interdisciplinary Advances in Sustainable Development II : Proceedings of the BHAAAS International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Development 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems . Springer, Cham, pp. 197-212. ISBN 978-3-031-46692-2

Farooqi, Abu Talha (2023) Thinking architecture : From phenomenology towards planetarity. In: Affective world-making : Routing planetary thought. Routledge, London, pp. 13-29. ISBN 9781003461593

Jindal School of Banking and Finance

Chhatwani, Malvika and Sen, Sudipta (2023) Financial behavior and financial fragility. In: A research agenda for consumer financial behavior. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 273-286. ISBN 9781803922652

Kanojia, Siddharth (2023) Piercing the gender prejudice in corporate boardroom: An exploratory study of the approaches for redressing the glass ceiling phenomenon in Asia. In: Cases on Uncovering Corporate Governance Challenges in Asian Markets. IGI Global, pp. 55-76. ISBN 9781668498699

Kaur, Raminder and Faisal, Syed Mohammed (2023) ‘God is with the patient people’ : Festival, class, and interreligious engagement. In: Religions, Mumbai style: Events-media-spaces. Oxford University Press, pp. 155-174. ISBN 9780191982606

Mir, Muzzafar Hussain, Kanojia, Siddharth and Ojha, Shashi Bhushanhah (2023) Revisiting the commonality of rules of law of sea in the Islamic tradition contesting Western ideas through alternate conceptions on the historicity of the law of sea. In: 40 years of United Nations convention on the law of the sea examining the success and failures. Satyam Law, New Delhi, pp. 29-44. ISBN 9788119119134

Mir, Muzzafar Hussain, Ojha, Shashi Bhushan and Kanojia, Siddharth (2023) The “phantom ship” phenomenon at high sea: issues and challenges of prosecuting maritime piracy under international and Indian law. In: Revisiting the commonality of rules of law of sea in the Islamic tradition contesting Western ideas through alternate conceptions on the historicity of the law of sea. Satyam Law, New Delhi, pp. 101-122. ISBN 9788119119134

Orazem, Peter F. and Roy, Soumyadip (2023) How job creation, job destruction, and match capital improve worker outcomes. In: Challenges in Classical Liberalism. Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 143-167. ISBN 9783031328909

Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability

Chowdhury, Abhiroop, Prakash, Raghav, Bhattacharyya, Santanu and Naz, Aliya (2023) Role of ponds as a local practice in Mitigating salinity intrusion threats at coastal aquifer: A case study from Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India. In: Indigenous and Local Water Knowledge, Values and Practices. Springer, Singapore, pp. 287-306. ISBN 9789811994067

Corendea, Cosmin (2023) International obligations and duties leading to protecting vulnerable states from the climate crisis. In: Human Flourishing: The End of Law. Brill, Leiden, pp. 1147-1171. ISBN 9789004524835

Kumar, Rohit, Devrani, Rahul, Pundir, Shailendra, Lone, Ihsan U., Adlakha, Vikas, Sathunuri, Kiran, Deshmukh, Benidhar and Kumar, Anil (2023) Soil loss rates in Trans-Himalayan region: Case study of Shyok Suture Zone, Ladakh, India. In: Weathering and Erosion Processes in the Natural Environment. Wiley, pp. 243-264. ISBN 978-1-394-15733-4

Levi, Ricki (2023) The “Sacred” Architecture of Anupam Mishra's Water-Culture. In: Water and Sacred Architecture. Routledge, London, pp. 133-147. ISBN 9781003358824

Jindal School of Government and Public Policy

Ghatak, Sunetra and Roy, Sayantan (2023) Trade intervention under the Belt and road initiative with Asian economies. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 217-230. ISBN 9783031388323

Husain, Syed Shariq (2023) Complex dynamical interplay of health, climate and conflicts with data-driven approach. In: Computational Intelligence Aided Systems for Healthcare Domain. CRC Pres, Boca Raton, pp. 387-412. ISBN 9781003368342

Husain, Syed Shariq, Whitmeyer, Joseph and Chakraborti, Anirban (2023) Innovation diffusion with intergroup suppression: A complexity perspective. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. New Economic Windows . Springer, Cham, pp. 231-246. ISBN 9783031388354

