The influence of incorporating modern technologies into the legal curriculum as effective teaching approach in higher education

Bhushan, Tripti (2022) The influence of incorporating modern technologies into the legal curriculum as effective teaching approach in higher education. Indonesian Journal of International Law, 20 (1): 2. ISSN 2356-5527

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Higher education has seen a tremendous increase in the use of technology in teaching and learning. In this setting, technology would play a significant role in the law school curriculum, both inside and outside of the classroom. This would allow students to go beyond the four walls of the classroom and experience the world of law in a variety of ways. Integrating technology into the classroom provides law schools with a very potent weapon. As a result, the current study focuses on the use of technology in the teaching and learning process, which will substantially aid in meeting the learning demands of law students. The paper will commence with an overview of the framework of international law and international courts and the challenges relating to the regulation of new technology. By examining successful technology, this study will uncover the gaps between the use of technology in practise and in classrooms and also in understanding international law . integration into a legal curriculum, then educational goals for pupils As a result, the goal of this article is to offer a curriculum that focuses on where the law office will be instead of where it has traditionally been. Finally, as will be stated throughout the paper, this study intends to demonstrate the benefits of
incorporating technology into the international law curriculum as an effective teaching approach. The study focuses on the roles of International Law in responding to the technological advances, particularly examining the International Law as a regulator on emerging technology. As we know that Advances in technology pose new challenges for international governance. In an increasingly inter-connected world, new technology raises legal issues relating to its use, distribution, and control.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Modern Technology | India | Higher Education | Teaching and Learning | International Law |
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Law and Legal Studies
JGU School/Centre: Jindal Global Law School
Depositing User: Amees Mohammad
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2023 10:36
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2023 10:36
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