The snail and its house: Anneliese as a home thinker in Lou Andreas-Salomé’s Das Haus

Jain, Shruti (2024) The snail and its house: Anneliese as a home thinker in Lou Andreas-Salomé’s Das Haus. In: Finding Philosophers in Global Fiction: Redefining the Philosopher in Multi-cultural Contexts. Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd. ISBN 9798765100943

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The notion of home has been upheld as the ideal of perfected femininity right from the time of the ancient Greeks. The place or habitation [Greek oikos] of women in society was intricately intertwined with nature/birth [Latin natura, from natus, birth] and the domestic - domos [Greek for house or household] (Stratford 2019: 2f). In Wilhelmine Germany (1888-1918) too, the time in which ‘Das Haus’ is historically placed, domesticity was celebrated primarily as a feminine ideal,' although this was also the period when the modern feminist movement took off in Germany. The midnineteenth-century German attitude towards women gets deeply reflected in the work of the German social historian and theorist Wilhelm Riehl (1823-97) where he professes that ‘a woman has no importance as an individual, but only as a wife and mother; the family is the overriding consideration. He condemns careers for women, believes in a minimum of education - and that minimum to be rendered in the home on domestic matters with a smattering of “culture”™ (Hallmark 2014: 15). One can hence hardly disagree with Luce Irigaray when she writes in An Ethics of Sexual Difference that the ideal of home is a male construct for which woman serves as the ‘construction material’ which is ironically ‘not available to her’ (2005: 107). Woman is man’s ‘linguistic home’ (Irigaray 2005: 107) - in whose ‘flesh’ he envelopes *himself and his things’ (2005: 11). Male subjectivity depends on...

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Arts and Humanities > Literature and Literary Theory
Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
JGU School/Centre: Jindal School of Languages & Literature
Depositing User: Dharmveer Modi
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2025 10:47
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2025 10:07
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