The Planning moment : Colonial and postcolonial histories

Blacker, Sarah, Brownell, Emily, Nag, Anindita, Schlünder, Martina, Beurden, Sarah Van and Verran, Helen (2024) The Planning moment : Colonial and postcolonial histories. Fordham University Press. ISBN 9781531506636

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Empires and their aftermaths were massive planning institutions; in the past two hundred years, the natural and social sciences emerged—at least in part—as modes of knowledge production for imperial planning. Yet these connections are frequently under-emphasized in the history of science and its corollary fields.

The Planning Moment explores the myriad ways plans and planning practices pervade recent global history. The book is built around twenty-seven brief case studies that explore the centrality of planning in colonial and postcolonial environments, relationships, and contexts, through a range of disciplines: the history of science, science and technology studies, colonial and postcolonial studies, urban studies, and the history of knowledge.

If colonialism made certain landscapes, populations, and institutions legible while obscuring others, The Planning Moment reveals the frequently disruptive and violent processes of erasure in imperial planning by examining how “common sense” was produced and how the intransigence of planning persists long after decolonization. In recognizing the resistance and subversion that often met colonial plans, the book makes visible a range of strategies and techniques by which planning was modified and reappropriated, and by which decolonial futures might be imagined.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Arts and Humanities > History
Social Sciences and humanities > Arts and Humanities > History and Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
JGU School/Centre: Jindal School of Art and Architecture
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2024 05:41
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 05:41
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