Demokracia a extrémne prejavy – Dilemy dôvery v štát [Democracy and Extreme Speech – Dilemmas of Trusting the State]

Steuer, Max (2021) Demokracia a extrémne prejavy – Dilemy dôvery v štát [Democracy and Extreme Speech – Dilemmas of Trusting the State]. Ratio Publica, 2. pp. 35-54. ISSN 2787-9550

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[EN] This essay starts with the observation that the belief in freedom of speech paving the way towards democratic consolidation, so central for the struggle against state socialism, is on retreat in Czechia and Slovakia, two Central European democracies balancing on the brink of deconsolidation. Two recent important contributions to the debate on the scope and limits of freedom of speech by Viera Pejchal (Routledge 2020) and Marek Káčer and Peter Šajmovič (Leges 2021) aptly demonstrate this trend. Building on a critical engagement with their claims, the essay argues that the affinity towards some degree of criminal legal regulation is appealing only in so far as it is combined with the existing deficits of democracy. A general support towards content-based restrictions on speech is based on an overly restrictive conception of democracy. At the same time, the debate points our attention to the significance of a broader set of tools in responding to extreme speech.---------------------------------[SK] Táto esej sa začína pozorovaním, že dôvera v slobodu prejavu ako míľnika na ceste k demokratickej konsolidácii a odmietnutiu štátneho socializmu je na ústupe v Českej a Slovenskej republike, dvoch stredoeurópskych demokraciách, ktoré čelia všadeprítomnej dekonsolidácii. Dva významné príspevky do diskusie o rámcoch a limitoch slobody prejavu od Viery Pejchal a Mareka Káčera a Petra Šajmoviča poukazujú na tento trend. Diskutujúc o vybraných myšlienkach z bohatej zbierky argumentujem, že príklon k istej miere trestnoprávnej regulácie je presvedčivý, iba ak je postavený na uznaní deficitov demokracie. Všeobecná podpora obsahovo zameraných obmedzení slobody prejavu pracuje s príliš zužujúcou koncepciou demokracie. Táto diskusia zároveň poukazuje na význam širšieho spektra nástrojov pri reakcii na extrémne prejavy.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Freedom Of Speech | Extreme Speech | Democracy And Its Protection | Slovak Republic | Czech Republic | Content- And Context-Based Criminal Legal Regulation | Ideal And Non-Ideal Theory
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
JGU School/Centre: Jindal Global Law School
Depositing User: Users 4 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2023 10:35
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2024 13:58


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