Enforcement of emergency arbitrator decisions: Dream or reality? The French perspective

Chevalier, Maxime (2021) Enforcement of emergency arbitrator decisions: Dream or reality? The French perspective. Journal of International Arbitration, 38 (6). pp. 835-856. ISSN 2212182X

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Emergency arbitration is a recent and significant development in the field of international arbitration. The enforcement of emergency arbitrator decisions is necessary to ensure the full efficiency of the mechanism. This subject is of great interest because the recourse by arbitration users to emergency arbitration for the issuance of interim measures is usually impacted by enforcement concerns. Thus, it is necessary to provide potential emergency arbitration users with an answer with regard to the possible enforcement of emergency arbitration awarded interim measures. This article aims to show that, contrary to popular belief, the enforcement of emergency arbitrator interim measures would be feasible in France. We will demonstrate that the emergency arbitrator should enjoy a similar status as an arbitral tribunal. Even if there exist no mechanisms for the enforcement of arbitral orders in France, interim measures could be enforced as arbitral awards. Indeed, emergency arbitrator decisions might be considered as being final and, thus, qualify as an award subject to exequatur procedure. Moreover, we will suggest providing emergency arbitration users with an alternative enforcement mechanism which consists of indirectly enforcing the emergency arbitrator decision on the grounds of breach of contract through référé emergency proceedings.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Emergency arbitration | Emergency arbitrator | Emergency award | Enforcement | France | Interim measures | Order | Otor v. Carlyl | Référé | SNPC v. Total Fina
Subjects: Social Sciences and humanities > Social Sciences > Law and Legal Studies
JGU School/Centre: Jindal Global Law School
Depositing User: Admin Library
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2021 05:31
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2022 07:50
Official URL: https://kluwerlawonline.com/journalarticle/Journal...
URI: https://pure.jgu.edu.in/id/eprint/5


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