Understanding behavioural intention to use telemedicine in healthcare: Insights from medical practitioners

Kabra, Gaurav and Sangroya, Deepak (2023) Understanding behavioural intention to use telemedicine in healthcare: Insights from medical practitioners. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2909 (1). ISSN 1551-7616 | 0094-243X

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Research into the telemedicine adoption in the healthcare sector has largely focused on the perspective of patients, leaving the behaviour of doctors in the sector largely unexplored. Therefore, this study seeks to explore adoption behavior of doctors towards telemedicine. The “Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology” model combined with personal innovativeness to form the basis of the study. Data from 122 doctors who are currently using telemedicine is used to validate the model. The findings suggest that effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, social influence and personal innovativeness all affect the behavioural intention to adopt telemedicine. Implications for the healthcare sector are discussed. To improve telemedicine adoption by doctors, healthcare organizations should focus on providing comprehensive training and support to ensure that doctors are comfortable and confident in using the technology. Additionally, healthcare organizations should strive to make the technology as user-friendly as possible, with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-follow instructions. Furthermore, healthcare organizations should provide incentives for doctors to use telemedicine, such as reduced paperwork. Finally, healthcare organizations should ensure that telemedicine is integrated into existing workflows and processes, so that it is easy for doctors to incorporate into their daily practice

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Telemedicine | UTAUT | Healthcare | Technology.
Subjects: Physical, Life and Health Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
JGU School/Centre: Jindal Global Business School
Depositing User: Subhajit Bhattacharjee
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2023 06:07
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2023 06:07
Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0181991
URI: https://pure.jgu.edu.in/id/eprint/6988


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