Jha, Debajit, Neel, Suhaas, Hrishidev, Hrishidev and Chakraborti, Anirban (2023) Interstate migration and spread of COVID-19 in Indian states. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 195-216. ISBN

John, Jacob, Jacob, Megha and Thomas, Naveen (2023) Financing micro and small enterprises in India through mutual credit guarantee schemes. In: Businesses: Resilience and Sustainability. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, London, pp. 157-177. ISBN 9789811266539

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2023) Indian Muslims and the ghettoised economy: The Role of negative emotions on occupational choices in the urban labour markets. In: Marginalities and Mobilities among India’s Muslims Elusive Citizenship. Routledge, London, pp. 199-219. ISBN 9781003280309

Patra, Sudip and Yeddanapudi, Sivani (2023) Quantum-like contextual utility framework application in economic theory and wider implications. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. New Economic Windows . Springer, Cham, pp. 103-125. ISBN 9783031388330

Pharasi, Hirdesh K, Sadhukhan, Suchetana, Majari, Parisa, Chakraborti, Anirban and Seligman, Thomas H (2023) Market state dynamics in correlation matrix space. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 173-194. ISBN 9783031388354

Rooney, David and Patra, Sudip (2023) Remodeling leadership: Quantum modeling of wise leadership. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. New Economic Windows (NEW), F1452 . Springer, Cham, pp. 43-83. ISBN 9783031388330

Sharda, Divyanshi (2023) Achieving dignified livelihoods: West Bengal's self-help groups as avenues of inclusive development. In: India at G20: Governance and International Organizations. Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security and Governance, New Delhi, pp. 55-72. ISBN 9788196447687

Singh, Naresh (2023) Policy and program design and evaluation in complex situations. In: Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 145-172. ISBN 9783-031388330

Singh, Naresh (2023) Spiritual leadership for sustainable development policy. In: Applied Spirituality and Sustainable Development Policy. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 117-131. ISBN 978-1-83753-380-0

Singh, Naresh and Bhatnagar, Divya (2023) Introduction and overview. In: Applied Spirituality and Sustainable Development Policy. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-83753-380-0

Sinha, Geeta and Nayak, Bhabani Shankar (2023) Gender Equality, Education and Mainstreaming of Gender in Ghana. In: Political Economy of Gender and Development in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 183-198. ISBN 9783031188282

Jindal School of International Affairs

Adam, Hebatallah (2023) Impediments to the fourth industrial revolution in Africa. In: Digital Technologies for Smart Business, Economics and Education : Towards a Promising Future. Arts, Research, Innovation and Society . Springer, Cham, pp. 31-58. ISBN 9783031241017

Adam, Hebatallah, Batul, Atiba and Malik, Firdous Ahmad (2023) Women's empowerment and sustainable development goals in the post-covid-19 era. In: Political Economy of Development in the Global South Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer, Singapore, pp. 97-118. ISBN 9789819940745

Arora, Seerat (2023) Populism, eurocentric academia and beyond: Postcolonial and decolonial international relations theories. In: Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-981-16-9859-0

Bhatia, Madhur (2023) Independent directors' roles in banks. In: Leadership and Governance for Sustainability. IGI Global, New York, pp. 165-185. ISBN 9781668497135

Cutrona, Sebastian and Rosen, Jonathan D. (2023) Introduction: Mano Dura Policies in Latin America. In: Mano Dura Policies in Latin America. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781000900972

Emmanuel, Kim (2023) Latin American and Caribbean cooperation with China and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: The Future of Multilateralism and Globalization in the Age of the U.S.–China Rivalry. Routledge, London, pp. 196-216. ISBN 9781003340430

Jha, Pankaj (2023) Connectivity across South Asia: Possibilities and intrinsic challenges. In: The Routledge Handbook of South Asia Region, Security and Connectivity. Routledge, London, pp. 213-226. ISBN 9781003279662

Panigrahi, Manoj Kumar (2023) India-Taiwan Relations: Under the Shadow of China. In: The Elephants rise in the East. Adroit Publisher, New Delhi, pp. 78-94. ISBN ‎ 978-8195654239

Panigrahi, Manoj Kumar (2023) India-Taiwan ties: An evolving relationship. In: Reimagining India in the Geopolitics of the 21st century. Vishwa Samvada Kenda, Karnataka, pp. 229-233. ISBN 9788195595815

