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Number of items: 35.

Jindal Global Business School

Bag, Surajit, Anand, Neeraj and Pandey, Krishan Kumar (2016) Green supply chain management model for sustainable manufacturing practices. In: Green Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Business Practice. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 153-189. ISBN 9781522506362; 1522506357; 9781522506355

Pattnaik, Shibani (2016) Employee satisfaction at a large manufacturing organization. In: Make in India: Through Sustainable Development: Achieving Inclusive Growth. Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp. 374-380. ISBN 978-93-85000-59-1

Jindal Global Law School

Abeyratne, Rehan (2016) Asia as a laboratory for the superior responsibility doctrine. In: Trials for international crimes in Asia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 226-253. ISBN 9781107104655

Aroney, Nicholas and Gautam, Khagesh (2016) Federalism: a selected comparison. In: Australia and India: a comparative overview of the law and legal practice. 9789350356258 ed. Universal Law Publishing, Haryana, pp. 1-19.

Banerjee, Arpan (2016) The law and politics of pharmaceutical patents in India. In: Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities. China-EU Law Series (4). Springer, Singapore, pp. 143-158. ISBN 9789811004063

Barnidge Jr., Robert P. (2016) Introduction: The Liberal way of war: legal perspectives. In: Liberal way of war: legal perspectives. Taylor and Francis Inc., London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781315556147

Baxi, Upendra (2016) Law, Politics, and Constitutional Hegemony: the Supreme Court, jurisprudence, and demosprudence. In: The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198704898

Das, Abhijit and Nedumpara, James J. (2016) Conclusions: WTO dispute settlement at twenty. In: WTO dispute settlement at twenty. Springer, Singapore, pp. 247-250. ISBN 9811005985

Das, Abhijit, Nedumpara, James J. and Singh, Shailja (2016) Introduction: WTO dispute settlement at twenty: Insiders’ reflections on India’s participation. In: WTO dispute settlement at twenty. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9789811005992; 9789811005985

Kanwar, Vik (2016) Treaty interpretation in Indian courts: adherence, coherence, and convergence. In: The Interpretation of International Law by Domestic Courts: Uniformity, Diversity, Convergence. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 239-264. ISBN 9780198738923

Kapur, Ratna (2016) (De)criminalizing queer lives: viewing through a postcolonial optic. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Criminology and Human Rights. Routledge, London, pp. 301-308. ISBN 9781315679891

Kumar, M and Bharadwaj, Ashish (2016) Psychology of innovation: Innovating human psychology? In: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer, Cham, pp. 65-80. ISBN 9783319257181

Nair, Nisha (2016) Deconstructing the gaze: a postcolonial reading of Mohsin Hamid 's the reluctant fundamentalist. In: Celebrating diasporic writing: a critical response to Indian and Pakistani literature. Prestige Books International, pp. 181-189. ISBN 9789382186830

Nakray, Keerty (2016) Vicarious trauma and safety protocols for sensitive feminist research: Reflections on the research process of transcribing and translating interviews with HIV-positive women in India. In: Social Science Research Ethics for a Globalizing World: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Routledge, New York, pp. 304-315. ISBN 9781315880020

Nedumpara, James J. (2016) WTO, state and legal capacity building. In: Judging the State in International Trade and Investment Law. International Law and the Global South . Springer, pp. 33-51. ISBN 9789811023583

Nedumpara, James J., Chandra, Ashish and Deepak, Garima (2016) India—agricultural products: Defending India’s first SPS dispute. In: WTO Dispute Settlement at Twenty. Springer, Singapore, pp. 213-232. ISBN 9789811005985

Popovski, Vesselin (2016) Corporate responsibility to protect populations from mass atrocities. In: The role of business in the responsibility to protect. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 185-205. ISBN 9781316659397

Popovski, Vesselin (2016) Emotions and international law. In: Emotions and International politics :Beyond mainstream international relations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 184-204. ISBN 9781316286838

