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- JGU Schools (238)
- Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (5)
Jain, Ritika and Chatterjee, Tirtha
Information and communication technology and female employment in India.
Information Economics and Policy, 69: 101116.
ISSN 0167-6245
Jha, Debajit, Sahu, Jagadish Prasad and Singh, Parinita
A Political Economy Analysis of Recent Growth Slowdown in West Bengal.
Economic and Political Weekly, 59 (49).
ISSN 2349-8846
Menon, Rahul (2024) Income distribution and the elasticity of substitution in the works of Joan Robinson. Review of Political Economy. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0953-8259 (In Press)
Ojha, Manini and Babbar, Karan
Power to choose? Examining the link between contraceptive use decision and domestic violence.
Economics & Human Biology, 55.
ISSN 1570-677X
(In Press)
Roy, Subaran and Sen, Chitrakalpa
Role of debt in emerging economies: A re-examination of the debt-growth nexus.
Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 17 (2).
pp. 227-248.
ISSN 1752-0843