How Taiwanese cuisine reflects a distinct identity

Sethi, Taneesha Kaur (2023) How Taiwanese cuisine reflects a distinct identity. CoomonWealth Magazine.

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In the following essay, I will start by exploring the ideas of food sociology, a concept which is related to my research question, and which also tells us why the issue becomes important in the first place. Then, I seek to answer the research question further, and in the conclusion, study how Taiwan’ s cuisine has over time become a tool of diplomacy and national assertiveness.

Item Type: Article in News Papers and Magazine
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
JGU School/Centre: Jindal School of International Affairs
Depositing User: Amees Mohammad
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2023 07:35
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2023 07:35
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