Popovski, Vesselin (2016) Win- win formula for reforming the UN Security Council. In: Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 153-170. ISBN 9780190647759

Raj Kumar, C. (2016) Corruption and Transparency in Governance and Development : Reinventing sovereignty for promoting good governance. In: Re-envisioning sovereignty : The end of Westphalia? Routledge, London, pp. 251-265. ISBN 9781315604213

Shaffer, Gregory (2016) How the WTO shapes the regulatory state. In: Comparative law and regulation: understanding the global regulatory process. Elgar Online, Cheltenham, pp. 447-479. ISBN 9781782545606

Shakil, Albeena (2016) Indian-english novel beyond authenticity. In: Living the postcolonial: Indian literature in perspective. Bagchee, Kolkata, pp. 151-179. ISBN 9789384002930

Sharma, Charu (2016) Chernobyl. In: Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Oxford Reference, London, pp. 31-34. ISBN 9780190622664

Sharma, Charu (2016) Sale of Goods. In: Chitty on Contracts. Sweet & Maxwell, Hongkong, pp. 1455-1703. ISBN 9789626618899

Tripathy, Sunita (2016) Bio-patent pooling and policy on health innovation for access to medicines and health technologies that treat HIV/AIDS: a need for meeting of [open] minds. In: Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century. Springer, Cham, pp. 29-50. ISBN 9783319311760

Tripathy, Sunita (2016) The human right to health: Reflecting on the implications of IPRs as endorsed by the trans-pacific partnership agreement. In: International Economic Law : Contemporary issues. Cambridge University Press, Cham, pp. 61-78. ISBN 9783319446455

Visvanathan, Shiv (2016) Primary colours: Gandhi on the environmental movement. In: Ramchandra Gandhi: The man and his philosophy. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, pp. 300-311. ISBN 9781315540580

Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences

Palit, Manjushree and Levin, Susan B. (2016) Collaborative therapy with women and children refugees in Houston: moving toward rehabilitation in the United States after enduring the atrocities of war. In: Family Therapy in Global Humanitarian Contexts: Voices and Issues from the Field. AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy . Springer Cham, Cham, pp. 39-49. ISBN 9783319392714

Jindal School of Government and Public Policy

Bhuvaneswari, Raman (2016) ‘Speculative spaces’: The material practices of urban entrepreneurialism. In: Entrepreneurial Urbanism in India. Springer, Singapore, pp. 91-112. ISBN 9789811022364

Malhotra, Rajeev and Kundu, Sridhar (2016) Towards a tax system for inclusive development: some aspects of tax incidence and tax mobilization in India. In: India Exclusion Report 2015. Yoda Press, New Delhi, pp. 141-161. ISBN 9789382579397

Jindal School of International Affairs

Aneja, Urvashi (2016) International norms and domestic change: implementing the SDGs in India. In: Global Goals, National Actions : Making the Post -2015 Development Agenda Relevant to India. Wiley-Blackwell, New Delhi, pp. 12-17.

Maini, Tridivesh Singh (2016) Munabao-Khokhrapar land route and India-Pakistan relations. In: India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation. Springer, Singapore, pp. 347-372. ISBN 9789811022159

Sharma, Raghav (2016) Afghanistan's ethno-political challenges: a case for federal arrangements. In: The political future of Afghanistan: issues and perspectives. Knowledge World, New Delhi, pp. 11-32. ISBN 9789283649754

Sinha, Samrat (2016) Measuring the burden of conflict through local newspapers: findings from the Manipur micro-level insurgency events database of 2008–2009. In: Violence, Statistics, and the Politics of Accounting for the Dead. Springer, Cham, pp. 99-118. ISBN 9783319120362

Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities

Pande, Rukmini (2016) Squee from the margins: racial/cultural/ethnic identity in global media fandom. In: Seeing fans: representations of fandom in media and popular culture. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781501318450

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