Polcumpally, Arun Teja (2023) Internet, cognitive bias and dangers of perception control. In: Truth and deception in the digital age: Navigating the culture of misinformation. Centre for Development Policy and Practice, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9788195914586

Polcumpally, Arun Teja (2023) Making sense of AI-influenced geopolitics using STS theories. In: Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence. Sociology, Social Policy and Education 2023 . Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 187-197. ISBN 9781803928562

Puggioni, Raffaela and Julia Trombetta, Maria (2023) Re-imagining political life: beyond the climate-security-migration nexus. In: Handbook on climate change and international security. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 296-311. ISBN 9781789906431

Rastogi, Prashant (2023) A trickle-down effect of foreign policy on domestic narratives: Populism and Trump’s Espousal of Conspiracy and Gossip to “Make America Great Again. In: A Gossip Politic. Rhetoric, Politics and Society . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 99-114. ISBN 9783031151187

Relly, Jeannine E., Rabbi, Md. Fazle, Jha, Himanshu, Pakanati, Rajdeep and Sabharwal, Meghna (2023) Integrating social equity into right to information and access to information laws and policies: Drawing on the Indian case. In: Open Government and Freedom of Information : Policy and Practice in Asia and the Middle East. Information Technology and Global Governance (ITGG) . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 233-258. ISBN 978-3-031-35863-0

Rosen, Jonathan D. and Cutrona, Sebastian (2023) Conclusion:Mano Dura Policies in Latin America. In: Mano Dura Policies in Latin America. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 167-174. ISBN 9781000900972

Rosen, Jonathan D., Zepeda, Roberto, Cutrona, Sebastian and Huizar, Richard (2023) The cycle of mano dura policies: The militarization of the drug war in Mexico. In: Mano Dura Policies in Latin America. Routledge, New York, pp. 29-42. ISBN 9781003398417

Shahi, Deepshikha (2023) Kautilya. In: Rethinking political thinkers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 57-74. ISBN 9780198847397

Shahi, Deepshikha (2023) South Asian contestations and India's strategic role : an advaita account. In: The United States and China in the Era of Global Transformations : Geographies of Rivalry. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 73-96. ISBN 9781529228441

Shahi, Deepshikha (2023) The spectre of "Amoral Realism" in international relations: A classical Indian overview. In: Bridging Two WorldComparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China. University of California Press, California, pp. 133-151. ISBN 9780520390997

Singh, Gurpreet and Sharma, Rajeev (2023) Farmers' income and food security under contemporary policy regime in India : Insights from Punjab. In: Challenges to Punjab economy: A regional perspective from India. Routledge, Lonodon, pp. 32-49. ISBN 9781003342304

Svitych, Oleksandr (2023) Beyond the pandemic: The promise of degrowth in the global south. In: Political Economy of Development in the Global South Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer, Singapore, pp. 3-28. ISBN 9789819940745

Thapar, Ravi (2023) Addressing technology, economics and climate change-related challenges in the global south in the post-COVID-19 world. In: Political Economy of Development in the Global South Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer, Singapore, pp. 29-51. ISBN 9789819940745

Jindal School of Languages & Literature

Leighton, Denys Philip (2023) Making histories of Indian liberalism and the post-comparative turn. In: Liberalism and its encounters in India: Some interdisciplinary approaches. Routledge, London, pp. 19-36. ISBN 9781003259930

Moitra, Angana (2023) Fairy genealogy in Tudor England. In: Genealogisches Wissen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Cultures and Practices of Knowledge in History, 16 . De Gruyter, Boston, pp. 363-378. ISBN 9783110793093

Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2023) The Mystical femininity of Kabir. In: Eastern languages, literatures and cultures. Iztok-Zapad, Sofia, pp. 110-137. ISBN 978-619-01-1352-2

Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities

Banerjee, Abhijit (2023) Eco-labeling. In: Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 145-146. ISBN 9781788974912

Banerjee, Abhijit (2023) Ecotourism. In: Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 169-170. ISBN 9781788974912

Banerjee, Abhijit (2023) Environment. In: Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 193. ISBN 9781788974912

Banerjee, Abhijit (2023) Environmental. In: Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 193. ISBN 9781788974912

