Browse by Databases which index JGU papers
- JGU Schools (200)
- Jindal School of International Affairs (18)
Bulutgil, H, Zeynep and Prasad, Neeraj
Inequality and voting among deprived ethnic groups: evidence from India.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 30 (2).
pp. 221-243.
ISSN 17457289
Fernando, Srimal and Jha, Pankaj
In pursuit of integration: Is south Asia unfit for regionalism?
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, 45 (3-4).
pp. 260-287.
ISSN 0278839X
Field, Jessica
Caught between paper plans and Kashmir politics: Disaster governance in Ladakh, India.
Politics and Governance, 8 (4).
pp. 355-365.
ISSN 21832463
Field, Jessica
Serving 'the cause': Cecil Jackson-Cole and the professionalization of charity in post-war Britain.
Historical Research, 93 (260).
pp. 379-397.
ISSN 14682281
Jha, Pankaj and Vinh, Vo Xuan
India, Vietnam and the Indo-Pacific expanding horizons.
Taylor and Francis Inc., New York.
ISBN 9780429281877; 9780367748821
Kazzaz, Mourhaf
Investigating the Syrian “Other” in Donald J. Trump’s Twitter Campaign Rhetoric.
Open Linguistics, 6 (1).
pp. 601-610.
ISSN 23009969
Kipgen, Nehginpao
COVID-19 pandemic and racism in the United States and India.
Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (23).
pp. 21-26.
ISSN 129976
Kipgen, Nehginpao
India–ASEAN relations: the initiatives, successes, and challenges.
India Review, 19 (3).
pp. 207-222.
ISSN 14736489
Lamba, Jasmit, Gupta, Bhumika and Dzever, Sam
Global crisis of sustainable development and global warming: A case analysis of Indonesia and Laos.
Sustainable Development and Energy Transition in Europe and Asia.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, London, pp. 129-144.
ISBN 9781119705222; 9781786305701
Lamba, Jasmit, Gupta, Bhumika and Dzever, Sam
Sustainable agricultural development and rural poverty in India.
Sustainable Development and Energy Transition in Europe and Asia.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, London, pp. 183-195.
ISBN 9781119705222; 9781786305701
Mohan, Deepanshu, Sekhani, Richa, Agarwal, Shivani, Singh, Mansi and Dixit, Pranjali (2020) Viewing embeddedness and ethnic-solidarity in economics of exchange: reflections from economic and cultural practices of tibetan community in India. Asian Ethnicity, 23 (2). pp. 335-351. ISSN 14631369
Moliner, Christine (2020) Vulnerable masculinities? Gender identity construction among young undocumented sikh migrants in paris. Religions, 11 (12): 680. pp. 1-14. ISSN 20771444
Pathak, Sriparna and Hazarika, Obja Borah (2020) India-Taiwan economic relations: Charting a new path. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations, 6 (1). pp. 37-38. ISSN 24109681
Relly, Jeannine, Sabharwall, Meghna, Rabbi, Md. Fazle, Pakanati, Rajdeep and Schwalb, Ethan H
More than a decade in the making: A study of the implementation of India’s Right to Information Act.
World Development, 136: 105088.
ISSN 0305750X
Relly, Jeannine E. and Pakanati, Rajdeep
Deepening democracy through a social movement: Networks, information rights, and online and offline activism.
International Journal of Communication, 14.
pp. 4760-4780.
ISSN 19328036
Salem, Saber (2020) Chinese foreign aid to Fiji: Threat or opportunity. China Report, 56 (2). pp. 242-258. ISSN 94455
Salem, Saber and Rosencranz, Armin (2020) Climate-induced mass relocation in Fiji. Environmental Policy and Law, 50 (4 May). pp. 391-397. ISSN 0378777X
Vogel, Birte and Field, Jessica
(Re)constructing borders through the governance of tourism and trade in Ladakh, India.
Political Geography, 82: 102226.
ISSN 9626298