Living among waste: Bachaikaris of Bhalswa

Derhgawen, Shubhangi, Thomas, Ashika, Mohan, Deepanshu and Mistry, Jignesh (2024) Living among waste: Bachaikaris of Bhalswa. In: Pan-India stories of informal Workers During Covid-19 pandemic : Crisis narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 89-105. ISBN 978-981-97-1525-1

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This chapter is a feminist ethnographic inquiry into an often-overlooked community of waste pickers, dwelling on the fringes of urban existence within the Bhalswa region of Delhi, India. Also known as Bachaikaris, these resilient individuals migrated from West Bengal and are instrumental in managing the legacy waste amassed at the landfill. This study endeavours to amplify the voices of waste pickers and expose the gendered dimensions of their struggles for recognition and dignity. Discrimination and marginalisation endure as these labourers bear the burden of societal perceptions that assign them to the lowest rungs of the caste hierarchy. At the heart of this investigation lies the intricate interplay of caste dynamics, gender inequities, and the involvement of children in this sector. In the Bhalswa vicinity, waste pickers additionally confront an array of challenges relating to labour conditions, citizenship, and the profound consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the underlying theme is to foster a more equitable and inclusive approach to waste management.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: Feminist ethnographic | Bachaikaris | Bhalswa-Delhi
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Sociology
JGU School/Centre: Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities
Depositing User: Subhajit Bhattacharjee
Date Deposited: 11 May 2024 17:36
Last Modified: 11 May 2024 17:36
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