Items where Subject is "Cultural Studies"
- Subject (8024)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
- Social Sciences (6551)
- Cultural Studies (46)
- Social Sciences (6551)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
-, Aditi (2019) Possibilities of Dara Shikoh: mythical foundations of peace. Romeshraj Trust, New Delhi.
Batra, Jagdish
Examining sex-culture dynamics: A plea for realism.
Hermeneutics of the Body.
Khalsa College Publications, Patiala, pp. 31-40.
ISBN 9788126933433
Batra, Jagdish
Mahesh Dattani's commitment to humanism in the play 'Do the Needful'.
Journal of the Odisha Association for English Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 90-97.
ISSN 22495726
Batra, Jagdish
Rohinton Mistry's sociological approach in 'Tales from Firozsha Baag.
Contemporary Vibes, 17 (65).
pp. 13-16.
ISSN 09751750
Batra, Jagdish
The role of academy, media and politics in resolving cultural differences: a study of multicultural societies.
In: Proceedings of the 46th International Academic Conference, Rome, May 27 - 30, 2019, Rome.
Batra, Jagdish
The triad of economics, politics and culture, and the fate of the immigrant: a study of Indian English fiction.
Multiculturalism and the need for recognition: The border world reconfigurations of the 21st century.
Editura Eikon, pp. 223-237.
ISBN 9786064901095
Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma
Dancing by the Juniper: Notes from the performative space of the Brokpa's cultural enactment.
Asian Journal of Social Science, 49 (2).
pp. 109-119.
ISSN 15685314
Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma
Onstage and offstage: Dance of the Brokpa.
Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (31).
pp. 109-110.
ISSN 23498846
Bonnerjee, Jayani J.
Beyond boundaries: Hindu spaces in the Chinatowns of Kolkata and Singapore.
Indian and Chinese immigrant communities: comparative perspectives.
Anthem Press, London, pp. 150-164.
ISBN 9781783083626
Chatterjee, Arup K.
Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Problem of Conscience.
Implicit Religion, 24 (3-4): 2021.
pp. 443-470.
ISSN 1743-1697
Chawla, Swati (2020) Chinese cultural policies in Tibet: A perspective from India. The Asian Forum, 8 (25). ISSN 2288-5757
Choudhuri, Salmoli and Tundawala, Moiz (2023) Sovereignty before law. Global Intellectual History. ISSN 2380-1891 (In Press)
Clammer, John (2019) Cultural nationalism, consumption, and religion. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (4). pp. 1122-1123. ISSN 13545078
Clammer, John
Cultural rights, sustainability and development :are they related? If so, how?
Journal of Law, Social Justice & Global Development (22).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1467-0437
Clammer, John
Cultures of transition and sustainability: Culture after capitalism.
Springer, New Delhi.
ISBN 9781137520333
Clammer, John
The fabric of indigeneity: Ainu identity, gender, and settler colonialism in Japan.
[Book Reviews]
Dhar, Nandini (2018) Unloosened forms, untranslatable concerns and unformed: the limits of American notions of race in Amitav Ghosh's sea of poppies. The Comparatist, 42. pp. 6-39. ISSN 0195-7678
Emile, Renu, Belk, Russell W. and Clammer, John
Localizing taste: using metaphors to understand loctural consumptionscapes.
Food, Culture and Society, 24 (3).
pp. 431-445.
ISSN 15528014
Faisal, Syed Mohammed (2020) Shaheen Bagh and the hermeneutics of Muslim identity in South Asia. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10 (3). pp. 767-775. ISSN 25751433
Iheme, Williams C.
The perilously racist carceral system in America and its perpetuation of police brutality against black people.
The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 9 (2).
pp. 231-260.
ISSN 20504802
Iyengar, Divya Raghunath and Varghese, Soumya Thankam (2024) Honour killing among women in India. In: Criminological Analyses on Global Honor Killing. IGI Global, pp. 377-398. ISBN 9798369372418
Jacob, Merilin (2020) Shielding India's indigenous wisdom. [Working papers (or Preprints)]
John, Mathew
Framing religion in constitutional politics: a view from Indian Constitutional Law.
South Asian History and Culture, 10 (2).
pp. 124-135.
ISSN 1947-2501
Kapoor, Shivani (2018) Cast(e) in disgust: Is an empathic reading of caste possible? Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 2. pp. 256-273. ISSN 2208-522X
Kipgen, Nehginpao
The Rohingya crisis: The centrality of identity and citizenship.