Bonnerjee, Jayani J. (2023) Between longing and belonging: home, homemaking and diasporas. In: Handbook on Home and Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, pp. 100-111. ISBN 9781800882775

Chawla, Swati (2023) “Nothing in common with ‘Indian’ India:” Bhutan and the cabinet mission plan. In: South Asia Unbound : New International Histories of the Subcontinent. Global Connections: Routes and Roots, 6 . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 61-82. ISBN 9789400604544

Chowdhury, Abhiroop, Prakash, Raghav, Bhattacharyya, Santanu and Naz, Aliya (2023) Role of ponds as a local practice in Mitigating salinity intrusion threats at coastal aquifer: A case study from Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India. In: Indigenous and Local Water Knowledge, Values and Practices. Springer, Singapore, pp. 287-306. ISBN 9789811994067

Clammer, John (2023) The Creative Self: Artistic performance and the making and finding of identity. In: Transitional Selves : Possibilities for Identity in a Plurified World. Routledge, London, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9781003396246

Das, Poulomi (2023) Poverty to sustenance: The respectable–shameful journey of women performers of Sundarban. In: Women performers in Bengal and Bangladesh: Caught up in the culture of South Asia (1795-2010s). Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 289-304. ISBN 9780191967764

Ganguly, Sriti (2023) Samaj and Sangat: Parental construction of children's poor educational attainments in a caste-based segregated settlement 1. In: The Social Context of Learning in India Achievement Gaps and Factors of Poor Learning. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 84-100. ISBN 9781003387442

Krishnaswamy, R. (2023) Gandhi and the re-orientation of modern political theory. In: Liberalism and its encounters in India: Some interdisciplinary approaches. Routledge, London, pp. 58-73. ISBN 9781003259930

Krishnaswamy, R. and Majumder, Atreyee (2023) Introduction: Liberalism and its Encounters in India. In: Liberalism and its encounters in India: Some interdisciplinary approaches. Routledge, London, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781003259930

Mehra, Gautam, Arora, Rachna, Prakash, Reva and Banerjee, Abhijit (2023) Approaches to Improving the Circular Economy Paradigm in E-waste Management in India through Informal–Formal Sector Integration. In: Development in E-waste Management : Sustainability and Circular Economy Aspects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 209-222. ISBN 9781003301899

Prakash, Reva, Banerjee, Abhijit and Sipka, Stefan (2023) Start-ups and digitalisation for circular economy in India and Europe. In: Innovating for The Circular Economy Driving Sustainable Transformation. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 87-106. ISBN 9781003201816

Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2023) Kabir, femininity, and mysticism. In: Gender and medieval mysticism from India to Europe. Routledge, London, pp. 154-169. ISBN 9781003350880

Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2023) Unlikely encounters: Ideas about India in two nineteenth-century European nationalist narratives (Joseph Méry and Georgi Sava Rakovski). In: Significant others, significant encounters: Essays on South Asian history and literature. Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing, Heidelberg, pp. 191-208. ISBN 9783948791506

Sen, Sucharita (2023) Across identities: Ethnicity and nationalism in the united Bengal movement of 1946. In: Liberalism and its Encounters in India. Routledge, London, pp. 97-113. ISBN 9781003259930

Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling

Jain, Garima (2023) Blurred boundaries of honour and rape: Contesting elopement and false promise of marriage as rape. In: International perspectives on gender-based violence. Advances in Preventing and Treating Violence and Aggression . Springer, Cham, pp. 53-66. ISBN 978-3-031-42866-1

Rai, Prabhat and Vashishtha, Prachi (2023) Conceptualisation of development and learning in Indian early childhood curriculum. In: Childhood and Youth in India: Engagements with Modernity. Studies in Childhood and Youth, F1193 . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 53-76. ISBN 9783031318207

Tyagi, Kirti (2023) Jainism: A religion of compassion and non-violence. In: Religious and Spiritual Practices in India : A Positive Psychological Perspective. Springer, Singapore, pp. 197-222. ISBN 9789819923991

Office of English and Foreign Languages

Jain, Shruti (2023) Shakti under erasure: Parallels with goddess spirituality in Nietzsche's thought,. In: Nietzsche on Women and the Eternal-Feminine A Critique of Truth and Value. Bloomsbury Publishing, London. ISBN 9781350345300

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