Navigating through shocks: Mīṉavar of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry

Chindaliya, Sakshi, Thomas, Ashika, Mohan, Deepanshu and Mistry, Jignesh (2024) Navigating through shocks: Mīṉavar of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. In: Pan-India stories of informal Workers During Covid-19 pandemic : Crisis narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 31-65. ISBN 978-981-97-1525-1

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This study is a culmination of an ethnographic research that was conducted on fisherfolk in parts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during the two-month annual ban-period (April–June). It captures the nuances of lives and livelihoods of this community as they juggle a hectic work schedule with constant and recurring shocks. Exploring the intricacies of socio-economic and cultural portfolios on fishers in this region has helped in documenting the issues and challenges that confront them. This has also aided in dismantling some preconceived notions about the community and bringing forward fishers’ diverse personal narratives. Money management, gender polarities and youth participation and its effects on the continuity of trade is analyzed. Additionally, the paper delves into assessing the dynamics of the changing climate conditions and rampant marine pollution on fishers and the trade at large. Finally, the research juxtaposes the 2004 Tsunami with the 2020 Covid Pandemic to assess temporal vulnerabilities and discusses the requirement for ex-post and preventive policy measures to deal with shocks.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: Ethnographic research | Tamil Nadu | Puducherry
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Sociology
JGU School/Centre: Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities
Depositing User: Subhajit Bhattacharjee
Date Deposited: 11 May 2024 17:20
Last Modified: 11 May 2024 17:20
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