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 39 (1).
pp. 61-74.
ISSN 1469-9591
Kuanr, Abhisek, Israel, Duraipandian, Pradhan, Debasis and Chaudhuri, Himadri Roy
Can we anti-consume our way to sustainability? Finding answers at the intersection of cultural values.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20 (5).
pp. 1051-1064.
ISSN 14791838
Mahaseth, Harsh
Simultaneous identities: language, education and the Nepali nation.
[Book Reviews]
Mhaskar, Sumeet
Crisis of dominance: Understanding the rural–urban roots of Maratha caste mobilisation for reservation.
Urbanisation, 6 (1).
pp. 64-81.
ISSN 24563714
Mohnot, Jitesh, Pratap, Sankalp and Saha, Biswatosh
Governance of Marwari capital: Daily living as a decolonial ‘matrix-of-praxis’ intermeshing commercial, religious and familial spheres.
Organization, 28 (5).
pp. 741-772.
ISSN 13505084
Moliner, Christine (2020) Vulnerable masculinities? Gender identity construction among young undocumented sikh migrants in paris. Religions, 11 (12): 680. pp. 1-14. ISSN 20771444
Mukherjee, Mousumi
Intercultural dialogue and inclusive education: from Europe to Mandela’s South Africa and Tagore’s India.
Nelson Mandela: Comparative Perspectives of his Significance for Education.
Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 93-110.
ISBN 9789463009065
Nayak, Gopa, Salovaara, Isabel M.
and Wade, Jeremy
Self-regulated learning in refugee entrepreneurship education: A university-based program for Tibetan entrepreneurs in India.
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 13 (2).
pp. 81-96.
ISSN 15595692
Pande, Rukmini
Popular culture.
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.
ISSN 1077-4254
(In Press)
Pande, Rukmini
Squee from the margins: racial/cultural/ethnic identity in global media fandom.
Seeing fans: representations of fandom in media and popular culture.
Bloomsbury Publishing.
ISBN 9781501318450
Rajan, Benson and Venkatraman, Shreya
Dalit empowerment, narratives and violence: Locating Ambedkar through select films.
Caste, communication and power.
SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, New delhi, pp. 198-212.
ISBN 9789391370824
Rajan, Benson and Venkatraman, Shreya
Insta-hate: An exploration of Islamophobia and right-wing nationalism on Instagram amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in India.
Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 14 (1).
pp. 71-91.
ISSN 1751942X
Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2017) Practices of territory in small and medium cities of south India. In: Subaltern Urbanisation in India. Exploring Urban Change in South Asia book series . Springer, New Delhi, pp. 235-260. ISBN 978-81-322-3616-0
Rana, Navreet Kaur
Tracing the journey of Thattai Bhatia community through their culinary identity.
Journal of Ethnic Foods, 8 (1): 32.
ISSN 23526181
Rana, Navreet Kaur
A review of cultural acceptability and food utilization in India.
Food Security, 16 (6).
pp. 1333-1338.
ISSN 1876-4517
Sharma, Amrita and Raouf, Peerzada (2019) Of braids, blades and the djinns of winters past: Fighting the ghosts of Kashmir. Wasafiri, 34 (3). pp. 2-7. ISSN 1747-1508
Sharma, Kriti (2018) Mapping violence in the lives of adivasi women. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (42). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2349-8846
Singh, Mani Shekhar
Book Review: Uwe Skoda and Birgit Lettmann, eds. 2018. India and its visual cultures: Community, class and gender in a symbolic landscape.
[Book Reviews]
Sinha, Ashish, Gu, Haodong, Kim, Namwoon and Emile, Renu
Signaling effects and the role of culture: movies in international auxiliary channels.
European Journal of Marketing, 53 (10).
pp. 2146-2172.
ISSN 03090566
Sinha, Chetan and Kumar, Mohit
Conceal or not? Management of dehumanized work identity among lower caste domestic workers and non-domestic scavenging workers.
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 5 (2).
pp. 173-193.
ISSN 23220937
Swaminathan, Shivprasad
Nothing ‘mere’ to it: Reclaiming subjective accounts of normativity of law.
Journal of Human Values, 25 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 09730737
Unkule, Kalyani
Transforming research excellence: new ideas from the global south.
[Book Reviews]