Items where Subject is "Philosophy"
- Subject (8024)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
- Arts and Humanities (360)
- Philosophy (30)
- Arts and Humanities (360)
- Social Sciences and humanities (7681)
-, Arjun (2021) One step towards Sri Aurobindo’s vision of education. International Journal of Research Culture Society, 5 (3). pp. 10-13. ISSN 24566683
Chauhan, Kaushal (2019) Evaluation in use of KOHA Library Management Software in OPJGU, Sonipat. Library Philosophy and Practice: 2070. ISSN 15220222
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Mapping the individual and the community in Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Philosophy & Social Criticism, 47 (4).
pp. 440-446.
ISSN 01914537
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Martin Luther King: the American Gandhi.
Diogenes, 61.
pp. 112-117.
ISSN 0392-1921
Mukherjee, Mousumi and Agrawal, Sandal
Decolonising lifelong education: learning from J. Krishnamurti.
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 40 (4).
pp. 328-338.
ISSN 02601370
Nagpal, Ritu and Radhakrishnan, N.
Gentrification of Bibliotheca for the Digital Citizens.
Library Philosophy and Practice: 2808.
ISSN 15220222
Narula, Bani and Midha, Shefali (2021) Exploring indigenous concepts in western psychology. Philosophy and Education Journal, 58 (4). pp. 2785-2793. ISSN 15536939
Peerzada, Raouf Ahmad, Sharma, Amrita and Kannan, Samyuktha (2023) University and resistance: New state and new struggles. Human Geography. ISSN 1942-7786 | 2633-674X (In Press)
Rai, Shivkrit and Devaiah, Vishwas H.
The need for healthcare reforms: Is no-fault liability the solution to medical malpractice?
Asian Bioethics Review, 11 (1).
pp. 81-93.
ISSN 17938759
Rajan, Sahana V.
The Hand that rocks the cradle: Revaluing academic labor and recognizing the centrality of carework.
Journal of Philosophy of Education.
ISSN 0309-8249
Rajan, Sahana V.
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater : The dangers of global and local ontologies in scientific metaphysics.
Res Philosophica, 99 (4).
pp. 403-425.
ISSN 2168-9113
Rajan, Sahana V. and Jha, Jayshree
Cārvāka: A metaphysically grounded materialist ethics.
Philosophy East and West, 72 (3).
pp. 801-816.
ISSN 1529-1898
Rathour, Mansi (2023) Autonomous weapons and just war theory. International Philosophical Quarterly, 63 (1): 249. pp. 57-70. ISSN 0019-0365
Rousseva-Sokolova, Galina (2020) Voices from the past : Rearranging values in times of crisis: The example of North Indian Vaishnava hagiographies. Journal of Human Values, 26 (1). pp. 64-74. ISSN 9716858
Sharma, Anshu and Joshi, Ankur
Sustainable management education: Insights from indigenous wisdom of Bhartiya (Indian) Gurukul philosophy.
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 17 (4).
pp. 471-48.
ISSN 17460573
Singh, Naresh, Patra, Sudip, Chandel, Shivangi, Bhatnagar, Divya and Husain, Syed Shariq
Underexplored dimensions of uncertainty and risk in human development policy call for a new paradigm.
World futures.
ISSN 0260-4027 | 1556-1844
Swaminathan, Shivprasad
Nothing ‘mere’ to it: Reclaiming subjective accounts of normativity of law.
Journal of Human Values, 25 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 09730737
Tayshete, Neha (2023) Can Gandhi's and Dostoevsky's unique conception of humility enhance Rawls' distributive justice ? Ethical Perspectives, 30 (2). pp. 155-192. ISSN 1370-0049
Visvanathan, Shiv (2012) Anna Hazare and the battle against corruption. Cultural Critique, 81. pp. 103-111. ISSN 15345203
Book Section
Clammer, John
Spiritual pragmatism and an economics of solidarity.
Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society.
Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 135-145.
ISBN 9789811571145
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Gandhism and peace.
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 69-85.
ISBN 9783319789057
Kapoor, Shivani (2022) The smells of caste–body, self and politics. In: Olfaction: An interdisciplinary perspective from philosophy to life sciences. Human perspectives in health sciences and technology book series, 4 . Springer, Cham, pp. 21-34. ISBN 9783030752057
Mukherjee, Mousumi
Tagore’s perspective on decolonizing education.
Oxford research encyclopedia of education.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-17.
Ramaswami, Shankar (2024) Interpreting catastrophes : God, karma, and martyrdom. In: India and its intellectual traditions: Of love, advaita, power, and other things. Oxford University Press, pp. 249-266. ISBN 9780191994616
Book Reviews
Muralidharan, Sukumar
Mahabharata's enduring appeal.
[Book Reviews]
Article in News Papers and Magazine
Manderna, Mohit Kumar (2024) Understanding Totalitarianism: Simplified & Explained. Polilegal.
Manderna, Mohit Kumar (2024) Utilitarianism Explained: Should I pull the lever? Polilegal.
Conference or Workshop Item
Bantha, Tapas, Kumar, Sachin and Panda, Tapan Kumar
Exploring the construct-spirituality: An exploratory investigation.
In: First PAN IIT International Management Conference 2018 PANIITIMC-18, November 30- December 02, 2018, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
Bantha, Tapas, Kumar, Sachin and Panda, Tapan Kumar
The relation of workplace spirituality with organizational citizenship behaviour: Mediating role of organizational commitment.
In: First PAN IIT International Management Conference 2018 PANIITIMC-18, November 30- December 02, 2018, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
Jahanbegloo, Ramin
The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: Thinking across cultures.
Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies
Bloomsbury Publishing.
ISBN 9781350446120